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1   /*
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4    */
5   package;
7   import java.text.DateFormat;
8   import java.text.ParseException;
9   import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
10  import java.util.Date;
12  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.ContextInfo;
13  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.RichTextInfo;
14  import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.clu.dto.CluIdentifierInfo;
15  import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.clu.dto.CluInfo;
16  import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.clu.service.CluService;
17  import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.util.constants.CluServiceConstants;
19  /**
20   * @author nwright
21   */
22  public class CluDataLoader {
24      private CluService cluService;
25      private ContextInfo contextInfo;
27      public CluService getCluService() {
28          return cluService;
29      }
31      public void setCluService(CluService cluService) {
32          this.cluService = cluService;
33      }
35      public ContextInfo getContextInfo() {
36          return contextInfo;
37      }
39      public void setContextInfo(ContextInfo contextInfo) {
40          this.contextInfo = contextInfo;
41      }
43      public void load() {
44          loadCourse("COURSE1", "2012FA", "CHEM", "CHEM123", "Chemistry 123", "description 1");
45          loadCourse("COURSE2", "2012SP", "ENG", "ENG101", "Intro English 1", "description 2");
46          loadCourse("COURSE3", "2012FA", "CHEM", "CHEM124", "Chemistry 124", "description 3");
47          loadCourse("COURSE4", "2012SP", "ENG", "ENG102", "Intro English 2", "description 4");
48          loadCourse("COURSE5", "2012FA", "CHEM", "CHEM125", "Chemistry 125", "description 5");
49          loadCourse("COURSE6", "2012SP", "ENG", "ENG103", "Intro English 3", "description 6");
50          loadCourse("COURSE7", "2012FA", "CHEM", "CHEM126", "Chemistry 126", "description 7");
51          loadCourse("COURSE8", "2012SP", "ENG", "ENG104", "Intro English 4", "description 8");
53          loadProgram("PROGRAM1", "2012FA", "PROG1", "Program 1", "Program description 1");
54          loadProgram("PROGRAM2", "2012SP", "PROG2", "Program 2", "Program description 2");
55      }
57      public CluInfo loadCourse(String id, String startTermId, String subjectArea, String code, String title,
58                                String description) {
59          CluIdentifierInfo official = new CluIdentifierInfo();
60          official.setDivision(subjectArea);
61          official.setCode(code);
62          official.setSuffixCode(code.substring(subjectArea.length()));
63          official.setShortName(title);
64          official.setLongName(title);
65          return loadClu(id, official, startTermId, description, CluServiceConstants.CREDIT_COURSE_LU_TYPE_KEY);
66      }
68      public CluInfo loadProgram(String id, String startTermId, String code, String title,
69                                String description) {
70          CluIdentifierInfo official = new CluIdentifierInfo();
71          official.setCode(code);
72          official.setShortName(title);
73          official.setLongName(title);
74          return loadClu(id, official, startTermId, description, "");
75      }
77      private CluInfo loadClu(String id, CluIdentifierInfo official, String startTermId, String description, String type) {
78          CluInfo info = new CluInfo();
79          info.setId(id);
80          info.setExpectedFirstAtp(startTermId);
81          info.setEffectiveDate(calcEffectiveDateForTerm(startTermId, id));
82          info.setOfficialIdentifier(official);
83          RichTextInfo rt = new RichTextInfo();
84          rt.setPlain(description);
85          info.setDescr(rt);
86          info.setTypeKey(type);
87          info.setStateKey("Active");
88          try {
89              return this.cluService.createClu(type, info, contextInfo);
90          } catch (Exception ex) {
91              throw new RuntimeException(ex);
92          }
93      }
95      private Date calcEffectiveDateForTerm(String termId, String context) {
96          String year = termId.substring(0, 4);
97          String mmdd = "09-01";
98          if (termId.endsWith("FA")) {
99              mmdd = "09-01";
100         } else if (termId.endsWith("WI")) {
101             mmdd = "01-01";
102         } else if (termId.endsWith("SP")) {
103             mmdd = "03-01";
104         } else if (termId.endsWith("SU")) {
105             mmdd = "06-01";
106         }
107         return str2Date(year + "-" + mmdd + " 00:00:00.0", context);
108     }
110     private Date str2Date(String str, String context) {
111         if (str == null) {
112             return null;
113         }
114         DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.S");
115         try {
116             Date date = df.parse(str);
117             return date;
118         } catch (ParseException ex) {
119             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad date " + str + " in " + context);
120         }
121     }
122 }