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1   package org.kuali.student.enrollment.class2.courseoffering.service.facade;
3   import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.KeyValue;
4   import org.kuali.student.enrollment.class2.courseoffering.service.facade.issue.CourseOfferingAutogenIssue;
5   import org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseoffering.dto.ActivityOfferingClusterInfo;
6   import org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseoffering.dto.ActivityOfferingInfo;
7   import org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseoffering.dto.CourseOfferingInfo;
8   import org.kuali.student.enrollment.coursewaitlist.dto.CourseWaitListInfo;
9   import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.BulkStatusInfo;
10  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.ContextInfo;
11  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException;
12  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.DataValidationErrorException;
13  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.DependentObjectsExistException;
14  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.DoesNotExistException;
15  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
16  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.MissingParameterException;
17  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.OperationFailedException;
18  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException;
19  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.ReadOnlyException;
20  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.VersionMismatchException;
21  import org.kuali.student.r2.core.acal.dto.TermInfo;
23  import java.util.HashMap;
24  import java.util.List;
26  /**
27   * Used to support service calls related to Autogen RGs.
28   * Terminology
29   *    AO: activity offering
30   *    FO: format offering
31   *    AOC: activity offering cluster
32   *    RG: registration group
33   */
34  public interface CourseOfferingServiceFacade {
36      /**
37       * Useful for when a cluster is created to create the naming.
38       * 
39       * e.g. CL 1, CL 2, CL 3, ...
40       * 
41       * @param numberOfExistingClusters used to determine the next name as CL (numberOfExistingClusters+1)
42       * @return the default cluster name for the next cluster.
43       */
44      public String getDefaultClusterName (int numberOfExistingClusters);
46      /**
47       * Useful for when a cluster is created to create the naming.
48       *
49       * e.g. CL 1, CL 2, CL 3, ...
50       *
51       * @param courseOfferingId: determines the CourseOffering that a default cluster will be created within
52       * @return the default cluster name for the next cluster.
53       */
54      public String getDefaultClusterNamePerCO (String courseOfferingId, ContextInfo context);
56      /**
57       * If a Course Offering is brand-new with no AOs, then call this method to create the first default
58       * AOC to be used.
59       * @param foId The format offering ID that the cluster belongs to
60       * @param context Context info
61       * @return the default cluster created
62       * @throws PermissionDeniedException
63       * @throws MissingParameterException
64       * @throws InvalidParameterException
65       * @throws OperationFailedException
66       * @throws DoesNotExistException
67       * @throws ReadOnlyException
68       * @throws DataValidationErrorException
69       */
70      ActivityOfferingClusterInfo createDefaultCluster(String foId, ContextInfo context)
71              throws PermissionDeniedException, MissingParameterException,
72                     InvalidParameterException, OperationFailedException,
73                     DoesNotExistException, ReadOnlyException, DataValidationErrorException;
75      CourseOfferingInfo copyCourseOfferingToTargetTerm(CourseOfferingInfo coInfo, TermInfo targetTerm, List<String> optionKeys, ContextInfo context) throws InvalidParameterException, PermissionDeniedException, DataValidationErrorException, AlreadyExistsException, ReadOnlyException, OperationFailedException, MissingParameterException, DoesNotExistException
76              ;
78      /**
79       * User Story 3: I need the system to automatically create reg groups when I create an AO (via add or copy)
80       *               to eliminate the need to manually create them
81       * This creates an AO, then adds the created AO to an AOC, generating RGs as needed
82       * @param aoInfo The AO to be created and added to the AOC
83       * @param aocId The ID of the activity offering cluster
84       * @param context
85       * @return List of RGs created
86       */
87      ActivityOfferingResult createActivityOffering(ActivityOfferingInfo aoInfo, String aocId, ContextInfo context)
88              throws PermissionDeniedException, DataValidationErrorException, InvalidParameterException, ReadOnlyException,
89                     OperationFailedException, MissingParameterException, DoesNotExistException, VersionMismatchException;
91      /**
92       * A variant on User Story 3 that does not create an AO (relying on copyAO from the
93       * @param aoId The ID of an AO to copy
94       * @param aocId The AOC cluster ID for the copy of the AO to be associated with
95       * @param context
96       * @return An AOResult with RGs created
97       */
98      ActivityOfferingResult copyActivityOfferingToCluster(String aoId, String aocId, ContextInfo context)
99              throws PermissionDeniedException, DataValidationErrorException,
100             InvalidParameterException, ReadOnlyException, OperationFailedException,
101             MissingParameterException, DoesNotExistException, VersionMismatchException;
103     /**
104      * User Story 4: I need the system to automatically update registration groups as I
105      * update an activity offering(s) so reg group states and messaging remain current.
