Kuali Rice 2.0.0-b1-SNAPSHOT User Guide

Table of Contents

1. Global
The Kuali Community
Kuali Foundation
Kuali Rice
Licensing and Intellectual Property
Software License
Documentation License
How to Use This Guide
User Guide Structure
Typographic Conventions
Electronic Navigation
Printed Documentation
Common Features and Functions
Standard Buttons on Lookup Screens
Useful Screens Are Where You Need Them
Common Functions
Lookup Wildcards
Result Set Limits
Frequently Used Tabs
Reporting an Issue with Kuali Rice
Step 1: Search for a Similar Issue
Step 2: Create an Issue in JIRA
Step 3: Fill Out Required Fields
Step 4: Save the Jira issue
2. KEN
Notification Channel
Managing Channels
Notification Channel Subscriptions
Managing Subscribers
Notification Priority
Managing Priorities
3. KEW
Kuali Enterprise Workflow: Overview
What is KEW?
KEW Features
Why Use KEW?
Action List Guide
Action List Preferences
Action Requests and Actions Guide
Types of Action Requests
Action Request Recipients
Action Request Hierarchies
Action Request Activation and Deactivation
Actions and Action Takens
eDocLite Overview
eDocLite Lookup
eDocLite Inquiry
Create New eDocLite Document
General Preferences
Fields Displayed in Action List Preferences
Document Route Status Colors for Action list Entries
Delegate Rules and Delegation Routing Rules
Delegation Rule Inquiry
Delegate Routing Rule Creation
Routing Rule Delegation Maintenance
Rule Lookup
Rule Inquiry
Routing Rule Creation
Routing Report
Rule Maintenance
Rule Template Lookup
Rule Template Inquiry
4. KIM
KIM Overview
KIM Features
Person Lookup
Person Maintenance
Displaying the Person Lookup Screen
Ad Hoc Recipients Tab
Route Log Tab
Group Lookup Screen
Group Inquiry Screen
Group Maintenance Document
Role Lookup Screen
Role Maintenance Document
KIM Type
KIM Type Lookup
KIM Type Inquiry
Responsibility Lookup
Responsibility Inquiry
Permission Lookup
Permission Inquiry
Permission Template Inquiry
Postal Code
5. KNS
KNS Overview
What is KNS?
KNS Conceptual View
KNS Relational View
Parameter Lookup
Parameter Inquiry
Parameter Maintenance
Process to create a new Parameter
Parameter Detail
Parameter Component Lookup
Parameter Component Inquiry
Parameter Namespace
Namespace Lookup
Namespace Inquiry
Parameter Type
Parameter Type Lookup
Parameter Type Inquiry
Parameter Type Maintenance
Pessimistic Lock
Pessimistic Lock Lookup
8. KSB
What is the Kuali Service Bus?
Bean-Based Services
Overview of Supported Service Protocols
Message Queue
Current Node Info
Message Filter and Fetch
Documents Currently in Route Queue
Thread Pool
Service Registry
Security Management

List of Figures

1.1. Ad Hoc Recipients Tab
1.2. Ad Hoc Recipients Tab: Person Requests
1.3. Ad Hoc Recipients Tab: Group Requests Section
1.4. Document Overview Tab
1.5. Notes and Attachments Tab
1.6. Route Log Tab
1.7. Route Log Tab: ID Section
1.8. Route Log Tab: Future Action Requests Section
1.9. Jira Serach: Query options
1.10. Create New Jira: Initial Screen
1.11. Creat New Jira: Detail Section
2.1. Notification Channel: Channel Subscriptions
2.2. Chanel Subscriptions: Manage
3.1. Kuali Portal: Action List Button
3.2. Action List
3.3. Route Log
3.4. Action List: Preferences Button
3.5. Action List Preference Page
3.6. Action List Preferences: General section
3.7. Action List Preferences: Fields Displayed section
3.8. Action List Preferences: Document Route Status Colors Section
3.9. Action List Preferences: Example
3.10. Action List Preferences: Setup Error Message
3.11. Action List Filter Page
3.12. Document Type Lookup
