
Name Statement
Included Services SearchService
Java Package org.kuali.student.r2.core.statement.service

Statement Service

Main Message Structures

Method getRefObjectTypes
Description Retrieves the list of base types which can be connected to a document.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return TypeInfoList Object statement relationship information
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getRefObjectSubTypes
Description Retrieves the list of types for a given base type which can be connected
to a document.
Parameters ContextInfo refObjectTypeKey reference Type Identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfoList List of types for the given base type which can be connected to a
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing refObjectTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getRefStatementRelation
Description Retrieves a object statement relationship by its identifier.
Parameters String refStatementRelationId object statement relationship identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about
the caller of service operation
Return RefStatementRelationInfo Object statement relationship information
Errors DoesNotExistException refStatementRelationId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing refStatementRelationId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getRefStatementRelationsByIds
Description Retrieves a list of object statement relationships for a particular
Parameters StringList refStatementRelationIds object statement relationship identifiers
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about
the caller of service operation
Return RefStatementRelationInfoList List of object statement relationships
Errors DoesNotExistException a refStatementRelationId in the list
was not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException missing refStatementRelationId, a
refStatementRelationId in the
refStatementRelationIds or contextInfo
is missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getRefStatementRelationsByType
Description Retrieves a list of object statement relationships for a particular
Parameters String refStatementRelationTypeKey type of statement relation
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information
about the caller of service operation
Return RefStatementRelationInfoList List of object statement relationships for a particular object
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing refStatementRelationTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method getRefStatementRelationsByStatement
Description Retrieves a list of object statement relationships for a particular
Parameters String statementId Statement identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return RefStatementRelationInfoList List of object statement relationships for a particular
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateRefStatementRelation
Description Validates a refStatementRelation. Depending on the value of
validationTypeKey, this validation could be limited to tests on just the
current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to
perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for
the relationship (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record
is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the relationship
can be shifted to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a
record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record
does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower,
typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationTypeKey to
the current object.
Parameters String validationTypeKey identifier of the extent of
String statementId statement identifier
String refStatementRelationTypeKey type of statement relation
RefStatementRelationInfo refStatementRelationInfo object statement relationship
information to be validated
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information
about the caller of service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList Results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException statementId or refStatementRelationId
not found
InvalidParameterException invalid refStatementRelationInfo or
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, statementId,
refStatementRelationId, refStatementRelationTypeKey,
refStatementRelationInfo or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createRefStatementRelation
Description Creates a relationship between a statement and an object.
Parameters String refObjectTypeKey Unique identifier for an object type.
String refObjectId Identifier to the object "anchor" that is associated with this statement
String statementId statement identifier
String refStatementRelationTypeKey ???
RefStatementRelationInfo refStatementRelationInfo information about the object statement
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about
the caller of service operation
Return RefStatementRelationInfo New object statement relationship
Errors AlreadyExistsException connection between object and
statement already exists
DataValidationErrorException one or more values invalid for this
DoesNotExistException refStatementRelationId, statementId,
refStatementRelationTypeKey not
InvalidParameterException invalid refStatementRelationInfo or
MissingParameterException missing refStatementRelationId,
statementId, refStatementRelationTypeKey,
refStatementRelationInfo or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only

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Method updateRefStatementRelation
Description Updates a relationship between an object and statement.
Parameters String refStatementRelationId identifier of the object statement
relationship to be updated
RefStatementRelationInfo refStatementRelationInfo information about the object statement
relationship to be updated
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about
the caller of service operation
Return RefStatementRelationInfo updated object statement relationship information
Errors DataValidationErrorException one or more values invalid for this
DoesNotExistException refStatementRelationId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid refStatementRelationInfo or
MissingParameterException missing refStatementRelationId,
refStatementRelationInfo or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only
VersionMismatchException the action was attempted on an out
of date version.

