public interface RuleManagementService extends TranslateBusinessMethods
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ActionDefinition |
createAction(ActionDefinition actionDefinition)
Create Action
AgendaDefinition |
createAgenda(AgendaDefinition agendaDefinition)
Create Agenda and an empty first item
AgendaItemDefinition |
createAgendaItem(AgendaItemDefinition agendaItemDefinition)
Create AgendaItem
ContextDefinition |
createContext(ContextDefinition contextDefinition)
Create Context
NaturalLanguageTemplate |
createNaturalLanguageTemplate(NaturalLanguageTemplate naturalLanguageTemplate)
This will create a
NaturalLanguageTemplate exactly like the
parameter passed in except the id will be assigned and create date/user
will be set. |
NaturalLanguageUsage |
createNaturalLanguageUsage(NaturalLanguageUsage naturalLanguageUsage)
Create NaturalLanguageUsage
PropositionDefinition |
createProposition(PropositionDefinition propositionDefinition)
Create a Proposition
ReferenceObjectBinding |
createReferenceObjectBinding(ReferenceObjectBinding referenceObjectDefinition)
Create RefObject-KRMS object binding
RuleDefinition |
createRule(RuleDefinition ruleDefinition)
Create Rule
void |
deleteAction(String id)
Delete the specified Action
void |
deleteAgenda(String id)
Delete the specified Agenda
void |
deleteAgendaItem(String id)
Delete the specified AgendaItem
void |
deleteContext(String id)
Delete the specified Context
void |
deleteNaturalLanguageTemplate(String naturalLanguageTemplateId)
Delete the
NaturalLanguageTemplate with the given id. |
void |
deleteNaturalLanguageUsage(String naturalLanguageUsageId)
Delete NaturalLanguageUsage
void |
deleteProposition(String id)
Delete the Proposition
void |
deleteReferenceObjectBinding(String id)
Delete the specified ReferenceObjectBinding object
void |
deleteRule(String id)
Delete the specified Rule
List<String> |
findActionIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria)
Query for Action ids based on the given search criteria which is a Map
of Action field names to values.
List<String> |
findAgendaIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria)
Query for Agenda ids based on the given search criteria which is a Map of
Agenda field names to values.
List<String> |
findContextIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria)
Query for Context ids based on the given search criteria which is a Map
of Context field names to values.
AgendaDefinition |
findCreateAgenda(AgendaDefinition agendaDefinition)
Create Agenda if not found by contextId and name
ContextDefinition |
findCreateContext(ContextDefinition contextDefinition)
find Create Context
Searches for an existing context with the same name and namespace and returns it
otherwise it creates the context.
NaturalLanguageTemplate |
findNaturalLanguageTemplateByLanguageCodeTypeIdAndNluId(String languageCode,
String typeId,
String naturalLanguageUsageId) |
List<NaturalLanguageTemplate> |
findNaturalLanguageTemplatesByLanguageCode(String languageCode)
Finds all the natural language templates for a particular language
List<NaturalLanguageTemplate> |
findNaturalLanguageTemplatesByNaturalLanguageUsage(String naturalLanguageUsageId)
Find all the natural language templates for a particular usage
List<NaturalLanguageTemplate> |
findNaturalLanguageTemplatesByTemplate(String template)
Find the natural language template using the actual text of the template.
List<NaturalLanguageTemplate> |
findNaturalLanguageTemplatesByType(String typeId)
Find all the natural language templates of a particular type
Template types are keys that identify the message that is to be expressed
in different languages and in different usage scenarios
List<String> |
findPropositionIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria)
Query for Proposition ids based on the given search criteria which is a
Map of Proposition field names to values.
List<String> |
findReferenceObjectBindingIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria)
Query for ReferenceObjectBinding ids based on the given search criteria
which is a Map of ReferenceObjectBinding field names to values.
List<ReferenceObjectBinding> |
findReferenceObjectBindingsByKrmsDiscriminatorType(String referenceObjectKrmsDiscriminatorType)
Retrieves list of ReferenceObjectBinding objects for the given krms obj
discriminator type
List<ReferenceObjectBinding> |
findReferenceObjectBindingsByKrmsObject(String krmsObjectId)
Retrieves list of ReferenceObjectBinding objects for the given KRMS obj
List<ReferenceObjectBinding> |
findReferenceObjectBindingsByReferenceDiscriminatorType(String referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType)
Retrieves list of ReferenceObjectBinding objects for the given ref obj
discriminator type
List<ReferenceObjectBinding> |
findReferenceObjectBindingsByReferenceObject(String referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType,
String referenceObjectId)
Retrieves list of ReferenceObjectBinding objects for the given obj
discriminator type and reference object id
List<ReferenceObjectBinding> |
findReferenceObjectBindingsByReferenceObjectIds(String referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType,
List<String> referenceObjectIds)
Retrieves list of ReferenceObjectBinding objects for the given obj
discriminator type and reference object ids
List<String> |
findRuleIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria)
Query for Rule ids based on the given search criteria which is a Map of
Rule field names to values.