3.13. Date Widget
3.14. Action List: Clear Filter Button
3.15. Delegation Tree Example
3.16. Delegation Tree Example: Deactivation
3.17. Workflow Channel: eDocLite Link
3.18. eDocLite Lookup
3.19. eDocLite Lookup: Search Results
3.20. eDocLite Inquiry
3.21. Workflow Channel: User Preferences Link
3.22. Workflow Preferences
3.23. Workflow Channel: Routing Rules Delegation Link
3.24. Delegation Lookup
3.25. Delegation Lookup: Results Example
3.26. Delegation Inquiry
3.27. Delegation Rule: Create New Screen
3.28. Delegate Routing Rule: Create New, Parent Selection
3.29. Routing Rule Delegation: Overview
3.30. Routing Rule Deleation: Details Section
3.31. Routing Rules Delegation: Edit/Copy View
3.32. Routing Rules Delegation: Delegate Rule Tab
3.33. Routing Rule Delegation: Delegate Rule Tab, Edit/Copy View
3.34. Routing Rules Delegation: Persons Tab
3.35. Routing Rules Delegation: Persons tab, Copy/Edit View
3.36. Routing Rules Delegation: Groups Tab
3.37. Routing Rules Delegation: Groups Tab, Edit/Copy View
3.38. Workflow Channel: Routing Rules Link
3.39. Routing Rules Lookup
3.40. Routing Rules Lookup: Results Example
3.41. Routing Rules Inquiry
3.42. Routing Rules Creation
3.43. Workflow Channel: Routing report
3.44. Routing Report: Template Selection
3.45. Routing Report: Template Selection, Detail
3.46. Routing Report: Routing Data Entry
3.47. Routing Report: Route Log View
3.48. Routing Report: Route Log View, Pending Action Requests
3.49. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document
3.50. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Rule Tab
3.51. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Rule Tab, Edit/Copy View
3.52. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Person Tab
3.53. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Person Tab, Edit/Copy View
3.54. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Groups Tab
3.55. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Groups Tab, Edit/Copy View
3.56. Rule Template Lookup
3.57. Rule Template Lookup: Results Example
3.58. Rule Template Inquiry
4.1. KIM Architecture
4.2. Detailed KIM Achitecture
4.3. Person Lookup
4.4. Person Lookup: Results
4.5. Person Document
4.6. Person Lookup: Create New Button
4.7. Person Document
4.8. Person Document: Overview Section
4.9. Person Document: Overview Tab, Affiliations Section
4.10. Person Document: Contact Tab
4.11. Person Document: Contact Tab, Names Section
4.12. Person Document: Contact Tab, Addresses Section
4.13. Person Document: Contact Tab, Phone Numbers Section
4.14. Person Document: Contact Tab, Email Addresses Section
4.15. Person Document: Privacy Preferences Tab
4.16. Person Document: Memberships Tab
4.17. Identity Channel: Group Link
4.18. Group Lookup
4.19. Group Lookup: Results
4.20. Group Inquiry
4.21. KIM Type Lookup
4.22. Kim Type Lookup: Results Set
4.23. Group Maintenance Document
4.24. Group Maintenance Document: Group Overview
4.25. Group Maintenance Document: Assignees Tab
4.26. Role Lookup
4.27. Role Maintenance Document
4.28. Role Maintenance Document: Tabs
4.29. Role Maintenance Document: Overview Tab
4.30. KIM Type Lookup
4.31. Role Maintenance Document: Permissions Tab
4.32. Role Maintenance Document: Permissions Tab, Add Permissions
4.33. Role Maintenance Document: Responsibilities Tab
4.34. Role Maintenance Document: Responsibility, Added Responsibility
4.35. Role Maintenance Document: Responsibility Tab, Action Section
4.36. Role Maintenance Document: Assignees Tab
4.37. Role Maintenance Document: Delegations Tab
