
Name TypeInfo
Usage AcademicCalendarService CourseOfferingService GradingService TypeService OrganizationService SearchService StatementService CluService
getAcademicCalendarType getAcademicCalendarTypes getHolidayCalendarType getHolidayCalendarTypes getTermType getTermTypes getTermTypesForAcademicCalendarType getTermTypesForTermType getKeyDateType getKeyDateTypes getKeyDateTypesForTermType getAcalEventType getAcalEventTypes getAcalEventTypesForAcademicCalendarType getHolidayType getHolidayTypes getHolidayTypesForHolidayCalendarType getCourseOfferingType getCourseOfferingTypes getInstructorTypesForCourseOfferingType getActivityOfferingType getActivityOfferingTypes getActivityOfferingTypesForActivityType getInstructorTypesForActivityOfferingType getGradeRosterType getType getTypesByKeys getTypesByRefObjectUri getTypesForGroupType getAllowedTypesForType validateType createType updateType getOrgTypes getOrgOrgRelationTypes getOrgOrgRelationTypesForOrgType getOrgOrgRelationTypeForOrgType getOrgOrgRelationTypesForOrgHierarchy getOrgPersonRelationTypes getOrgPersonRelationTypesForOrgType getSearchTypes getSearchType getSearchTypesByResult getSearchTypesByCriteria getSearchResultTypes getSearchCriteriaTypes getRefObjectTypes getRefObjectSubTypes getNaturalLanguageUsageByType getStatementTypes getStatementTypesForStatementType getStatementTypesForRefStatementRelationType getRefStatementRelationTypesForRefObjectSubType getReqCompFieldTypesForReqComponentType getReqComponentType getReqComponentTypes getReqComponentTypesForStatementType getDeliveryMethodTypes getDeliveryMethodType getInstructionalFormatTypes getInstructionalFormatType getLuTypes getLuType getLuCodeTypes getLuCodeType getCluCluRelationTypes getLuLuRelationType getLuPublicationTypes getLuPublicationType getCluResultTypes getCluResultType getCluResultTypesForLuType getResultUsageTypes getResultUsageType getCluLoRelationTypes getCluLoRelationType getCluSetTypes getCluSetType
Type Complex


Detailed Information about a Type

Types are used in Kuali Student to further refine the entity in
question. For example: An organization type may be a "Department"
or a "College" or a "Student Group" or a "Thesis Committee".

Most of validation of the the fields on the entity should be based
on a combination of type and state.

Structure Definition

ShortName Name Type Description Required? Read only? Cardinality XML Attribute? Implementation Notes
key Key String Unique key to this object. Unlike an Id this key can be
explicitly set by the application and is intended to be
"somewhat" readable by a human.

A Key:

  • A Key is used when the actual value is important

  • A Key value might be kuali.org.School

  • A Key on occasion may be used or seen by an end

  • Keys are assumed to have the same values in different KS

  • Key values are defined in configuration

  • Key values have significance in that they are referenced
    in Configuration

  • Key values are expected to be occasionally used in
    application code

Once an object is created with the specified key it cannot be
changed. Instead the object must be deleted or in-activated and
a new object created with the right key.
Required on updates Read only on updates One Yes  
name Name String Friendly name of the Type. Required   One No  
descr Description RichTextInfo Narrative description of the type.     One No  
effectiveDate Effective Date Date Date/time this object became effective. Must be less than or
equal to the expirationDate specified.
    One No  
expirationDate Expiration Date Date Date/time this relationship is no longer effective. Must be
greater than or equal to the effectiveDate specified.
    One No  
refObjectUri Reference Object Uri String The reference to the Object URI to which the Type belongs.
E.g http://student.kuali.org/luService/wsdl/CluInfo will be the
//objectTypeURI for type 'kuali.lu.type.CreditCourse'
The refObjectURI has three parts:

  1. http://student.kuali.org/wsdl -- which is fixed
  2. luService -- which should match the namespace of the service in which the object is defined
  3. CluInfo -- which should match the java class's simple name
    One No  
serviceUri Service Uri String Getters and Setters for ServiceUri     One No  
meta Meta MetaInfo Create and last update info for the structure. This is optional
and treated as read only since the data is set by the internals
of the service during maintenance operations.

Contains audit trail information about the creation and last
update of this object Also contains the version ind used for
optimistic locking.

Attempts to set or update should result in a ReadOnlyException
being thrown.
Required on updates Read only One No  
attributes Dynamic Attributes AttributeInfoList List of dynamic attributes, each holding a key-value pair that
can be configured to hold additional information for an
implementing institution.

Note: the key may be repeated more than once to simulate a list
of values.
    Many No