ActionDefinition |
getAction(String actionId)
Retrieves the action for the given actionId.
List<ActionDefinition> |
getActions(List<String> actionIds)
Retrieves all of the actions for the given list of actionIds.
AgendaDefinition |
getAgenda(String id)
Retrieve Agenda for the specified id
AgendaDefinition |
getAgendaByNameAndContextId(String name,
String contextId)
Retrieves an Agenda from the repository based on the provided agenda name
and context id.
AgendaItemDefinition |
getAgendaItem(String id)
Retrieve AgendaItem by the specified identifier
List<AgendaItemDefinition> |
getAgendaItemsByContext(String contextId)
Retrieve AgendaItems associated with a context
List<AgendaItemDefinition> |
getAgendaItemsByType(String typeId)
Retrieve AgendaItems by specified type
List<AgendaItemDefinition> |
getAgendaItemsByTypeAndContext(String typeId,
String contextId)
Retrieve AgendaItems by type and context
List<AgendaDefinition> |
getAgendasByContext(String contextId)
Retrieve Agendas associated with the specified context
List<AgendaDefinition> |
getAgendasByType(String typeId)
Retrieve Agendas of the specified type
List<AgendaDefinition> |
getAgendasByTypeAndContext(String typeId,
String contextId)
Retrieve Agendas of the specified type and context
AgendaTreeDefinition |
getAgendaTree(String agendaId)
Retrieves the agenda tree for the given agendaId.
List<AgendaTreeDefinition> |
getAgendaTrees(List<String> agendaIds)
Retrieves all of the agendas trees for the given list of agendaIds.
ContextDefinition |
getContext(String id)
Retrieve Context for the specified id
ContextDefinition |
getContextByNameAndNamespace(String name,
String namespace)
Retrieves an Context from the repository based on the provided context
name and namespace.
NaturalLanguageTemplate |
getNaturalLanguageTemplate(String naturalLanguageTemplateId)
Retrieves a NaturalLanguageTemplate from the repository based on the
given id.
NaturalLanguageUsage |
getNaturalLanguageUsage(String id)
Retrieve NaturalLanguageUsage specified by the identifier
NaturalLanguageUsage |
getNaturalLanguageUsageByNameAndNamespace(String name,
String namespace)
Retrieve NaturalLanguageUsage specified by name and namespace
List<NaturalLanguageUsage> |
getNaturalLanguageUsagesByNamespace(String namespace)
Translates and retrieves a NaturalLanguage for a given KRMS object (e.g, proposition
or agenda), NaturalLanguage usage type (context) and language into natural language
PropositionDefinition |
getProposition(String id)
Retrieve Proposition specified by the identifier
Set<PropositionDefinition> |
getPropositionsByRule(String ruleId)
Retrieve Propositions associated with the specified Rule
Set<PropositionDefinition> |
getPropositionsByType(String typeId)
Retrieve Propositions of the specified type
ReferenceObjectBinding |
getReferenceObjectBinding(String id)
Retrieve referenceObjectBinding given a specific id
List<ReferenceObjectBinding> |
getReferenceObjectBindings(List<String> ids)
Retrieve list of ReferenceObjectBinding objects given ids
RuleDefinition |
getRule(String ruleId)
Retrieves the rule for the given ruleId.
RuleDefinition |
getRuleByNameAndNamespace(String name,
String namespace)
Retrieves an Rule from the repository based on the provided rule name
and namespace.
List<RuleDefinition> |
getRules(List<String> ruleIds)
Retrieves all of the rules for the given list of ruleIds.
ContextDefinition |
selectContext(ContextSelectionCriteria contextSelectionCriteria)
Locates a ContextDefinition based on the given map of context qualifiers.
