
Name AcademicCalendar
Version 1.0 (Dev)
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.student.enrollment.acal.service

This service manages Academic Calendars. There are three kinds of calendars
in this service.

1. HolidayCalendar: a HolidayCalendar relates to a Campus and is intended to
define all the Holiday dates and other non-instructional days on a designated

2. AcademicCalendar: an AcademicCalendar is a calendar of Terms. The Academic
Calendar may have one or more HolidayCalendars. This distinction is to allow
multiple AcademicCalendars to exist on a Campus without having to manage
multiple sets of Holidays. An AcademicCalendar may be referenced from a

An AcademicCalendar may have its own milestones called AcalEvents.

3. Term: A Term has KeyDates and may have Terms nested within.

For example, an AcademicCalendar for the undergraduate program in a given
year may have a HolidayCalendar for the holidays of that year, Fall, Spring,
and Summer Terms, the Fall and Spring mini-mesters, all with their own
managed dates.

Not all of the relations among the entities are maintained within the
entities. To maximize flexibility and to easily reference calendars and terms
externally, these mappings are often implied by the service operations.

Each of the calendaring entities have their own milestone structures.

1. Holiday: A milestone used with HolidayCalendars (e.g. Labor Day). 2.
AcalEvent: A milestone used with AcademicCalendars (e.g. Commencement). 3.
KeyDate: A milestone used with Terms (e.g. Registration Period).

Main Message Structures

Method getAcademicCalendarType
Description Retrieves an AcademicCalendar Type by Type key.
Parameters String academicCalendarTypeKey the key of an AcademicCalendar Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfo the type requested
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarTypeKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcademicCalendarTypes
Description Gets the valid AcademicCalendar types.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid AcademicCalendar Types
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not value
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcademicCalendarState
Description Gets an AcademicCalendar State by key.
Parameters String academicCalendarStateKey a key for an AcademicCalendar State
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller
of service operation
Return StateInfo the AcademicCalendar State requested
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarStateKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is invalid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarStateKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAcademicCalendarStates
Description Gets the valid AcademicCalendar States.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfoList a list of valid AcademicCalendar States
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAcademicCalendar
Description Retrieves a single AcademicCalendar by an AcademicCalendar Id.
Parameters String academicCalendarId the identifier for the AcademicCalendar to be
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return AcademicCalendarInfo the AcademicCalendar requested
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarIs is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo isnot valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAcademicCalendarsByIds
Description Retrieves a list AcademicCalendars from a list of AcademicCalendar Ids.
The returned list may be in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied,
a unique set may or may not be returned.
Parameters StringList academicCalendarIds list of AcademicCalendar Ids
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return AcademicCalendarInfoList a list of AcademicCalendars
Errors DoesNotExistException an academicCalendarId in list was not
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarIds, an Id in
academicCalendarIds, or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAcademicCalendarIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of AcademicCalendar Ids by Type.
Parameters String academicCalendarTypeKey an identifier for an AcademicCalendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList a list of AcademicCalendars matching academicCalendarTypeKey or
an empty list if none found
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarTypeKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAcademicCalendarsByStartYear
Description Retrieves a list of AcademicCalendars that start in the given year.
Parameters Integer year calendar year during which the academic calendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcademicCalendarInfoList a list of AcademicCalendars starting in the given year
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo i snot valid
MissingParameterException year or context is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAcademicCalendarsForTerm
Description Gets the list of academic calendars that use this term.
Parameters String termId term identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcademicCalendarInfoList a list of AcademicCalendars using this term
Errors DoesNotExistException termId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termId or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method searchForAcademicCalendarIds
Description Searches for AcademicCalendars that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of AcademicCalendar identifiers matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method searchForAcademicCalendars
Description Searches for AcademicCalendars that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcademicCalendarInfoList a list of AcademicCalendars matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method validateAcademicCalendar
Description Validates an AcademicCalendar. Depending on the value of validationType,
this validation could be limited to tests on just the current
AcademicCalendar and its directly contained subobjects or expanded to
perform all tests related to this AcademicCalendar. If an identifier is
present for the AcademicCalendar (and/or one of its contained
sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation
checks if the AcademicCalendar can be updated to the new values. If an
identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation
checks if the AcademicCalendar with the given data can be created.
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier for the validation Type
String academicCalendarTypeKey the identifier for the AcademicCalendar
Type to be validated
AcademicCalendarInfo academicCalendarInfo the AcademicCalendar to be validated
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList a list of validation results or an empty list if validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey or academicCalendarTypeKey
is not found
InvalidParameterException academicCalendarInfo or contextInfo is
not valid
MissingParameterException validationTypeKey, academicCalendarTypeKey,
academicCalendarInfo, or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method createAcademicCalendar
Description Creates a new AcademicCalendar. The AcademicCalendar Id, Type, and Meta
information may not be set in the supplied data object.
Parameters String academicCalendarTypeKey the identifier for the Type of
AcademicCalendar to be created
AcademicCalendarInfo academicCalendarInfo the data with which to create the
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return AcademicCalendarInfo the new AcademicCalendar
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException academicCalendarTypeKey does not
exist or is not supported
InvalidParameterException academicCalendarInfo or contextInfo
is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarTypeKey, academicCalendarInfo,
or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read only