4.38. KIM Type Lookup
4.39. KIM Type Lookup: Results Example
4.40. KIM Type Inquiry
4.41. Identity Channel: Responsibility Link
4.42. Responsibility Lookup
4.43. Responsibility Look: Results
4.44. Responsibility Inquiry
4.45. Permission Lookup
4.46. Permission Lookup: Results Example
4.47. Permission Inquiry
4.48. Permission Template Inquiry
4.49. Identity Channel: Campus Link
4.50. Campus Lookup
4.51. Campus Lookup: Results Example
4.52. Campus Inquiry
4.53. Campue Maintenance Document
4.54. Campus Maintenane Document: Expanded
4.55. Campus Maintenance Document: Edit Campus Tab
4.56. Campus Type Lookup
4.57. Campue Type Lookup: Results Example
4.58. Campus Type Inquiry
4.59. Identity Channel: Campus Type Link
4.60. Campus Type Lookup
4.61. Campus Maintenance Document
4.62. Campus Maintenance Document: Overview Tab
4.63. Campus Maintenance Document: Edit Campus Type Tab
4.64. Identity Channel: Postal Code Link
4.65. Postal Code Lookup
4.66. Postal Code Lookup: Results Example
4.67. Postal Code Inquiry
4.68. Postal Code Manintenance Document
4.69. Postal Code Manintenance Document: Edit Postal Codes Tab
4.70. Postal Code Manintenance Document: Create Postal Codes
4.71. Identity Channel: County Lin
4.72. County Code Lookup
4.73. County Code Lookup: Results Example
4.74. County Inquiry
4.75. County Maintenance Document
4.76. County Mainteance Document: Edit Counties Tab
4.77. County Maintenance Document: Create County
4.78. Identity Channel: State Link
4.79. State Lookup
4.80. State Lookup: Results Example
4.81. State Inquiry
4.82. State Maintenance Document
4.83. State Maintenance Document: Add State
4.84. State Maintenance Document: Edit States Tab
4.85. Country Lookup
4.86. Country Lookup: Results Example
4.87. Country Inquiry
4.88. Country Maintenance Document
4.89. Country Maintenance Document: Edit Country Tab
5.1. KNS: Conceptual View
5.2. KNS: Relational View
5.3. Parameter Lookup Link
5.4. Parameter Lookup
5.5. Parameter Lookup: Results Set
5.6. Parameter Inquiry
5.7. Configureation Channel: Parameter Link
5.8. Parameter Maintenance Document
5.9. Parameter Maintenance Document:Document Overivew Tab
5.10. Parameter Maintenace Document: Edit Parameter Tab
5.11. Parameter Maintenance Document: Routed Summary
5.12. KNS Maintenance Documents: Parameter Componenet Lookup Link
5.13. Parameter Component Lookup
5.14. Parameter Component Lookup: Resutls Set
5.15. Parameter Componenet Inquiry
5.16. Namespace Lookup
5.17. Namespace Lookup: Results Set
5.18. Namespace Inquiry
5.19. KNS Maintenance Documents Channel: Parameter Type Lookup Link
5.20. Parameter Type Lookup
5.21. Parameter Type Lookup: Results Set
5.22. Parameter Type Inquiry
5.23. Configuration Channel: Parameter Type Link
5.24. Parameter Type Maintenance Document
5.25. Parameter Type Maintenance Document: Edit Parameter Tab
5.26. Pessimistic Lock Lookup
8.1. Kuali Service Bus
8.2. Supported Service Protocols
8.3. Message Queue: Documents Currently In Route
8.4. Message Filter Screen
8.5. Execute Message Filter: Confirmation Screen
8.6. Documents In Route Queue
8.7. Requeue Documents: Confirmation Screen
8.8. Thread Pool Administration Page
8.9. Service Registery
8.10. Service Reigstery Results
8.11. Exception Routing Queue
8.12. Create Keystore
8.13. Create Keystore: File Section
8.14. Create Keystore: Existing Keystore Section

List of Tables

1.1. Standard Rice Buttons
1.2. Lookup Wildcards
1.3. Account Number (String) Example of Wildcard Use
1.4. Proposal Number (String) Example of Wildcard Use
1.5. Create Date (Date) Example of Wildcard Use