String |
translateNaturalLanguageForObject(String naturalLanguageUsageId,
String typeId,
String krmsObjectId,
String languageCode)
Translates and retrieves a NaturalLanguage for a given KRMS object (e.g,
proposition or agenda), NaturalLanguage usage type (context) and language
into natural language TODO: Add appropriate caching annotation
List<NaturalLanguage> |
translateNaturalLanguageForObjects(String naturalLanguageUsageId,
String typeId,
List<String> krmsObjectIds,
String languageCode)
Translates and retrieves a NaturalLanguage for a list of KRMS objects (e.g,
propositions or agendas), NaturalLanguage usage type (context) and language
into natural language
String |
translateNaturalLanguageForProposition(String naturalLanguageUsageId,
PropositionDefinition propositionDefinintion,
String languageCode)
Retrieve all the NaturalLanguageUsages
NaturalLanguageTree |
translateNaturalLanguageTreeForProposition(String naturalLanguageUsageId,
PropositionDefinition propositionDefinintion,
String languageCode)
Translates NaturalLanguage for a given proposition, returning a tree of
the NaturalLanguage.
void |
updateAction(ActionDefinition actionDefinition)
Update the Action specified by the identifier in the DTO
void |
updateAgenda(AgendaDefinition agendaDefinition)
Update the Agenda specified by the identifier in the input DTO
void |
updateAgendaItem(AgendaItemDefinition agendaItemDefinition)
Update an AgendaItem
void |
updateContext(ContextDefinition contextDefinition)
Update the Context specified by the identifier in the input DTO
void |
updateNaturalLanguageTemplate(NaturalLanguageTemplate naturalLanguageTemplate)
This will update an existing
NaturalLanguageTemplate . |
void |
updateNaturalLanguageUsage(NaturalLanguageUsage naturalLanguageUsage)
Update NaturalLanguageUsage
void |
updateProposition(PropositionDefinition propositionDefinition)
Update the Proposition
void |
updateReferenceObjectBinding(ReferenceObjectBinding referenceObjectBindingDefinition)
Update the ReferenceObjectBinding object specified by the identifier in the
given DTO
void |
updateRule(RuleDefinition ruleDefinition)
Update the Rule specified by the identifier in the DTO
@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) ReferenceObjectBinding createReferenceObjectBinding(ReferenceObjectBinding referenceObjectDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new ReferenceObjectBinding to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given referenceObjectDefinition
is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'id=\' + #p0") ReferenceObjectBinding getReferenceObjectBinding(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the ReferenceObjectBinding to be retrievedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is blank or
invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'ids=\' + #p0") List<ReferenceObjectBinding> getReferenceObjectBindings(List<String> ids) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifiers of the ReferenceObjectBinding to be retrievedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if one or more ids in the give list
is blank or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType=\' + #p0") List<ReferenceObjectBinding> findReferenceObjectBindingsByReferenceDiscriminatorType(String referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- reference object typeRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType is
blank or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'referenceObjectKrmsDiscriminatorType=\' + #p0") List<ReferenceObjectBinding> findReferenceObjectBindingsByKrmsDiscriminatorType(String referenceObjectKrmsDiscriminatorType) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- reference object typeRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given referenceObjectKrmsDiscriminatorType is
blank or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'referenceObjectId=\' + #p1") List<ReferenceObjectBinding> findReferenceObjectBindingsByReferenceObject(String referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType, String referenceObjectId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- reference object typereferenceObjectId
- reference object idRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given referenceObjectKrmsDiscriminatorType or id is
blank or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'referenceObjectIds=\' + #p1") List<ReferenceObjectBinding> findReferenceObjectBindingsByReferenceObjectIds(String referenceObjectReferenceDiscriminatorType, List<String> referenceObjectIds) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- reference object typereferenceObjectIds
- reference object idsRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given referenceObjectKrmsDiscriminatorType or id list is
blank or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'krmsObjectId=\' + #p0") List<ReferenceObjectBinding> findReferenceObjectBindingsByKrmsObject(String krmsObjectId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the KRMS objRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given krmsObjectId is blank or
invalid@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) void updateReferenceObjectBinding(ReferenceObjectBinding referenceObjectBindingDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- DTO with updated info and id of the object to be updatedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given referenceObjectBindingDefinition
is null or invalid@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) void deleteReferenceObjectBinding(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the object to be deletedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalidList<String> findReferenceObjectBindingIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
This method returns it's results as a List of ReferenceObjectBinding ids that match the given search criteria.