Back to Operations

Method updateAcademicCalendar
Description Updates an existing AcademicCalendar. The AcademicCalendar Id, Type, and
Meta information may not be changed.
Parameters String academicCalendarId the identifier for the AcademicCalendar to be
AcademicCalendarInfo academicCalendarInfo the new data for the AcademicCalendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return AcademicCalendarInfo the updated AcademicCalendar
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException AcademicCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException academicCalendarInfo or
contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId,
academicCalendarInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at changing information
deisgnated as read only
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure
or the action was attempted on an out of date version

Back to Operations

Method deleteAcademicCalendar
Description Deletes an existing AcademicCalendar.
Parameters String academicCalendarId the identifier for the AcademicCalendar to be
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors DoesNotExistException AcademicCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method copyAcademicCalendar
Description Copy an AcademicCalendar. The associated Terms and key dates are also
copied and related to this new calendar. This copy operation allows for a
AcademicCalendar to be created from an existing AcademicCalendar in which
the dates of the Terms and Key Dates will be updated.

This method may perform date transformations on the Terms and key dates
to make them applicable under the new academic calendar.

Parameters String academicCalendarId the identifier for the Academic Calendar to be
Date startDate the start of the new calendar
Date endDate the end of the new calendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return AcademicCalendarInfo new AcademicCalendarInfo created from the copy
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId, startYear, endYear,
or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcademicCalendarData
Description Generates calendaring data for the Terms and key dates in an Academic
Calendar. The format of the data is specified by the
calendarDataFormatType. An example of such a type is VCALENDAR.

NOTE: this might be better placed in the Calendar (interface) Service.

Parameters String academicCalendarId the key of the AcademicCalendar to be
String calendarDataFormatTypeKey the type of format
ContextInfo contextInfo ???
Return String calendar data
Errors DoesNotExistException the AcademicCalendar or format type
does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method getHolidayCalendarType
Description Rerieves a HolidayCalendar Type by Type key.
Parameters String holidayCalendarTypeKey the key of a HolidayCalendar Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfo the type requested
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayCalendarTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarTypeKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getHolidayCalendarTypes
Description Gets the valid HolidayCalendar types.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid HolidayCalendar Types
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not value
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getHolidayCalendarState
Description Gets a HolidayCalendar State by key.
Parameters String holidayCalendarStateKey a key for a HolidayCalendar State
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StateInfo the HolidayCalendar State requested
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayCalendarStateKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is invalid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarStateKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getHolidayCalendarStates
Description Gets the valid HolidayCalendar States.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfoList a list of valid HolidayCalendar States
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getHolidayCalendar
Description Retrieves a single HolidayCalendar by a HolidayCalendar Id.
Parameters String holidayCalendarId the identifier for the HolidayCalendar to be
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return HolidayCalendarInfo the HolidayCalendar requested
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayCalendarIs is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getHolidayCalendarsByIds
Description Retrieves a list HolidayCalendars from a list of HolidayCalendar Ids. The
returned list may be in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied, a
unique set may or may not be returned.
Parameters StringList holidayCalendarIds list of HolidayCalendar Ids
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return HolidayCalendarInfoList a list of HolidayCalendars
Errors DoesNotExistException a holidayCalendarId in list was not
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarIds, an Id in
holidayCalendarIds, or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidayCalendarIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of HolidayCalendar Ids by Type.
Parameters String holidayCalendarTypeKey an identifier for an HolidayCalendar Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList a list of HolidayCalendars matching holidayCalendarTypeKey or an
empty list if none found
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarTypeKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getHolidayCalendarsByStartYear
Description Retrieves a list of HolidayCalendars that start in the given year.
Parameters Integer year calendar year during which the holiday calendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayCalendarInfoList a list of HolidayCalendars starting in the given year
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo i snot valid
MissingParameterException year or context is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method searchForHolidayCalendarIds
Description Searches for HolidayCalendars that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of HolidayCalendar identifiers matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method searchForHolidayCalendars
Description Searches for HolidayCalendars that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayCalendarInfoList a list of HolidayCalendars matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method validateHolidayCalendar
Description Validates a HolidayCalendar. Depending on the value of validationType,
this validation could be limited to tests on just the current
HolidayCalendar and its directly contained subobjects or expanded to
perform all tests related to this HolidayCalendar. If an identifier is
present for the HolidayCalendar (and/or one of its contained sub-objects)
and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the
HolidayCalendar can be updated to the new values. If an identifier is not
present or a record does not exist, the validation checks if the
HolidayCalendar with the given data can be created.
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier for the validation Type
String holidayCalendarTypeKey the identifier for the HolidayCalendar Type
to be validated
HolidayCalendarInfo holidayCalendarInfo the HolidayCalendar to be validated
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList a list of validation results or an empty list if validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey or holidayCalendarTypeKey
is not found
InvalidParameterException holidayCalendarInfo or contextInfo is
not valid
MissingParameterException validationTypeKey, holidayCalendarTypeKey,
holidayCalendarInfo, or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method createHolidayCalendar
Description Creates a new HolidayCalendar. The HolidayCalendar Id, Type, and Meta
information may not be set in the supplied data object.
Parameters String holidayCalendarTypeKey the identifier for the Type of
HolidayCalendar to be created
HolidayCalendarInfo holidayCalendarInfo the data with which to create the
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return HolidayCalendarInfo the new HolidayCalendar
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException holidayCalendarTypeKey does not
exist or is not supported
InvalidParameterException holidayCalendarInfo or contextInfo
is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarTypeKey, holidayCalendarInfo,
or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read only