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Method deleteRefStatementRelation
Description Removes a relationship between a statement and an object.
Parameters String refStatementRelationId object Statement Relationship identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about
the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException refStatementRelationId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing refStatementRelationId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getNaturalLanguageUsageByType
Description Retrieves information about the specified natural language usage type.
Parameters String nlUsageTypeKey natural language usage type identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return TypeInfo Information about a type of natural language usage
Errors DoesNotExistException nlUsageTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing nlUsageTypeKey or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getNaturalLanguageForStatement
Description Translates and retrieves a statement for a specific usage type
(context) and language into natural language.

If language is null default language is used.

StatementInfo can either have a list of
StatementInfos as children or a list of
ReqComponentInfos but not both. This means that all leaf
nodes must be ReqComponentInfos.

Parameters String statementId identifier of the statement to be translated
String nlUsageTypeKey natural language usage type key (context)
String language translation language
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return String Natural language translation for a specific usage type and
Errors DoesNotExistException statementId or nlUsageTypeKey not
InvalidParameterException invalid language or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId, nlUsageTypeKey,
language or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getNaturalLanguageForRefStatementRelation
Description Retrieves the natural language translation for a particular object
statement relationship in a particular context for a particular
Parameters String refStatementRelationId object statement relationship identifier
String nlUsageTypeKey context for the natural language
String language language to use for the natural language
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about
the caller of service operation
Return String Natural language translation for a particular object statement
relationship in a particular context
Errors DoesNotExistException refStatementRelationId or nlUsageTypeKey
not found
InvalidParameterException invalid language or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing refStatementRelationId,
nlUsageTypeKey, language or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getNaturalLanguageForReqComponent

Translates and retrieves a requirement component for a specific usuage
type (context) and language into natural language.

language is null, default language is used.

Parameters String reqComponentId requirement component to translate
String nlUsageTypeKey natural language usage type key (context)
String language language to use for the natural language
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return String Natural language translation for a particular object statement
relationship in a particular context
Errors DoesNotExistException reqComponentId or nlUsageTypeKey not
InvalidParameterException invalid language or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentId, nlUsageTypeKey,
language or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method translateStatementTreeViewToNL
Description Translates a statement tree view to natural language for a particular
context in a particular language. This may include statements and/or
requirement components which have not yet been persisted to the service.
Parameters StatementTreeViewInfo statementTreeViewInfo statement tree view
String nlUsageTypeKey context for the natural language
String language language to use for the natural language
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the
caller of service operation
Return String Natural language translation for a particular statement in a
particular context
Errors DoesNotExistException nlUsageTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid statementTreeViewInfo, language
or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementTreeViewInfo,
nlUsageTypeKey, language or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method translateReqComponentToNL
Description Translates a particular requirement component to natural language for a
particular context in a given language. This may be used for requirement
components which have not yet been persisted through the service.
Parameters ReqComponentInfo reqComponentInfo requirement component
String nlUsageTypeKey context for the natural language translation
String language language to use for the natural language
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return String Natural language translation for a particular requirement
component in a particular context
Errors DoesNotExistException nlUsageTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid reqComponentInfo, language or
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentInfo, nlUsageTypeKey,
language or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatement
Description Retrieves a statement by its identifier
Parameters String statementId statement identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatementInfo statementInfo statement information
Errors DoesNotExistException statementId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatementsByReqComponent
Description Retrieves a list of statements that use a particular requirement
component. Note: The reference may not be direct, but through an
intermediate object definition (ex. nested statements).
Parameters String reqComponentId requirement component identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatementInfoList List of statements using the specified requirement component
Errors DoesNotExistException reqComponentId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatementsByType
Description Retrieves a list of statements of a particular Type
Parameters String statementTypeKey statement type identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatementInfoList List of statements using the specified type
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatementsForStatement
Description Retrieves a list of child statements that include a particular statement.
Note: The reference may not be direct, but through an intermediate object
definition (e.g. nested statements).
Parameters String statementId statement identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatementInfoList List of child statements using the specified statement
Errors DoesNotExistException statementId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatementTypes
Description Retrieves the list of all types of statements.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return TypeInfoList List of types of statements
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatementTypesForStatementType
Description Retrieves the list of statement types which are allowed to be used in a
statement type. This controls the nesting of statements.
Parameters String statementTypeKey Identifier for a type of statement
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfoList List of statement type info
Errors DoesNotExistException statementTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatementTypesForRefStatementRelationType
Description Retrieves the list of statement types which are allowed to be used for a
specified type of object statement relationship.
Parameters String refStatementRelationTypeKey identifier for a type of object
statement relationship
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information
about the caller of service operation
Return TypeInfoList List of statement type info
Errors DoesNotExistException refStatementRelationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing refStatementRelationTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getRefStatementRelationTypesForRefObjectSubType
Description Retrieves the list of type infos for object statement relationships which
are allowed to be used for a subtype of object.
Parameters String refSubTypeKey identifier for the subtype of object
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return TypeInfoList List of type infos for object statement relationships which are
allowed to be used for a subtype of object
Errors DoesNotExistException refSubTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid refSubTypeKey
MissingParameterException missing refSubTypeKey or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateStatement
Description Validates a statement. Depending on the value of validationTypeKey, this
validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its
directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related
to this object. If an identifier is present for the statement (and/or one
of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier,
the validation checks if the statement can be shifted to the new values.
If an identifier is not present or a record cannot be found for the
identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the
checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those
performed by setting the validationTypeKey to the current object.
Parameters String validationTypeKey identifier of the extent of validation
String statementTypeKey identifier for the statement Type to be
StatementInfo statementInfo statement information to be validated
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList Results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey or statementTypeKey
not found
InvalidParameterException invalid statementInfo or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, statementTypeKey,
statementInfo or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createStatement
Description Create a statement.
Parameters String statementTypeKey identifier of the type of statement
StatementInfo statementInfo information about the statement
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatementInfo Information about the newly created statement
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException statementTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid statementInfo or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementTypeKey,
statementInfo or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only

