Package edu.samplu.admin.test

Class Summary
AddingNameSpaceSTJUnitBkMrkGen tests adding a namespace to Rice.
AddingNameSpaceSTJUnitNavGen tests adding a namespace to Rice.
AdminTmplMthdBlanketAppSTNavBase blanket approving a new document, results in a final document
AgendaEditRuleRefreshNavIT test that repeated ajax refreshes work
AgendaEditRuleRefreshWDIT test that repeated ajax refreshes work
ComponentAbstractSmokeTestBase Tests the Component section in Rice.
ComponentNavIT Deprecated.  
ComponentSTJUnitBase Abstract base class for JUnit LoginLogout Smoke Tests.
ComponentSTJUnitBkMrkGen JUnit implementation of ComponentSTJUnitBase that goes directly to the page under test by a bookmarkable url, avoiding navigation.
ComponentSTJUnitNavGen JUnit implementation of ComponentSTJUnitBase that navigates through the UI to the page under test.
ComponentSTNGBase Abstract base class for TestNG LoginLogout Smoke Tests.
ComponentSTNGBkMrkGen TestNG implementation of ComponentSTNGBase that goes directly to the page under test by a bookmarkable url, avoiding navigation.
ComponentSTNGNavGen TestNG implementation of ComponentSTNGBase that navigates through the UI to the page under test.
ComponentWDIT Deprecated.  
ConfigNameSpaceNavIT tests new and edit Namespace maintenance screens
ConfigParameterBlanketAppNavIT tests that user admin's blanket approve of the Parameter maintenance document results in a final document The component is chosen from a lookup screen
ConfigParameterBlanketAppWDIT tests that user admin's blanket approve of the Parameter maintenance document results in a final document The component is chosen from a lookup screen
ConfigParameterNavIT tests new and edit Parameter maintenance screens
ConfigParameterTypeNavIT tests new and edit Parameter Type maintenance screens
ConfigParameterTypeWDIT tests new and edit Parameter Type maintenance screens
ConfigParameterWDIT tests new and edit Parameter maintenance screens
CreateDocTypeNavIT Create a document type via the document type creation screen and verify it in docsearch
CreateDocTypeWDIT Create a document type via the document type creation screen and verify it in docsearch
DocumentSearchURLParametersITBase Tests docsearch url parameters
GroupNavIT tests the group section in Rice.
GroupWDIT tests the group section in Rice.
IdentityGroupBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new group maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityGroupBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new group maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityGroupNavIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Group maintenance screens
IdentityGroupWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Group maintenance screens
IdentityPermissionBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Permission maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityPermissionBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Permission maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityPermissionNavIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Permission maintenance screens
IdentityPermissionWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Permission maintenance screens
IdentityPersonBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Person maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityPersonBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Person maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityPersonNavIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Person maintenance screens
IdentityPersonRoleWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Role maintenance screens
IdentityPersonWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Role maintenance screens
IdentityResponsibilityBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Responsibility maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityResponsibilityBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Responsibility maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityResponsibilityNavIT tests creating and cancelling the new Responsibility maintenance screen
IdentityResponsibilityWDIT tests creating and cancelling the new Responsibility maintenance screen
IdentityRoleBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Role maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityRoleBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Role maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityRoleNavIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Role maintenance screens
IdentityRoleWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Role maintenance screens
LocationCampusBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCampusBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCampusNavIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Campus maintenance screens
LocationCampusWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Campus maintenance screens
LocationCountryBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Country maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCountryBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Country maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCountryNavIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Country maintenance screens
LocationCountryWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Country maintenance screens
LocationCountyBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new County maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCountyBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new County maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCountyNavIT tests creating and cancelling the new County maintenance screen
LocationCountyWDIT tests creating and cancelling the new County maintenance screen
LocationPostCodeBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Postal Code maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationPostCodeBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Postal Code maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationPostCodeNavIT tests creating and cancelling the new Postal Code maintenance screen
LocationPostCodeWDIT tests creating and cancelling the new Postal Code maintenance screen
LocationStateBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new State maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationStateBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new State maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationStateNavIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit State maintenance screens
LocationStateWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit State maintenance screens
ParameterNavIT tests the Parameter section in Rice.
ParameterTypeNavIT tests the Parameter Type section in Rice.
ParameterTypeWDIT tests the Parameter Type section in Rice.
ParameterWDIT tests the Parameter section in Rice.
ReferenceCampusTypeBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus Type maintenance document, results in a final document
ReferenceCampusTypeBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus Type maintenance document, results in a final document
ReferenceCampusTypeNavIT tests creating and cancelling the new Campus Type maintenance screen
ReferenceCampusTypeWDIT tests creating and cancelling the new Campus Type maintenance screen
WorkFlowDocTypeBlanketAppNavIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Document Type maintenance document, results in a final document
WorkFlowDocTypeBlanketAppWDIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Document Type maintenance document, results in a final document
WorkFlowDocTypeLookUpNavIT tests adding a namespace to Rice.
WorkFlowDocTypeLookUpWDIT tests adding a namespace to Rice.
WorkFlowDocTypeNavIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Document Type maintenance screens
WorkFlowDocTypeWDIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Document Type maintenance screens
XMLIngesterAbstractSmokeTestBase Tests uploads of new users and group.
XMLIngesterNavIT Deprecated. XMLIngesterSTJUnitNavGen
XMLIngesterSTJUnitBase Abstract base class for JUnit LoginLogout Smoke Tests.
XMLIngesterSTJUnitNavGen JUnit implementation of XMLIngesterSTJUnitBase that navigates through the UI to the page under test.
XMLIngesterSTNGBase Abstract base class for TestNG XMLIngester Smoke Tests.
XMLIngesterSTNGBkMrkGen TestNG implementation of XMLIngesterSTNGBase that goes directly to the page under test by a bookmarkable url, avoiding navigation.

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