Back to Operations

Method copyHolidayCalendar
Description Copy an HolidayCalendar. This copy
operation allows for a HolidayCalendar to be created from an
existing HolidayCalendar .
Parameters String holidayCalendarId the identifier for the Holiday
Calendar to be copied
Date startDate the start of the new calendar
Date endDate the end of the new calendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayCalendarInfo new HolidayCalendarInfo created from the copy
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId, startYear,
endYear, or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method updateHolidayCalendar
Description Updates an existing Holiday Calendar. The HolidayCalendar Id,
Type, and Meta information may not be changed.
Parameters String holidayCalendarId the identifier for the
HolidayCalendar to be updated
HolidayCalendarInfo holidayCalendarInfo the new data for the HolidayCalendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return HolidayCalendarInfo the updated HolidayCalendar
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException HolidayCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException holidayCalendarInfo or contextInfo
is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarId, holidayCalendarInfo,
or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at changing information
designated as read only
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure or the
action was attempted on an out of
date version

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Method deleteHolidayCalendar
Description Deletes an existing HolidayCalendar.
Parameters String holidayCalendarId the identifier for the HolidayCalendar to be
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors DoesNotExistException HolidayCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getTermType
Description Retrieves a Term Type by Type key.
Parameters String termTypeKey the key of a Term Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfo the type requested
Errors DoesNotExistException termTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termTypeKey or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getTermTypes
Description Gets the valid Term types.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid Term Types
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not value
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTermTypesForAcademicCalendarType
Description This method returns the valid Term types for an AcademicCalendar Type.
Only Terms of allowed Types can be mapped to an AcademicCalendar.
Parameters String academicCalendarTypeKey an identifier for an AcademicCalendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid Term Types for the AcademicCalendar Type
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarTypeKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTermTypesForTermType
Description This method returns the valid Term types for a Term Type. Only Terms of
allowed Types can be included inside another Term.
Parameters String termTypeKey a identifier for a Term Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid Term Types
Errors DoesNotExistException termTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termTypeKey or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTermState
Description Gets a Term State by key.
Parameters String termStateKey a key for a Term State
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfo the Term State requested
Errors DoesNotExistException termStateKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is invalid
MissingParameterException termStateKey or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTermStates
Description Gets the valid Term States.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfoList a list of valid Term States
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method getTerm
Description Retrieves a single Term by a Term Id.
Parameters String termId the identifier for the Term to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfo the Term requested
Errors DoesNotExistException termIs is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo isnot valid
MissingParameterException termId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTermsByIds
Description Retrieves a list Terms from a list of Term Ids. The returned list may be
in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied, a unique set may or may
not be returned.
Parameters StringList termIds list of Term Ids
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfoList a list of Terms
Errors DoesNotExistException a termId in list was not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termIds, an Id in termIds, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTermIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of Term Ids by Type.
Parameters String termTypeKey an identifier for a Term Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of Terms matching termTypeKey or an empty list if none
Errors DoesNotExistException a termTypeKey in list was not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termTypeKey or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTermsByCode
Description Gets a list of Terms by Code. Typically, a Term Code is unique.
Parameters String code a Term Code
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfoList a list of Terms with the given Term Code
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException code or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTermsForAcademicCalendar
Description Retrieves a list of the top level Terms mapped to the given
AcademicCalendar ordered by Term start date.
Parameters String academicCalendarId an identifier for an AcademicCalendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return TermInfoList a list of Terms mapped to the given AcademicCalendar
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getIncludedTermsInTerm
Description Retrieves a list Terms included immediately inside the given Term ordered
by Term start date. This method should be called recursively to get
sub-terms of the returned Terms.
Parameters String termId an identifier for a Term
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfoList a list of Terms or an empty list if there are no included Terms
Errors DoesNotExistException termId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getContainingTerms
Description Gets the containing terms of a given term. A term may be "included"
inside other terms using addTermToTerm(). This method returns the list of
Terms that the given Term has been placed inside. Typically, a term is
placed inside a single parent term.
Parameters String termId an identifier for a Term
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfoList the parent terms or an empty list if it is a root
Errors DoesNotExistException termId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForTermIds
Description Searches for Terms that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of Term identifiers matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method searchForTerms
Description Searches for Terms that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfoList a list of Terms matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method validateTerm
Description Validates a Term. Depending on the value of validationType, this
validation could be limited to tests on just the current Term and its
directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests related to
this Term. If an identifier is present for the Term (and/or one of its
contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the
validation checks if the Term can be updated to the new values. If an
identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation
checks if the Term with the given data can be created.
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier for the validation Type
String termTypeKey the identifier for the Term Type to be
TermInfo termInfo the Term to be validated
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return ValidationResultInfoList a list of validation results or an empty list if validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey or termTypeKey is not
InvalidParameterException termInfo or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException validationTypeKey, termTypeKey,
termInfo, or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method createTerm
Description Creates a new Term. The Term Type and Meta information may not be set in
the supplied data object.
Parameters String termTypeKey the identifier for the Type of Term to be created
TermInfo termInfo the data with which to create the Term
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfo the new Term
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException termTypeKey does not exist or is not
InvalidParameterException termInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException termTypeKey, termInfo, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read only

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Method updateTerm
Description Updates an existing Term. The Term Id, Type, and Meta information may not
be changed.
Parameters String termId the identifier for the Term to be updated
TermInfo termInfo the new data for the Term
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfo the updated Term
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException TermId is not found
InvalidParameterException termInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException termId, termInfo, or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at changing information
deisgnated as read only
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure or the
action was attempted on an out of
date version

