Retrieves the list of CLU information for the CLUs related to a
specified CLU Id with a certain LU to LU relation type
(getRelatedClusByCluId from the other direction).
Retrieves the list of LUI information for the LUIs related
the specified LUI Id with a certain LU to LU relation
(getRelatedLuisByLuiId from the other direction)
Name: Operator
Operator to use to compare the field to the value, =, >, <, >=, <=
TODO: Decide on other operators such as "like" or in range xxx-xxxx
TODO: Deicde on operators to search collections inside such as any
TODO: Decide how to search on dynamic attributes
A example of an adapter that might sit at the top of the stack and converts any
runtime exceptions into the formal OperationFailedException
This could be genrated automatically from the contract definitions too.
A example of an adapter that might sit at the top of the stack and converts any
runtime exceptions into the formal OperationFailedException
This could be genrated automatically from the contract definitions too.
States for Learning Person Relations
Types for Learning Person Relations