- the criteria. Cannot be null.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the queryByCriteria is null@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) AgendaDefinition createAgenda(AgendaDefinition agendaDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new Agenda to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given agendaDefinition is
null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) AgendaDefinition findCreateAgenda(AgendaDefinition agendaDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new Agenda to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given agendaDefinition is
null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'id=\' + #p0") AgendaDefinition getAgenda(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier for the AgendaRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'name=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'contextId=\' + #p1") AgendaDefinition getAgendaByNameAndContextId(String name, String contextId)
- the name of the Agenda to retrieve.contextId
- the id of the context that the agenda belongs to.AgendaDefinition
identified by the given name and namespace.
A null reference is returned if an invalid or non-existent name and
namespace combination is supplied.@Cacheable(value="", key="\'typeId=\' + #p0") List<AgendaDefinition> getAgendasByType(String typeId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- type of the AgendaRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given typeId is null or
invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'contextId=\' + #p0") List<AgendaDefinition> getAgendasByContext(String contextId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- context of interestRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given contextId is null or
invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'typeId=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'contextId=\' + #p1") List<AgendaDefinition> getAgendasByTypeAndContext(String typeId, String contextId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- type of the AgendacontextId
- context of interestRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given typeId or contextId
null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) void updateAgenda(AgendaDefinition agendaDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- DTO with updated info and identifier of the object to be updatedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given agendaDefinition is
null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) void deleteAgenda(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the object to be deletedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) AgendaItemDefinition createAgendaItem(AgendaItemDefinition agendaItemDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new AgendaItem to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given agendaItemDefinition is
null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'id=\' + #p0") AgendaItemDefinition getAgendaItem(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the AgendaItemRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'typeId=\' + #p0") List<AgendaItemDefinition> getAgendaItemsByType(String typeId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- type of the AgendaItemsRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given typeId is null or
invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'contextId=\' + #p0") List<AgendaItemDefinition> getAgendaItemsByContext(String contextId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- context identifierRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given contextId is null or
invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'typeId=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'contextId=\' + #p1") List<AgendaItemDefinition> getAgendaItemsByTypeAndContext(String typeId, String contextId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- type of the AgendascontextId
- context with which the Agendas are associatedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given typeId or contextId
null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true, beforeInvocation=true) void updateAgendaItem(AgendaItemDefinition agendaItemDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- updated data for the AgendaItem, with id of the object to be updatedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given agendaItemDefinition
is null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) void deleteAgendaItem(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the AgendaItem to be deletedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) RuleDefinition createRule(RuleDefinition ruleDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new Rule to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given ruleDefinition is null
or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'ruleId=\' + #p0") RuleDefinition getRule(String ruleId)
- the id of the rule to retrieveIllegalArgumentException
- if the given ruleId is null@Cacheable(value="", key="\'name=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'namespace=\' + #p1") RuleDefinition getRuleByNameAndNamespace(String name, String namespace)
- the name of the Rule to retrieve.namespace
- the namespace that the rule is under.RuleDefinition
identified by the given name and namespace.
A null reference is returned if an invalid or non-existent name and
namespace combination is supplied.IllegalArgumentException
- if the either the name or the namespace
is null or blank.@Cacheable(value="", key="\'ruleIds=\' + T(org.kuali.rice.core.api.cache.CacheKeyUtils).key(#p0)") List<RuleDefinition> getRules(List<String> ruleIds)
The list which is returned from this operation may not be the same size as the list which is passed to this method. If a rule doesn't exist for a given rule id then no result for that id will be returned in the list. As a result of this, the returned list can be empty, but it will never be null.
- the list of rule ids for which to retrieve the rulesIllegalArgumentException
- if the given list of ruleIds is null@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) void updateRule(RuleDefinition ruleDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- updated Rule information, object specified by the idRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given ruleDefinition is null
or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"","","",""}, allEntries=true) void deleteRule(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the Rule to be deletedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) ActionDefinition createAction(ActionDefinition actionDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new Action to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given actionDefinition is null
or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'actionId=\' + #p0") ActionDefinition getAction(String actionId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- the id of the action to retrieveIllegalArgumentException
- if the given actionId is nullRiceIllegalArgumentException
@Cacheable(value="", key="\'actionIds=\' + T(org.kuali.rice.core.api.cache.CacheKeyUtils).key(#p0)") List<ActionDefinition> getActions(List<String> actionIds) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
The list which is returned from this operation may not be the same size as the list which is passed to this method. If a action doesn't exist for a given action id then no result for that id will be returned in the list. As a result of this, the returned list can be empty, but it will never be null.