Back to Operations

Method deleteTerm
Description Deletes an existing Term.
Parameters String termId the identifier for the Term to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors DoesNotExistException TermId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method addTermToAcademicCalendar
Description Adds a Term to an AcademicCalendar.
Parameters String academicCalendarId an identifier for an AcademicCalendar
String termId the Id of Term to be added
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors AlreadyExistsException The Term is already mapped to the
DoesNotExistException academicCalendarId or termId is not
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId, termId, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method removeTermFromAcademicCalendar
Description Removes a Term from an AcademicCalendar.
Parameters String academicCalendarId an identifier for an AcademicCalendar
String termId the Id of Term to be unmapped
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors DoesNotExistException termId or academicCalendarId is not
found or termId is not mapped to
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId, termId, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method addTermToTerm
Description Adds a Term as an included term within another Term.
Parameters String termId an identifier for a Term
String includedTermId the identifier for the Term to be included
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors AlreadyExistsException includedTermId is already mapped to
DoesNotExistException temId or includedTermId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException temId, includedTermId, or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method removeTermFromTerm
Description Removes an included Term from a Term.
Parameters String termId an identifier for a Term
String includedTermId the identifier for the Term to be removed
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors DoesNotExistException termId or includedTermId is not found
or includedTermId is not mapped to
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termId, includedTermId, or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDateType
Description Rerieves a KeyDate Type by Type key.
Parameters String keyDateTypeKey the key of a keyDate Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfo the type requested
Errors DoesNotExistException keyDateTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException keyDateTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDateTypes
Description Gets the valid KeyDate types.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid KeyDate Types
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not value
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDateTypesForTermType
Description This method returns the valid KeyDate Types for the given Term Type.
Parameters String termTypeKey identifier for a Term Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid KeyDate Types
Errors DoesNotExistException termTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termTypeKey or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDateState
Description Gets a KeyDate State by key.
Parameters String keyDateStateKey a key for a keyDate State
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfo the KeyDate State requested
Errors DoesNotExistException keyDateStateKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is invalid
MissingParameterException keyDateStateKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDateStates
Description Gets the valid KeyDate States.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfoList a list of valid KeyDate States
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDate
Description Retrieves a single KeyDate by a KeyDate Id.
Parameters String keyDateId the identifier for the KeyDate to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfo the KeyDate requested
Errors DoesNotExistException keyDateIs is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException keyDateId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDatesByIds
Description Retrieves a list KeyDates from a list of KeyDate Ids. The returned list
may be in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied, a unique set may
or may not be returned.
Parameters StringList keyDateIds list of KeyDate Ids
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfoList a list of KeyDates
Errors DoesNotExistException a keyDateId in list was not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException keyDateIds, an Id in keyDateIds, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDateIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of KeyDate Ids by Type.