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Method updateStatement
Description Updates a statement
Parameters String statementId identifier of the statement to be updated
StatementInfo statementInfo information about the statement to be updated
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatementInfo the updated statement information
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException statementId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid statementInfo or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId, statementInfo
or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure or the
action was attempted on an out of
date version

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Method deleteStatement
Description Deletes a statement
Parameters String statementId identifier of the Statement to delete
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatusInfo statusInfo status of the operation (success or failure)
Errors DoesNotExistException statementId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getReqCompFieldTypesForReqComponentType
Description Retrieves the list of ReqCompField types which are allowed to be used in
an ReqComponent type
Parameters String reqComponentTypeKey identifier for a type of requirement
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfoList A list of required components
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getReqComponent
Description Retrieves a requirement component by its identifier
Parameters String reqComponentId required component identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return ReqComponentInfo Required component information
Errors DoesNotExistException reqComponentId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getReqComponentsByType
Description Retrieves a list of requirement components of a particular type.
Parameters String reqComponentTypeKey identifier for a type of requirement
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ReqComponentInfoList A list of required components
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getReqComponentType
Description Retrieves type information for a specified ReqComponent Type
Parameters String reqComponentTypeKey reqComponent type key
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return TypeInfo Requirement component type information
Errors DoesNotExistException reqComponentTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getReqComponentTypes
Description Retrieves the list of all types of ReqComponent.
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return TypeInfoList List of types of ReqComponent
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getReqComponentTypesForStatementType
Description Retrieves the list of types of requirement components which are allowed
to be used in a type of statement.
Parameters String statementTypeKey identifier for a type of statement
Return TypeInfoList list of types of requirement components
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateReqComponent
Description Validates a ReqComponent. Depending on the value of validationTypeKey,
this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and
its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests
related to this object. If an identifier is present for the organization
(and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that
identifier, the validation checks if the organization can be shifted to
the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record cannot be
found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist
and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically
mimicking those performed by setting the validationTypeKey to the current
Parameters String validationTypeKey identifier of the extent of validation
String reqComponentTypeKey identifier for the ReqComponent Type to be
ReqComponentInfo reqComponentInfo reqComponent information to be tested
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey or reqComponentTypeKey
not found
InvalidParameterException invalid reqComponentInfo or
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, reqComponentTypeKey,
reqComponentInfo or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createReqComponent
Description Creates a requirement component.
Parameters String reqComponentTypeKey identifier of the type of requirement
ReqComponentInfo reqComponentInfo information about the requirement component
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ReqComponentInfo information about the newly created requirement component
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException reqComponentTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid reqComponentInfo or
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentTypeKey,
reqComponentInfo or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only

