Chapter 1. Global

Table of Contents

The Kuali Community
Kuali Foundation
Kuali Rice
Licensing and Intellectual Property
Software License
Documentation License
How to Use This Guide
User Guide Structure
Typographic Conventions
Electronic Navigation
Printed Documentation
Common Features and Functions
Standard Buttons on Lookup Screens
Useful Screens Are Where You Need Them
Common Functions
Lookup Wildcards
Result Set Limits
Frequently Used Tabs
Reporting an Issue with Kuali Rice
Step 1: Search for a Similar Issue
Step 2: Create an Issue in JIRA
Step 3: Fill Out Required Fields
Step 4: Save the Jira issue

The Kuali Community

It is important that you have a general understanding of how Rice is a part of a larger Kuali community before you begin to use this as a reference.

Kuali Foundation

The Kuali Foundation employs staff to coordinate partner efforts and to manage and protect the Foundation’s intellectual property. The Kuali Foundation manages a growing portfolio of enterprise software applications for colleges and universities. A lightweight Foundation staff coordinates the activities of Foundation members for critical software development and coordination activities such as source code control, release engineering, packaging, documentation, project management, software testing and quality assurance, conference planning, and educating and assisting members of the Kuali Partners program.

Kuali Rice

Kuali Rice is a higher-education, community-source software project that is merely a spoke in the wheel of the larger Kuali Community. The Kuali Community is the hub of a wheel of a growing number of communities, each of which are made up of people and functions. Together they form a comprehensive suite of open, modular and distributed administrative software systems that bring the proven functionality of legacy applications to the ease and universality of online services. The Kuali Foundation serves them all, with specific responsibilities related to keeping the wheel in motion. Each individual community shares a similar organizational structure and some modular functionality while its components are able to stand alone to perform unique functions. While all are designed for seamless integration with each other, each project is made up of modules that offer a variety of implementation combinations to suit any Carnegie-class institution’s unique business needs.

Should you want to learn more detail about how the Rice community is organized, structured and operates you should reference the Rice Charter which is available for review in the Foundation archives.