Parameters String keyDateTypeKey an identifier for a KeyDate Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of KeyDates matching keyDateTypeKey or an empty list if
none found
Errors DoesNotExistException a keyDateTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException keyDateTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDateIdsByTypeForTerm
Description Retrieves a list of KeyDate Ids by Type and for a specific Term
Parameters String keyDateTypeKey an identifier for a KeyDate Type
String termId an identifier for a term
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of KeyDates matching keyDateTypeKey and for termId or an empty list if none found
Errors DoesNotExistException a keyDateTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException keyDateTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDatesForTerm
Description Retrieves a list of KeyDates immediately mapped to a Term ordered by
Parameters String termId an identifier for a term
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfoList a list of KeyDates mapped to the given Term
Errors DoesNotExistException termId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method getKeyDatesForTermByDate
Description Retrieves a list of KeyDates immediately mapped to a Term that fall
within the given date range inclusive ordered by date. The dates include
only those dates immediate mapped to the Term.
Parameters String termId an identifier for a Term
Date startDate the start of date range
Date endDate the end of date range
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfoList a list of KeyDates for the given Term in the given dates
Errors DoesNotExistException termId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termId, startDate, endDate, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method getImpactedKeyDates
Description Gets a list of KeyDates impacted by a change to a given KeyDate. Rules
may exist to calculate key dates based on a KeyDate Type. Management of
these calculation rules are not at this time exposed in this service.
Parameters String keyDateId an identifier for a KeyDate
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfoList a list of KeyDates impacted by the given KeyDate
Errors DoesNotExistException keyDateId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException keyDateId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method searchForKeyDateIds
Description Searches for KeyDates that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of KeyDate identifiers matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method searchForKeyDates
Description Searches for KeyDates that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfoList a list of KeyDates matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method validateKeyDate
Description Validates a KeyDate. Depending on the value of validationType, this
validation could be limited to tests on just the current KeyDate and its
directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests related to
this KeyDate. If an identifier is present for the KeyDate (and/or one of
its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the
validation checks if the KeyDate can be updated to the new values. If an
identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation
checks if the KeyDate with the given data can be created.
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier for the validation Type
String termId the identifier for the Term
String keyDateTypeKey the identifier for the KeyDate Type to be
KeyDateInfo keyDateInfo the KeyDate to be validated
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return ValidationResultInfoList a list of validation results or an empty list if validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey, termId, or
keyDateTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException keyDateInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException validationTypeKey, termId, keyDateTypeKey,
keyDateInfo, or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method createKeyDate
Description Creates a new KeyDate. The KeyDate Id, Type, and Meta information may not
be set in the supplied data object.
Parameters String termId the identifier for the Term in which to create the
String keyDateTypeKey the identifier for the Type of KeyDate to be
KeyDateInfo keyDateInfo the data with which to create the KeyDate
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfo the new KeyDate
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException termId is not found or keyDateTypeKey
does not exist or is not supported
InvalidParameterException keyDateInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException termId, keyDateTypeKey, keyDateInfo,
or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read only

