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The Search Framwork Configuration controls what is displayed on the Search Workbench and to a large degree how the Search Workbench operates.

The Search Framework Configuration screen is divided into 5 parts with each part controlling a different aspect of the Search Workbench: Doc Types, Doc Formats, Doc Fields, Search Result Page Size, and Facet Page Size.

The Doc Formats tab allows you to define multiple formats for document types and to provide each with a distinct label. The values in the drop down “Document Type” are from the Doc Types definitions described above.

To work with the Doc Formats section, first select a Document Type in that drop down.

Selecting Document Type Bibliographic will display the 3 formats defined for 3 different Bibliographic formats: Dublin Core, Dublin Unqualified, and MARC.

Selecting Document Types EHolding, Holding and Item will display a single document format definition for each. For all of these document types, the format is oleml (OLE Markup Language – an xml format).

Selecting Document Type License displays 4 different formats for License. The definitions are DOC (Word Doc), ONIXPL (ONIX for Publications Licenses), PDF (Adobe), and XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations).

The format definitions along with the Doc Types are used in the Doc Fields section described below.

Multiple doc formats can be added to the search framework configuration by filling in all of the required fields and clicking the add button.



Doc Format Column definitions




Required. A unique name of the Doc Format. This will appear within the code.


Required. A label for the Doc Format.


Optional. A description for the Doc Format.

The Doc Fields tab controls the fields that are available for searching, the fields that are displayed in the results, the fields that can be globally edited in the Global Edit screen, and the fields that will be exported in an XML format from the search results. It also controls the definitions of those fields in terms of the values recorded in the bibliographic records. For example a field called Title can be defined in terms of MARC fields.

To use this section, you need to select values from both the drop downs: Document Type and Document Format. The values for these lists are from the previous sections Doc Types and Doc Formats. Selecting a Doc Type will change the values in the Document Format section.

Depending on the Document Type selected from the drop down, different columns will be displayed.

Selecting Document Type Bibliographic and Document Format MARC displays columns:

Name, Label, Description, Path Include, Path Exclude, Is Search, Is Display, Global Edit, Is Export, and Is Facet.

A Note on Titles: What OLE displays as Title in the search results is Title_sort. If you modify Title_display you will not see the results. However if you mouse-hover over a Title_sort value in the Search Workbench, you will see the Title_display value.

Multiple doc fields can be added to the search framework configuration by filling in all of the required fields and clicking the add button.

Doc Fields definitions




Required. This is the name of the field used in Solr configuration. Please note that each Name value here must have the same name in the Solr configuration.


Adding a name here must be accompanied by a reconfiguration of Solr to be effective. Changing an existing Name value here without a corresponding name change in Solr will have unforeseen consequences .


Required. This is what the users will see displayed as search values in the ‘In Field’ drop down on the Search Workbench for selecting the search criteria for Names ending in “_search” and the column names for search results for Names ending in “_display”. This can be changed without any corresponding change in Solr Configuration.


As of this writing, changing the value for an existing Label does not affect what the users see.


Optional. This is just for documentation. It does not have any impact on what the user sees on the Search Workbench.

Path Include

Optional. For Bibliographic Marc format fields, this is a reference to the underlying MARC fields and subfield codes. Entering a MARC field and subfield here defines what fields are displayed or searched on when this field is displayed in the search results or searched if selected in the search criteria. The default values displayed were derived from the OLE Search Technical Documentation page (section 1.3) on OLE’s Wiki page.

There is a specific syntax to be used for both Path Include and Path Exclude. See Path Syntax below.

Path Exclude

Optional. For Bibliographic MARC format fields, this is a limitation on the Path Include values. If the path include for Title_display field for example was “245”, a value of “245-c” in this column would cause all values in 245 subfields to display except for the value in subfield 245 c.

See Path Syntax below for a definition of the syntax to be used.

Is Search

Optional. Checking this box for a field will cause the field label to appear as a value in the “In Field” drop down on the Search Workbench. Removing the check will cause that field to disappear from those drop down values. Only check fields in this column which have “_search” as the last part of their names.

See Cautionary Notes below.

Is Display

Optional. Checking this box for a field will cause the field label to appear as a column in the search results on the Search Workbench. Removing the check will cause that field column to disappear from the search results display on the Search Workbench. Only check fields in this column which have “_display” as the last part of their names.

See Cautionary Notes below.

Global Edit

Optional. Checking this box for a field will allow the field to be edited in the Global Edit screens. A Global Edit screen for Bibliographic records is a future enhancement. This column will likely be hidden until that enhancement is ready.

