public interface DictionaryValidationService
Defines the API for the validating against the data dictionary.
Method Summary | |
boolean |
isBusinessObjectValid(BusinessObject businessObject)
Encapsulates validateBusinessObject(BusinessObject) and returns boolean so one
doesn't need to check the ErrorMap.Validates the business object primitive attributes against
the data dictionary. |
boolean |
isBusinessObjectValid(BusinessObject businessObject,
String prefix)
Encapsulates validateBusinessObject(BusinessObject) and returns boolean so one
doesn't need to check the ErrorMap.Validates the business object primitive attributes against
the data dictionary. |
DictionaryValidationResult |
validate(AttributeValueReader valueReader,
boolean doOptionalProcessing,
String validationState,
StateMapping stateMapping)
Same as other validate methods, except allows you to provide the attributeValueReader directly for evaluation |
DictionaryValidationResult |
validate(Object object)
Validates an object using its class name as the entry name to look up its metadata in the dictionary. |
DictionaryValidationResult |
validate(Object object,
String entryName,
DataDictionaryEntry entry,
boolean doOptionalProcessing)
Same as validate(Object, String, String, boolean) except
that it provides an explicit data dictionary entry to use for the purpose of validation. |
DictionaryValidationResult |
validate(Object object,
String entryName,
String attributeName,
boolean doOptionalProcessing)
Validate an object with the passed in dictionary entryName and the specific attribute to be evaluated |
DictionaryValidationResult |
validateAgainstNextState(Object object)
Validates the object agains the next state (or current state if there is no next state). |
DictionaryValidationResult |
validateAgainstState(Object object,
String validationState)
Validates the object against the state specified. |
void |
validateBusinessObject(BusinessObject businessObject)
Deprecated. since 1.1 - use validate(Object.class) instead |
void |
validateBusinessObject(BusinessObject businessObject,
boolean validateRequired)
Deprecated. since 1.1 - use validate(Object.class) instead |
boolean |
validateDefaultExistenceChecks(Object dataObject)
This method does an existence check against all references of a BusinessObject as defined in the MaintenanceDocument.xml file for that business object. |
boolean |
validateDefaultExistenceChecksForNewCollectionItem(Object dataObject,
Object newCollectionItem,
String collectionName)
Does an existence check against all references configured as a default existence check in the maintenance document data dictionary file for the given business object Appropriate errors will also be placed in the GlobalVariables.ErrorMap. |
boolean |
validateDefaultExistenceChecksForNewCollectionItem(TransactionalDocument document,
BusinessObject accountingLine,
String collectionName)
This method does an existence check against all references of a transactionalDocument Appropriate errors will also be placed in the GlobalVariables.ErrorMap. |
boolean |
validateDefaultExistenceChecksForTransDoc(TransactionalDocument document)
This method does an existence check against all references of a transactionalDocument Appropriate errors will also be placed in the GlobalVariables.ErrorMap. |
void |
validateDocument(Document document)
Validates the contents of a document (i.e. |
void |
validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively(Document document,
int maxDepth,
boolean validateRequired)
Validates the contents of a document and recursively validates any of its updatable references |
void |
validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively(Document document,
int maxDepth,
boolean validateRequired,
boolean chompLastLetterSFromCollectionName)
Validates the contents of a document and recursively validates any of its updatable references |
void |
validateDocumentAttribute(Document document,
String attributeName,
String errorPrefix)
Validates the specified attribute of the given document against the data dictionary. |
void |
validatePrimitiveFromDescriptor(String entryName,
Object object,
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor,
String errorPrefix,
boolean validateRequired)
Deprecated. since 1.1 |
boolean |
validateReferenceExists(Object dataObject,
ReferenceDefinition reference)
This method examines the populated BusinessObject bo instance passed in for a member named by the referenceName. |
boolean |
validateReferenceExists(Object dataObject,
String referenceName)
This method examines the populated BusinessObject bo instance passed in for a member named by the referenceName. |
boolean |
validateReferenceExistsAndIsActive(Object dataObject,
ReferenceDefinition reference)
validateReferenceExistsAndIsActive intelligently tests the designated reference on the data object for both existence and active status, where appropriate |
boolean |
validateReferenceExistsAndIsActive(Object dataObject,
String referenceName,
String attributeToHighlightOnFail,
String displayFieldName)
This method intelligently tests the designated reference on the data object for both existence and active status, where appropriate. |
boolean |
validateReferenceIsActive(Object dataObject,
ReferenceDefinition reference)
This method retrieves the reference from the DB, and then tests whether the object is active. |
boolean |
validateReferenceIsActive(Object dataObject,
String referenceName)
This method retrieves the reference from the DB, and then tests whether the object is active. |
Method Detail |
void validateDocument(Document document)
- - document to validatevoid validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively(Document document, int maxDepth, boolean validateRequired)
- the documentmaxDepth
- the maximum numbers of levels to recursevalidateRequired
- whether to validate whether a field is required and is currently blankvoid validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively(Document document, int maxDepth, boolean validateRequired, boolean chompLastLetterSFromCollectionName)
- the documentmaxDepth
- the maximum numbers of levels to recursevalidateRequired
- whether to validate whether a field is required and is currently blankchompLastLetterSFromCollectionName
- if true, the error path for any collections encountered will have the
last "s" removed from the collection name if it ends
with the letter "s". If false, this method acts like validateDocumentAndUpdatableReferencesRecursively(Document,
int, boolean)
void validateDocumentAttribute(Document document, String attributeName, String errorPrefix)
- attributeName
- errorPrefix
- DictionaryValidationResult validate(Object object)
- - an object to validate
DictionaryValidationResult validate(Object object, String entryName, String attributeName, boolean doOptionalProcessing)
- - an object to validateentryName
- - the dictionary entry name to look up the metadata associated with this objectattributeName
- - the name of the attribute (field) on the object that should be validateddoOptionalProcessing
- true if the validation should do optional validation (e.g. to check if empty values
are required or not), false otherwise
DictionaryValidationResult validate(Object object, String entryName, DataDictionaryEntry entry, boolean doOptionalProcessing)
validate(Object, String, String, boolean)
that it provides an explicit data dictionary entry to use for the purpose of validation.