Back to Operations

Method updateKeyDate
Description Updates an existing KeyDate. The KeyDate Id, Type, and Meta information
may not be changed.
Parameters String keyDateId the identifier for the KeyDate to be updated
KeyDateInfo keyDateInfo the new data for the Key`Date
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfo the updated KeyDate
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException KeyDateId is not found
InvalidParameterException keyDateInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException keyDateId, keyDateInfo, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at changing information
designated as read only
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure or the
action was attempted on an out of
date version

Back to Operations

Method deleteKeyDate
Description Deletes an existing KeyDate.
Parameters String keyDateId the identifier for the KeyDate to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors DoesNotExistException KeyDateId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException keyDateId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method calculateKeyDate
Description Calculates the dates in the KeyDate based on a rule attached to the
KeyDate Type. If there is no rule available for the Type of the given
KeyDate, then no changes to the KeyDate occur.
Parameters String keyDateId an identifier for a KeyDate
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return KeyDateInfo the KeyDate with the calculated dates
Errors DoesNotExistException keyDateId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException keyDateId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventType
Description Rerieves a AcalEvent Type by Type key.
Parameters String acalEventTypeKey the key of a acalEvent Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service
Return TypeInfo the type requested
Errors DoesNotExistException acalEventTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException acalEventTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventTypes
Description Gets the valid AcalEvent types.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid AcalEvent Types
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not value
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventTypesForAcademicCalendarType
Description This method returns the valid AcalEvent Types for the given
AcademicCalendar Type.
Parameters String academicCalendarTypeKey identifier for an AcademicCalendar Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid AcalEvent Types
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarTypeKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventState
Description Gets a AcalEvent State by key.
Parameters String acalEventStateKey a key for a acalEvent State
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StateInfo the AcalEvent State requested
Errors DoesNotExistException acalEventStateKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is invalid
MissingParameterException acalEventStateKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventStates
Description Gets the valid AcalEvent States.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfoList a list of valid AcalEvent States
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEvent
Description Retrieves a single AcalEvent by an AcalEvent Id.
Parameters String acalEventId the identifier for the AcalEvent to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcalEventInfo the AcalEvent requested
Errors DoesNotExistException acalEventIs is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo isnot valid
MissingParameterException acalEventKey or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventsByIds
Description Retrieves a list AcalEvents from a list of AcalEvent Ids. The returned
list may be in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied, a unique set
may or may not be returned.
Parameters StringList acalEventIds list of AcalEvent Ids
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcalEventInfoList a list of AcalEvents
Errors DoesNotExistException an acalEventId in list was not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException acalEventIds, an Id in acalEventIds, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of AcalEvent Ids by Type.
Parameters String acalEventTypeKey an identifier for an AcalEvent Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service
Return StringList a list of AcalEvents matching acalEventTypeKey or an empty list
if none found
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException acalEventTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventsForAcademicCalendar
Description Retrieves a list of AcalEvents immediately mapped to an AcademicCalendar
ordered by date.
Parameters String academicCalendarId an identifier for an AcademicCalendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return AcalEventInfoList a list of AcalEvents mapped to the given AcademicCalendar
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method getAcalEventsForAcademicCalendarByDate
Description Retrieves a list of AcalEvents immediately mapped to an AcademicCalendar
that fall within the given date range inclusive ordered by date.
Parameters String academicCalendarId an identifier for an AcademicCalendar
Date startDate the start of date range
Date endDate the end of date range
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return AcalEventInfoList a list of AcalEvents for the given AcademicCalendar in the given
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId, startDate, endDate,
or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method getImpactedAcalEvents
Description Gets a list of AcalEvents impacted by a change to a given AcalEvent.
Rules may exist to calculate key dates based on a AcalEvent Type.
Management of these calculation rules are not at this time exposed in
this service.
Parameters String acalEventId an identifier for an AcalEvent
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcalEventInfoList a list of AcalEvents impacted by the given AcalEvent
Errors DoesNotExistException keyDateId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException acalEventId or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method searchForAcalEventIds
Description Searches for AcalEvents that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of AcalEvent identifiers matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method searchForAcalEvents
Description Searches for AcalEvents that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcalEventInfoList a list of AcalEvents matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method validateAcalEvent
Description Validates an AcalEvent. Depending on the value of validationType, this
validation could be limited to tests on just the current AcalEvent and
its directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests
related to this AcalEvent. If an identifier is present for the AcalEvent
(and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that
identifier, the validation checks if the AcalEvent can be updated to the
new values. If an identifier is not present or a record does not exist,
the validation checks if the AcalEvent with the given data can be
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier for the validation Type
String termId the identifier for the Term
String acalEventTypeKey the identifier for the AcalEvent Type to be
AcalEventInfo acalEventInfo the AcalEvent to be validated
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return ValidationResultInfoList a list of validation results or an empty list if validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey, termId, or
acalEventTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException acalEventInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException validationTypeKey, termId, acalEventTypeKey,
acalEventInfo, or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method createAcalEvent
Description Creates a new AcalEvent. The AcalEvent Id, Type, and Meta information may
not be set in the supplied data object.
Parameters String academicCalendarId the identifier for the AcademicCalendar in
which to create the AcalEvent
String acalEventTypeKey the identifier for the Type of AcalEvent to be
AcalEventInfo acalEventInfo the data with which to create the AcalEvent
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return AcalEventInfo the new AcalEvent
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException academicCalendarId is not found or
acalEventTypeKey does not exist or
is not supported
InvalidParameterException acalEventInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException academicCalendarId, acalEventTypeKey,
acalEventInfo, or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read only