Is Export

Optional. This is for a future feature that will allow export of fields in csv format. It has no impact on the “Export to Doc XML” function displayed under the search results on the Search WorkBench screen.

Is Facet

Optional. Checking this box will cause the Label for this field to appear in the “Narrow Search” section of the Search Workbench screen when searching for Bibliographic records. Only check fields in this column that have “_facet” as part of their names. See Cautionary Notes below.


Click add before clicking saveto add extra rows to the Doc Fields tab.

Selecting Document Type Holding, EHoldings, or Items and Document Format OLEML displays columns:

Name, Label, Description, Is Search, Is Display, Global Edit, Is Export, and Is Facet.

Multiple doc fields can be added to the search framework configuration by filling in all of the required fields and clicking the add button.

Doc Fields definitions




Required. This is the name of the field used in Solr configuration. Please note that each Name value here must have the same name in the Solr configuration.


Adding a name here must be accompanied by a reconfiguration of Solr to be effective. Changing an existing Name value here without a corresponding name change in Solr will have unforeseen consequences .


Required. This is what the users will see displayed as search values in the ‘In Field’ drop down on the Search Workbench for selecting the search criteria for Names ending in “_search” and the column names for search results for Names ending in “_display”. This can be changed without any corresponding change in Solr Configuration.


As of this writing, changing the value for an existing Label does not affect what the users see.


Optional. This is just for documentation. It does not have any impact on what the user sees on the Search Workbench.

Is Search

Optional. Checking this box for a field will cause the field label to appear as a value in the “In Field” drop down on the Search Workbench. Removing the check will cause that field to disappear from those drop down values. Only check fields in this column which have “_search” as the last part of their names.

See Cautionary Notes below.

Is Display

Optional. Checking this box for a field will cause the field label to appear as a column in the search results on the Search Workbench. Removing the check will cause that field column to disappear from the search results display on the Search Workbench. Only check fields in this column which have “_display” as the last part of their names.

See Cautionary Notes below.

Global Edit

Optional. Checking this box for a field will allow the field to be edited in the Global Edit screens. A Global Edit screen for Bibliographic records is a future enhancement. This column will likely be hidden until that enhancement is ready.

Is Export

Optional. This is for a future feature that will allow export of fields in csv format. It has no impact on the “Export to Doc XML” function displayed under the search results on the Search WorkBench screen.

Is Facet

Optional. Checking this box will cause the Label for this field to appear in the “Narrow Search” section of the Search Workbench screen when searching for Bibliographic records. Only check fields in this column that have “_facet” as part of their names. See Cautionary Notes below.


Click add before clicking saveto add extra rows to the Doc Fields tab.

Notes about some of the Field Name rows defined for Holdings, Items and Eholdings:

Note: There are some nonstandard subfields in a few of the default values that should not be confused as some kind of syntax. Examples include the Author_display Path Exclude field. The values “100-=” and “100-?” are actually subfields for the 100 field used by some of OLE’s partner institutions’ current systems – not syntax. It is likely that those subfields will not be used in OLE and will be removed from these default field definition values.

An example of how indexing and searching is done:

When a Bib MARC record is added or updated, the following fields are generated for this record and indexed in Solr:

Title_search - This is a multi-valued field and the values are generated by taking all the subfields of the datafields 245,130,240,246,247,440,490,730,740,773,774,780,785,830,840 (Path Include values) and excluding the subfields

245-c,245-6,245-c,245-6,130-c,130-6,240-c,240-6,246-c,246-6,247-c,247-6,440-c,440-6,490-c,490-6,730-c,730-6,740-c,740-6,773-c,773-6,774-c,774-6,780-c,780-6,785-c,785-6,830-c,830-6,840-c,840-6 (Path Exclude values)

So there can be 15 values of Title_search generated, assuming all of the above data fields have values.

Title_display - 245-a;b - This is a single-valued field and its value is generated by concatenating subfields a and b of datafield 245

When a search request (Title = ‘ole’) is submitted, the query is built and sent to solr. The value ‘ole’ is looked for in the 15 or so values of Title_search field of every bib record in Solr. If found, the single value of Title_display of the matched record is returned from Solr as a search result row.

(So, the value searched for may not appear in the displayed search result row.)

Both _search and _display fields are updated in Solr whenever a MARC record is added or updated in OLE. And the Path Include and Path Exclude definitions that are available at that time will be used for updating Solr.

So if the Path Include and Path Exclude are modified for either the _search or _display field, these modifications will not affect the records already indexed in Solr, until they are reindexed.

Is_search property of Title_search field tells whether the user can run a search against this field.

Is_display property of Title_display field tells whether the user can see this column in search result grid.

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