Uses of Class

Packages that use AdminTmplMthdSTNavBase

Uses of AdminTmplMthdSTNavBase in edu.samplu.admin.test

Subclasses of AdminTmplMthdSTNavBase in edu.samplu.admin.test
 class AddingNameSpacesAbstractSmokeTestBase
 class AddingNameSpaceSTJUnitBkMrkGen
          tests adding a namespace to Rice.
 class AddingNameSpaceSTJUnitNavGen
          tests adding a namespace to Rice.
 class AddingNameSpaceSTNGBase
 class AddingNameSpaceSTNGBkMrkGen
 class AddingNameSpaceSTNGNavGen
 class ComponentNavIT
 class ConfigNameSpaceNavIT
          tests new and edit Namespace maintenance screens
 class ConfigParameterNavIT
          tests new and edit Parameter maintenance screens
 class ConfigParameterTypeNavIT
          tests new and edit Parameter Type maintenance screens
 class CreateDocTypeNavIT
          Create a document type via the document type creation screen and verify it in docsearch
 class GroupNavIT
          tests the group section in Rice.
 class IdentityGroupNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Group maintenance screens
 class IdentityPermissionNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Permission maintenance screens
 class IdentityPersonNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Person maintenance screens
 class IdentityResponsibilityNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new Responsibility maintenance screen
 class IdentityRoleNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Role maintenance screens
 class IUeDocLiteXMLIngestNavIT
 class LocationCampusNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Campus maintenance screens
 class LocationCountryNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Country maintenance screens
 class LocationCountyNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new County maintenance screen
 class LocationPostCodeNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new Postal Code maintenance screen
 class LocationStateNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit State maintenance screens
 class OAAeDocLiteXMLIngestNavIT
 class ParameterNavIT
          tests the Parameter section in Rice.
 class ParameterTypeNavIT
          tests the Parameter Type section in Rice.
 class PermissionNavIT
 class PersonNavIT
 class ReferenceCampusTypeNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new Campus Type maintenance screen
 class WorkFlowDocTypeLookUpNavIT
          tests adding a namespace to Rice.
 class WorkFlowDocTypeNavIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Document Type maintenance screens
 class XMLIngesterNavIT
          Deprecated. XMLIngesterSTJUnitNavGen

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