Interface DocumentAdHocService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DocumentAdHocService

This service populates Documents with AdHocRoutePersons and AdHocRouteWorkgroups

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 void addAdHocs(Document doc)
          This method populates the given Document with the AdHocRoutePersons and AdHocRouteWorkgroups that are associated with it.
 void replaceAdHocsForDocument(String documentNumber, List<AdHocRouteRecipient> adHocRoutingRecipients)
          This method replaces the current ad-hoc recipients for a given document with the provided list.

Method Detail


void addAdHocs(Document doc)
This method populates the given Document with the AdHocRoutePersons and AdHocRouteWorkgroups that are associated with it.

doc -


void replaceAdHocsForDocument(String documentNumber,
                              List<AdHocRouteRecipient> adHocRoutingRecipients)
This method replaces the current ad-hoc recipients for a given document with the provided list.

documentNumber - Document Number to which to attach the route log recipients. All existing stored ad-hoc recipients will be deleted.
adHocRoutingRecipients - New list of ad-hoc recipients (Persons and Workgroups) which will be attached to the document.

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