- Introduction
- 1. Accessing Purchasing and Accounts Payable Functions
- 2. Batch Processes
- 3. Ordering Materials: Standard Transactional E-Docs
- 4. Paying for Materials: Standard Transactional E-Docs
- 5. Receiving Materials: Standard Transactional E-docs
- 6. Fund
- 7. Licensing Overview
- 8. Standard Licensing E-Docs
- 9. Vendor
- 10. Electronic Resources: Standard Transactional Documents
- 11. Import
- 12. All Acquisitions Records (Searches)
- 13. Reports
- 14. Others: Additional Select/Acquire Standard Transactional Documents
- 15. Standard COA E-Docs
- 16. COA Attribute Maintenance E-Docs
- 17. Vendor Attribute Maintenance E-Docs
- 18. Lookup (Account Delegate) Maintenance E-Docs
- 19. E-Acquisitions Maintenance Documents
- Access Location
- Access Type
- Agreement Document Type
- Agreement Method
- Agreement Status
- Agreement Type
- Authentication Type
- Content Type
- E-Resource Status
- License Request Current Location
- License Request Status
- License Request Type
- Licensing Requirement
- Material Type
- Package Scope
- Package Type
- Payment Type
- Request Priority
- 20. Select & Acquire Admin Maintenance E-Docs
- Bank
- Billing Address
- Building
- Cancellation Reason
- Carrier
- Currency Type
- Delivery Required Date Reason
- Donor
- Exception Type
- Exchange Rate
- Invoice Sub Type
- Invoice Type
- Item Category
- Item Type
- Method of PO Transmission
- Note Type
- Order Type
- Payment Method
- Recurring Payment Type
- Request Source Type
- Sensitive Data
- Electronic Invoice Item Mapping
- Format
- Funding Source
- Item Price Source
- Item Reason Added
- Negative Payment Request Approval Limit
- Organization Parameter
- Payment Request Auto Approve Exclusions
- Purchase Order Contract Language
- Purchase Order Item Status
- Purchase Order Vendor Choice
- Receiving Address
- Receiving Threshold
- Recurring Payment Frequency
- Requisition Source
- Room
- Disbursement Voucher Payment Reason
- Fiscal Year Function Control
- Function Control Code
- Offset Definition
- Organization Reversion
- Organization Reversion Category
- Organization Reversion Global
- 21. Pre-Disbursement Processor
- PDP-Generated General Ledger Entries
- PDP and Flexible Bank Specification
- PDP Batch Jobs
- Accounting Change Code
- ACH Bank
- ACH Transaction Code
- ACH Transaction Type
- Customer Profile
- Disbursement Number Range
- Disbursement Type
- Format Checks/ACH
- Format Reset
- Format Summary
- Payee ACH Account
- Payee Type
- Payment Bank History
- Payment Change
- Payment File Batch Upload
- Payment Type
- Payment Status
- Search for Batch (Batch Lookup)
- Search for Payment
- 22. Appendix