Back to Operations

Method updateAcalEvent
Description Updates an existing AcalEvent. The AcalEvent Id, Type, and Meta
information may not be changed.
Parameters String acalEventId the identifier for the AcalEvent to be updated
AcalEventInfo acalEventInfo the new data for the AcalEvent
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcalEventInfo the updated AcalEvent
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException AcalEventId is not found
InvalidParameterException acalEventInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException acalEventId, acalEventInfo, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at changing information
deisgnated as read only
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure or the
action was attempted on an out of
date version

Back to Operations

Method deleteAcalEvent
Description Deletes an existing AcalEvent.
Parameters String acalEventId the identifier for the AcalEvent to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors DoesNotExistException AcalEventId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException acalEventId or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method calculateAcalEvent
Description Calculates the dates in the AcalEvent based on a rule attached to the
AcalEvent Type. If there is no rule available for the Type of the given
AcalEvent, then no changes to the AcalEvent occur.
Parameters String acalEventId an identifier for a AcalEvent
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AcalEventInfo the AcalEvent with the calculated dates
Errors DoesNotExistException acalEventId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException acalEventId or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidayType
Description Rerieves a Holiday Type by Type key.
Parameters String holidayTypeKey the key of a holiday Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfo the type requested
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidayTypes
Description Gets the valid Holiday types.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid Holiday Types
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not value
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidayTypesForHolidayCalendarType
Description This method returns the valid Holiday Types for the given HolidayCalendar
Parameters String holidayCalendarTypeKey identifier for a HolidayCalendar Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfoList a list of valid Holiday Types
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayCalendarTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarTypeKey or contextInfo
is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidayState
Description Gets a Holiday State by key.
Parameters String holidayStateKey a key for a holiday State
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfo the Holiday State requested
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayStateKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is invalid
MissingParameterException holidayStateKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidayStates
Description Gets the valid Holiday States.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StateInfoList a list of valid Holiday States
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHoliday
Description Retrieves a single Holiday by a Holiday Id.
Parameters String holidayId the identifier for the Holiday to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayInfo the Holiday requested
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayIs is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo isnot valid
MissingParameterException holidayId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidaysByIds
Description Retrieves a list Holidays from a list of Holiday Ids. The returned list
may be in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied, a unique set may
or may not be returned.
Parameters StringList holidayIds list of Holiday Ids
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayInfoList a list of Holidays
Errors DoesNotExistException a holidayId in list was not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayIds, an Id in holidayIds, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidayIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of Holiday Ids by Type.
Parameters String holidayTypeKey an identifier for an Holiday Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of Holidays matching holidayTypeKey or an empty list if
none found
Errors DoesNotExistException a holidayTypeKey was not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