1.6. Ad Hoc Recipients: Person Requests attributes
1.7. Ad Hoc Recipients: Group Requests attributes
1.8. Document Overview Tab: Attributes
1.9. Notes and Attachments Tab: Attributes
1.10. Route Log Tab: ID Section Attributes
2.1. Notification: Priority Attributes
3.1. Types of Action Requests
3.2. eDocLite Lookup Attributes
3.3. Document Header Attributes
3.4. Document Body Attributes
3.5. Routing Action and Annotation, and Note Attributes
3.6. User Preferences Attributes
3.7. User Preferences: Fields Displayed Attributes
3.8. Routing Rules Delegation Attributes
3.9. Routing Rule Delegation: Delegate Rule Tab Attributes
3.10. Routing Rules Delegation: Persons Tab Attributes
3.11. Routing Rules Deleation: Groups Tab Attributes
3.12. Routing Rule Creation Attributes
3.13. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Rule Tab Attributes
3.14. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Person Tab Attributes
3.15. Rule Maintenance Document Type Document: Groups Tab Attributes
3.16. Rule Template Lookup Attributes
4.1. Person Document: Overview Attributes
4.2. Person Document: Overview Attributes, Affiliations
4.3. Person Document: Overview Attributes, Affiliations Continued
4.4. Person Document: Contact Tab, Names Section Attributes
4.5. Person Document: Contact Tab, Address Section Attributes
4.6. Person Document: Contact Tab, Phone Numbers Attributes
4.7. Person Document: Contact Tab, Email Address Attributes
4.8. Person Document: Privacy Preferences Tab Attributes
4.9. Person Document: Memeberships Tab, Groups Attributes
4.10. Person Document: Memeberships Tab, Roles Attributes
4.11. Group Inquiry: Assignees Attributes
4.12. KIM Type Lookup Search Attributes
4.13. Group Maintenance Document: Group Overview Attributes
4.14. Group Maintenance Document: Assignees Tab Attributes
4.15. Role Maintenance Doucment: Overview Attributes
4.16. Role Maintenance Document: Permissions Attributes
4.17. Role Maintenance Document: Permissions Tabb, Add Attributes
4.18. Role Maintenance Document: Responsibility Attributes
4.19. Role Maintenance Document: Responsibility, Add Attributes
4.20. Role Maintenance Document: Responsibility Tab, Action Section Attributes
4.21. Role Maintenance Document: Assignees Tab Attributes
4.22. Role Maintenance Document: Delegations Tab Attributes
4.23. KIM Type Lookup Attributes
4.24. KIM Type Inquiry Attributes
4.25. Responsibility Lookup Attributes
4.26. Responsibility Lookup: Resutls Attributes
4.27. Permission Lookup Attributes
4.28. Permission Lookup: Results Attributes
4.29. Campus Maintenance Document: Edit Campus Attributes
4.30. Campus Maintenance Document: Edit Campus Type Attributes
4.31. Postal Code Maintenance Document: Create Postal Codes Attributes
4.32. County Maintenance Document: Create County Attributes
4.33. States Maintenance Document: Edit States Attributes
4.34. Country Maintenance Document: Edit Country Attributes
5.1. Parameter Maintenance Document: attributes
5.2. Document Overview Tab: Attributes
5.3. Edite Parameter Tab: Attributes
5.4. Parameter Component Lookup: Resultes set Attributes
5.5. Parameter Componenet Inquiry: Attributes
5.6. Edit Parameter Type Tab: Attributes
5.7. Pessimistic Lock Lookup: Search Attributes
8.1. Message Filter Screen: Attributes
8.2. Documents Currently in Route Queue: Attributes
8.3. Message: Attributes
8.4. Payload: Attributes
8.5. Edit Screen: Attributes
8.6. Edit Screen: Links
8.7. Thread Pool: Attributes
8.8. Exception Routing Queue: Attributes
8.9. Existing Keystore Entries: Attributes