
1. Navigating Through OLE
OLE's Menus
OLE Deliver Menu
OLE Describe Menu
OLE Select/Acquire Menu
OLE Maintenance Menu
OLE Admin Menu
Screen Elements
Message of the Day
Standard Data Entry, Selection, Action, and Navigation Tools
Logging On and Off OLE
Switching Users
User IDs and Roles
2. OLE E-Doc Fundamentals
E-Doc Screen Layout
Document Header
Expand All/Collapse All Buttons
Required Fields
Date Fields
Standard Links and Icons
Standard Tabs
Document Overview
OLE Financial Documents Accounting Lines Tab
General Ledger Pending Entries Tab
Notes and Attachments Tab
Ad Hoc Recipients Tab
Route Log Tab
Basic E-Doc Operations
Initiating a Document
Copying a Document
Saving a Document
Canceling a Document
Closing a Document
Routing a Document
Using the Action List
Searching OLE
Search Workbench
Using Doc Search to Find a Document
Performing Searches on Financial Documents
Lookup Help
3. Maintenance E-Doc Fundamentals
Common Tabs
Edit Tab
Other Common Tabs
Common Business Rules
Performing Common Maintenance E-Doc Operations
Searching for a Document
Initiating a Maintenance Document
Copying a Maintenance Document
Editing a Maintenance Document
Fiscal Year Maker
Extended Attributes
General Guidelines
4. OLE Workflow Overview and Key Concepts
KEW Overview
PeopleFlow Overview
Route Levels and Workflow Routing
Typical Route Levels of the OLE financial documents
Viewing Route Nodes
Workflow Responsibilities
5. Importing Data into OLE
Data Import Templates for Select/Acquire
Process Overview
Sample Data
OLE Glossary of Terms
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