Back to Operations

Method getHolidaysForHolidayCalendar
Description Retrieves a list of Holidays immediately mapped to a HolidayCalendar
ordered by date.
Parameters String holidayCalendarId an identifier for a HolidayCalendar
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return HolidayInfoList a list of Holidays mapped to the given HolidayCalendar
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getHolidaysForHolidayCalendarByDate
Description Retrieves a list of Holidays immediately mapped to a HolidayCalendar that
fall within the given date range inclusive ordered by date.
Parameters String holidayCalendarId an identifier for a HolidayCalendar
Date startDate the start of date range
Date endDate the end of date range
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return HolidayInfoList a list of Holidays for the given HolidayCalendar in the given
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarId, startDate, endDate,
or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getHolidaysByDateForAcademicCalendar
Description Gets a list of holidays for a particular Academic Calendar further
qualified by the dates. Can be used to get holidays for a term or any
time period within the specified dates
Parameters String academicCalendarId an identifier for an Academic Calendar
Date startDate the start of date range
Date endDate the end of date range
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return HolidayInfoList a list of holidays for a particular Academic Calendar in the given dates
Errors DoesNotExistException academicCalendarId is not found
InvalidParameterException If the academicCalendarId is invalid or
the dates are out of the range
MissingParameterException Missing dates or academic Calendar Id
OperationFailedException unable to complete request for any
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getImpactedHolidays
Description Gets a list of Holidays impacted by a change to a given Holiday. Rules
may exist to calculate key dates based on a Holiday Type. Management of
these calculation rules are not at this time exposed in this service.
Parameters String holidayId an identifier for a Holiday
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayInfoList a list of Holidays impacted by the given Holiday
Errors DoesNotExistException keyDateId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method searchForHolidayIds
Description Searches for Holidays that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of Holiday identifiers matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method searchForHolidays
Description Searches for Holidays that meet the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayInfoList a list of Holidays matching the criteria
Errors InvalidParameterException criteria or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException criteria or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method validateHoliday
Description Validates a Holiday. Depending on the value of validationType, this
validation could be limited to tests on just the current Holiday and its
directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests related to
this Holiday. If an identifier is present for the Holiday (and/or one of
its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the
validation checks if the Holiday can be updated to the new values. If an
identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation
checks if the Holiday with the given data can be created.
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier for the validation Type
String holidayCalendarId the identifier for the HolidayCalendar
String holidayTypeKey the identifier for the Holiday Type to be
HolidayInfo holidayInfo the Holiday to be validated
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return ValidationResultInfoList a list of validation results or an empty list if validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey, holidayCalendarId,
or holidayTypeKey is not found
InvalidParameterException holidayInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException validationTypeKey, holidayCalendarId,
holidayTypeKey, holidayInfo, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method createHoliday
Description Creates a new Holiday. The Holiday Id, Type, and Meta information may not
be set in the supplied data object.
Parameters String holidayCalendarId the identifier for the HolidayCalendar in which
to create the Holiday
String holidayTypeKey the identifier for the Type of Holiday to be
HolidayInfo holidayInfo the data with which to create the Holiday
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return HolidayInfo the new Holiday
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException holidayCalendarId is not found or
holidayTypeKey does not exist or is
not supported
InvalidParameterException holidayInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException holidayCalendarId, holidayTypeKey,
holidayInfo, or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read only

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Method updateHoliday
Description Updates an existing Holiday. The Holiday Id, Type, and Meta information
may not be changed.
Parameters String holidayId the identifier for the Holiday to be updated
HolidayInfo holidayInfo the new data for the Holiday
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayInfo the updated Holiday
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException HolidayId is not found
InvalidParameterException holidayInfo or contextInfo is not
MissingParameterException holidayId, holidayInfo, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred
ReadOnlyException an attempt at changing information
deisgnated as read only
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure or the
action was attempted on an out of
date version

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Method deleteHoliday
Description Deletes an existing Holiday.
Parameters String holidayId the identifier for the Holiday to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo the status of the operation. This must always be true.
Errors DoesNotExistException HolidayId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method calculateHoliday
Description Calculates the dates in the Holiday based on a rule attached to the
Holiday Type. If there is no rule available for the Type of the given
Holiday, then no changes to the Holiday occur.
Parameters String holidayId an identifier for a Holiday
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return HolidayInfo the Holiday with the calculated dates
Errors DoesNotExistException holidayId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holidayId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getInstructionalDaysForTerm
Description Calculates the number of instructional days for a Term. The number of
instructional days is the number of class days in a Term minus the
non-instructional holidays on the related holiday calendar.
Parameters String termId an identifier for a Term
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return Integer the number of instructional days in the given Term
Errors DoesNotExistException termId is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException termId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getCurrentTerms
Description Convenience method added for core-slice development to get a current
term. The method will be redesigned later to be more generic so that it
finds the unique term based on process key and academic calendar -
"current" is a misnomer.
Parameters String usageKey we don't know what this means
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return TermInfoList a list of "current" Terms
Errors DoesNotExistException usageKey is not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException usageKey or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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