- the list of action ids for which to retrieve the actionsIllegalArgumentException
- if the given list of actionIds is nullRiceIllegalArgumentException
@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) void updateAction(ActionDefinition actionDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- updated Action information, object specified by the
- if the given actionDefinition is null
or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) void deleteAction(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the Action to be deletedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) PropositionDefinition createProposition(PropositionDefinition propositionDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new Proposition to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given propositionDefinition
is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'id=\' + #p0") PropositionDefinition getProposition(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the Proposition to be retrievedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'typeId=\' + #p0") Set<PropositionDefinition> getPropositionsByType(String typeId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- type of the Propositions to be retrievedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given typeId is null or
invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'ruleId=\' + #p0") Set<PropositionDefinition> getPropositionsByRule(String ruleId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the Rule to which the Propositions are associated withRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given ruleId is null or
invalid@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) void updateProposition(PropositionDefinition propositionDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- updated data for the Proposition, id specifies the object to be updatedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given propositionDefinition
is null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) void deleteProposition(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the Proposition to be deletedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) NaturalLanguageUsage createNaturalLanguageUsage(NaturalLanguageUsage naturalLanguageUsage) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new NaturalLanguageUsage to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given naturalLanguageUsage is
null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'id=\' + #p0") NaturalLanguageUsage getNaturalLanguageUsage(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the NaturalLanguageUsage to be retrievedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'name=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'namespace=\' + #p1") NaturalLanguageUsage getNaturalLanguageUsageByNameAndNamespace(String name, String namespace) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- the name of the natural language usage to retrieve.namespace
- the namespace that the natural language usage is under.NaturalLanguageUsage
identified by the given name and
namespace. A null reference is returned if an invalid or non-existent
name and namespace combination is supplied.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the either the name or the
namespace is null or blank.@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) void updateNaturalLanguageUsage(NaturalLanguageUsage naturalLanguageUsage) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- updated data for the NaturalLanguageUsage object specified by the idRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given naturalLanguageUsage is
null or invalid@CacheEvict(value={"",""}, allEntries=true) void deleteNaturalLanguageUsage(String naturalLanguageUsageId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the NaturalLanguageUsage to be deletedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given naturalLanguageUsageId is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'namespace=\' + #p0") List<NaturalLanguageUsage> getNaturalLanguageUsagesByNamespace(String namespace) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- namespace to search on.RiceIllegalArgumentException
@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) ContextDefinition createContext(ContextDefinition contextDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new Context to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given contextDefinition is
null or invalid or already in use.@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) ContextDefinition findCreateContext(ContextDefinition contextDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- data for the new Context to be createdRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given contextDefinition is
null or invalid@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) void updateContext(ContextDefinition contextDefinition) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- DTO with updated info and identifier of the
object to be updatedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given contextDefinition is
null or invalid@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) void deleteContext(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier of the object to be deletedRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'id=\' + #p0") ContextDefinition getContext(String id) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- identifier for the ContextRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given id is null or invalid@Cacheable(value="", key="\'name=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'namespace=\' + #p1") ContextDefinition getContextByNameAndNamespace(String name, String namespace) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- the name of the Context to retrieve.namespace
- the namespace that the context is under.ContextDefinition
identified by the given name and
namespace. A null reference is returned if an invalid or non-existent
name and namespace combination is supplied.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the either the name or the
namespace is null or blank.@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) NaturalLanguageTemplate createNaturalLanguageTemplate(NaturalLanguageTemplate naturalLanguageTemplate) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
exactly like the
parameter passed in except the id will be assigned and create date/user
will be set.naturalLanguageTemplate
- The NaturalLanguageTemplate to create.NaturalLanguageTemplate
exactly like the parameter
passed in.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the NaturalLanguageTemplate is null.IllegalStateException
- if the NaturalLanguageTemplate already
exists in the system.@Cacheable(value="", key="\'naturalLanguageTemplateId=\' + #p0") NaturalLanguageTemplate getNaturalLanguageTemplate(String naturalLanguageTemplateId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- to retrieve.NaturalLanguageTemplate
identified by the given id.IllegalArgumentException
- if the given actionId is null *RiceIllegalArgumentException
@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) void updateNaturalLanguageTemplate(NaturalLanguageTemplate naturalLanguageTemplate) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- The NaturalLanguageTemplate to update.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the NaturalLanguageTemplate is null.