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Method updateReqComponent
Description Updates a requirement component
Parameters String reqComponentId identifier of the requirement component to be
ReqComponentInfo reqComponentInfo information about the requirement component to be
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ReqComponentInfo the updated requirement component information
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException reqComponentId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid reqComponentInfo or
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentId, reqComponentInfo
or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure or the
action was attempted on an out of
date version

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Method deleteReqComponent
Description Deletes a requirement component
Parameters String reqComponentId identifier of the requirement component to delete
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success or failure)
Errors DoesNotExistException reqComponentId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing reqComponentId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatementTreeView
Description Retrieves a view of a statement by its identifier with its referenced
statements and requirement components expanded
Parameters String statementId statement identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatementTreeViewInfo view of statement information with the referenced statements and
requirement components expanded
Errors DoesNotExistException statementId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getStatementTreeViewForNlUsageType
Description Retrieves a view of a statement by its identifier with its referenced
statements and requirement components expanded and translated
Parameters String statementId statement identifier
String nlUsageTypeKey natural language usage type identifier
String language Translation language
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatementTreeViewInfo view of statement information with the referenced statements and
requirement components expanded
Errors DoesNotExistException statementId or nlUsageTypeKey not
InvalidParameterException invalid language or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId, nlUsageTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createStatementTreeView
Description Creates an entire Statement Tree. Fails unless everything can be done.
Updates Statements, RequirementComponents and any relations between them.
If there are "deletes", the relations are removed, but the object is not
deleted unless used nowhere else
Parameters StatementTreeViewInfo statementTreeViewInfo view of statement information with the
referenced statements and requirement
components expanded
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the
caller of service operation
Return StatementTreeViewInfo Statement tree view
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
InvalidParameterException invalid statementTreeViewInfo or
MissingParameterException missing statementTreeViewInfo or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only

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Method updateStatementTreeView
Description Updates an entire Statement Tree. Fails unless everything can be done.
Updates Statements, RequirementComponents and any relations between them.
If there are "deletes", the relations are removed, but the object is not
deleted unless used no where else
Parameters String statementId identifier of the statement to be updated
StatementTreeViewInfo statementTreeViewInfo he StatementTreeInfo to be updated
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the
caller of service operation
Return StatementTreeViewInfo The updated StatementTree information
Errors DataValidationErrorException supplied data is invalid
DoesNotExistException statementId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid statementTreeViewInfo or
MissingParameterException missing statementId, statementTreeViewInfo
or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only
VersionMismatchException an optimistic locking failure or the
action was attempted on an out of
date version

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Method deleteStatementTreeView
Description Deletes the entire statement tree
Parameters String statementId identifier of the statement to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StatusInfo Status of the operation (success or failure)
Errors DoesNotExistException statementId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing statementId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getNaturalLanguageForReqComponent
Description ???
============== Deprecated ===============
Parameters String reqComponentId ???
String string ???
String string2 ???
Return String ???
Errors NONE No Errors

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Method getRefStatementRelationsByRef
Description Retrieves a list of object statement relationships for a particular object.
============== Deprecated ===============
Parameters String refObjectTypeKey Reference type
String refObjectId Reference identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo ???
Return RefStatementRelationInfoList List of object statement relationships for a particular object
Errors DoesNotExistException Object not found
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters not specified
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request

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