- - an object to validateentryName
- - the dictionary entry name to use in association with error look upsentry
- - the dictionary entry to use for validationdoOptionalProcessing
- true if the validation should do optional validation (e.g. to
check if empty values are required or not), false otherwise
DictionaryValidationResult validateAgainstNextState(Object object)
When no stateMapping exists on the DataDictionaryEntry that applies for this object, validation is considered stateless and all constraints are processed regardless of their states attribute.
DictionaryValidationResult validateAgainstState(Object object, String validationState)
Important note: Alternatively the state can be changed on the object itself and another validation method can be used instead of this one (in practice, you'd revert the state on the object if validation returns errors).
- validationState
DictionaryValidationResult validate(AttributeValueReader valueReader, boolean doOptionalProcessing, String validationState, StateMapping stateMapping)
- - an object to validatedoOptionalProcessing
- true if the validation should do optional validation (e.g. to check if empty values
are required or not), false otherwise
boolean isBusinessObjectValid(BusinessObject businessObject)
and returns boolean so one
doesn't need to check the ErrorMap.Validates the business object primitive attributes against
the data dictionary. Adds errors to the map as they are encountered.
- - business object to validate
boolean isBusinessObjectValid(BusinessObject businessObject, String prefix)
and returns boolean so one
doesn't need to check the ErrorMap.Validates the business object primitive attributes against
the data dictionary. Adds errors to the map as they are encountered.
- - business object to validateprefix
- - error prefix
@Deprecated void validateBusinessObject(BusinessObject businessObject)
- - business object to validate@Deprecated void validateBusinessObject(BusinessObject businessObject, boolean validateRequired)
- - business object to validatevalidateRequired
- - whether to execute required field checksboolean validateReferenceExists(Object dataObject, ReferenceDefinition reference)
- - the data object whose reference is being tested.reference
- - The ReferenceDefinition to be existence tested.
boolean validateReferenceExists(Object dataObject, String referenceName)
- - the data object whose reference is being tested.referenceName
- - The name of the member to be existence tested.
boolean validateReferenceIsActive(Object dataObject, ReferenceDefinition reference)
- reference
boolean validateReferenceIsActive(Object dataObject, String referenceName)
- referenceName
boolean validateReferenceExistsAndIsActive(Object dataObject, ReferenceDefinition reference)
It will not test anything if the foreign-key fields for the given reference aren't filled out with values, and it will not test active status if the reference doesn't exist.
Further, it will only test active status where the correct flag is set.
On failures of either sort, it will put the relevant errors into the GlobalVariables errorMap, and return a false. If there are no failures, or nothing can be tested because the foreign-key fields arent fully filled out, it will return true and add no errors.
This method assumes that you already have the errorPath set exactly as desired, and adds new errors to the errorMap with no prefix, other than what has already been pushed onto the errorMap.
- - the data object instance to be tested.reference
- - the ReferenceDefinition to control the nature of the testing.
boolean validateReferenceExistsAndIsActive(Object dataObject, String referenceName, String attributeToHighlightOnFail, String displayFieldName)
- - the BusinessObject instance to be tested.referenceName
- - the member name on the data object to be tested for existence and active-stateattributeToHighlightOnFail
- - the fieldName to highlight with the error message on a failuredisplayFieldName
- - the human-readable display name of the failed field, to go in the error message
boolean validateDefaultExistenceChecks(Object dataObject)
- - BusinessObject instance that should be tested
boolean validateDefaultExistenceChecksForNewCollectionItem(Object dataObject, Object newCollectionItem, String collectionName)
- parent business object instance to retrieve default checks fornewCollectionItem
- new collection line to validatecollectionName
- name of the collection in the parent
boolean validateDefaultExistenceChecksForTransDoc(TransactionalDocument document)
- document instance that should be tested
boolean validateDefaultExistenceChecksForNewCollectionItem(TransactionalDocument document, BusinessObject accountingLine, String collectionName)
- document instance that should be testedaccountingLine
- that should be testedcollectionName
- that should be tested
@Deprecated void validatePrimitiveFromDescriptor(String entryName, Object object, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, String errorPrefix, boolean validateRequired)