exists in the system.@CacheEvict(value="", allEntries=true) void deleteNaturalLanguageTemplate(String naturalLanguageTemplateId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
with the given id.naturalLanguageTemplateId
- to delete.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the NaturalLanguageTemplate is null.@Cacheable(value="", key="\'languageCode=\' + #p0") List<NaturalLanguageTemplate> findNaturalLanguageTemplatesByLanguageCode(String languageCode) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- language on which to searchRiceIllegalArgumentException
@Cacheable(value="", key="\'languageCode=\' + #p0 + \'|\' + \'typeId=\' + #p1 + \'|\' + \'naturalLanguageUsageId=\' + #p2") NaturalLanguageTemplate findNaturalLanguageTemplateByLanguageCodeTypeIdAndNluId(String languageCode, String typeId, String naturalLanguageUsageId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
@Cacheable(value="", key="\'naturalLanguageUsageId=\' + #p0") List<NaturalLanguageTemplate> findNaturalLanguageTemplatesByNaturalLanguageUsage(String naturalLanguageUsageId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- the usage on which to searchRiceIllegalArgumentException
@Cacheable(value="", key="\'typeId=\' + #p0") List<NaturalLanguageTemplate> findNaturalLanguageTemplatesByType(String typeId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- on which to searchRiceIllegalArgumentException
@Cacheable(value="", key="\'template=\' + #p0") List<NaturalLanguageTemplate> findNaturalLanguageTemplatesByTemplate(String template) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- text to match exactlyRiceIllegalArgumentException
String translateNaturalLanguageForObject(String naturalLanguageUsageId, String typeId, String krmsObjectId, String languageCode) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
in interface TranslateBusinessMethods
- Natural language usage informationtypeId
- KRMS object type id (for example, could refer to agenda
or proposition)krmsObjectId
- KRMS object identifierlanguageCode
- desiredRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given naturalLanguageUsageId, typeId,
krmsObjectId or language is null or
invalidList<NaturalLanguage> translateNaturalLanguageForObjects(String naturalLanguageUsageId, String typeId, List<String> krmsObjectIds, String languageCode) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- Natural language usage informationtypeId
- KRMS object type id (for example, could refer to agenda
or proposition)krmsObjectIds
- KRMS object identifierlanguageCode
- desiredRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given naturalLanguageUsageId, typeId,
krmsObjectId or language is null or
invalidString translateNaturalLanguageForProposition(String naturalLanguageUsageId, PropositionDefinition propositionDefinintion, String languageCode) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
in interface TranslateBusinessMethods
NaturalLanguageTree translateNaturalLanguageTreeForProposition(String naturalLanguageUsageId, PropositionDefinition propositionDefinintion, String languageCode) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
in interface TranslateBusinessMethods
- Natural language usage informationpropositionDefinintion
- proposition to be translatedlanguageCode
- desiredRiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the given naturalLanguageUsageId,
proposition, or language is null or invalidList<String> findContextIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
This method returns it's results as a List of Context ids that match the given search criteria.
- the criteria. Cannot be null.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the queryByCriteria is nullList<String> findAgendaIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
This method returns it's results as a List of Agenda ids that match the given search criteria.
- the criteria. Cannot be null.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the queryByCriteria is nullList<String> findRuleIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
This method returns it's results as a List of Rule ids that match the given search criteria.
- the criteria. Cannot be null.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the queryByCriteria is nullList<String> findPropositionIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
This method returns it's results as a List of Proposition ids that match the given search criteria.
- the criteria. Cannot be null.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the queryByCriteria is nullList<String> findActionIds(QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
This method returns it's results as a List of Action ids that match the given search criteria.
- the criteria. Cannot be null.RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the queryByCriteria is nullContextDefinition selectContext(ContextSelectionCriteria contextSelectionCriteria) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- RiceIllegalArgumentException
- if the implementation can't handle
the given ContextSelectionCriteriaContextSelectionCriteria
@Cacheable(value="", key="\'agendaId=\' + #p0") AgendaTreeDefinition getAgendaTree(String agendaId) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
- the id of the agenda for which to retrieve the agenda
- if the given agendaId is null@Cacheable(value="", key="\'agendaIds=\' + T(org.kuali.rice.core.api.cache.CacheKeyUtils).key(#p0)") List<AgendaTreeDefinition> getAgendaTrees(List<String> agendaIds) throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
The list which is returned from this operation may not be the same size as the list which is passed to this method. If an agenda doesn't exist for a given agenda id then no result for that id will be returned in the list. As a result of this, the returned list can be empty, but it will never be null.
- the list of agenda ids for which to retrieve the agenda
- if the given list of agendaIds is
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