106      * @param aoInfo AO to be updated
107      * @param context contextInfo
108      * @return AOResult of RGs modified?
109      */
110     ActivityOfferingResult updateActivityOffering(ActivityOfferingInfo aoInfo, ContextInfo context)
111             throws PermissionDeniedException, DataValidationErrorException, InvalidParameterException, ReadOnlyException,
112             OperationFailedException, MissingParameterException, DoesNotExistException, VersionMismatchException;
114     /**
115      * We need an explicit call to update the registration groups.
116      * @param aoInfo AO used and later part of the returned object. This is a pass by reference object so be careful.
117      * @param context contextInfo
118      * @return AOResult of RGs modified?
119      */
120     ActivityOfferingResult updateRegistrationGroups(ActivityOfferingInfo aoInfo, ContextInfo context)
121             throws PermissionDeniedException, DataValidationErrorException, InvalidParameterException, ReadOnlyException,
122             OperationFailedException, MissingParameterException, DoesNotExistException, VersionMismatchException;
124     /**
125      * User Story 5: I need the system to automatically delete all associated registration groups when I delete
126      *               an AO from an AOC
127      * A pass-through to the deleteActivityOfferingCascaded.
128      * @param aocId
129      * @param foId
130      * @param context
131      * Doesn't return anything for now.  If we need something, can always modify the return type
132      */
133     void deleteActivityOfferingCascaded(String aoId, ContextInfo context)
134             throws PermissionDeniedException, MissingParameterException, InvalidParameterException,
135             OperationFailedException, DoesNotExistException, DataValidationErrorException, ReadOnlyException, VersionMismatchException;
137     /**
138      * User Story 6: As a user, I need the system to automatically create/delete all associated registration
139      *               groups when I move an Activity from one AOC to another
140      * Moves an AO from a source AOC to a target AOC.  Assumption is each AO Set in an AOC has a unique AO type,
141      * i.e., no two AO sets within an AOC can have the same type.
142      * @param aoId The id of the AO to be moved from source AOC to target AOC
143      * @param sourceAocId The AOC where aoId is currently (and to be removed)
144      * @param targetAocId The AOC where aoId should be placed
145      * @param context
146      * @return TBD
147      * @throws PermissionDeniedException
148      * @throws MissingParameterException
149      * @throws InvalidParameterException
150      * @throws OperationFailedException
151      * @throws DoesNotExistException
152      */
153     List<BulkStatusInfo> moveActivityOffering(String aoId, String sourceAocId, String targetAocId, ContextInfo context)
154             throws  PermissionDeniedException,
155                     DataValidationErrorException,
156                     DoesNotExistException,
157                     InvalidParameterException,
158                     MissingParameterException,
159                     OperationFailedException,
160                     ReadOnlyException,
161                     VersionMismatchException;
163     /**
164      * User Story 7: As a user, I need the system to automatically delete all AOs when I delete an
165      *               AOC so I don’t have to delete all the AOs first
166      * This is a pass-through to service call deleteActivityOfferingClusterCascaded
167      * @param aocId The ID of the AOC to delete
168      *
169      */
170     void deleteActivityOfferingCluster(String aocId, ContextInfo context)
171             throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException,
172             MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException,
173             PermissionDeniedException, DependentObjectsExistException;
175     /**
176      * User Story 8: As a user, I want to view counts of seats so that I can ensure I have the right numbers of seats to support my business needs.
177      * 
178      * Compute the maximum number of seats for the Activity Offerings within the given Course Offering specified by courseOfferingId.
179      * 
180      * Note: Out of Scope for M6
181      * 
182      * @param courseOfferingId
183      * @param contextInfo Context information containing the
184      *                                  principalId and locale information about
185      *                                  the caller of service operation
186      * @return the max number of seats in the Course Offering.
187      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
188      * @throws PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure has occurred
189      */
191     public Integer getSeatCountByCourseOffering (String courseOfferingId, ContextInfo contextInfo) throws OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
193     /**
194      * User Story 8: As a user, I want to view counts of seats so that I can ensure I have the right numbers of seats to support my business needs.
195      * 
196      * Compute the maximum number of seats for Activity Offering's within the Activity Offering Cluster specified by aocId.
197      * 
198      * Note: Out of Scope for M6
199      * 
200      * @param aocId
201      * @param contextInfo Context information containing the
202      *                                  principalId and locale information about
203      *                                  the caller of service operation
204      * @return the max number of seats in the Activity Offering Cluster.
205      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
206      * @throws PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure has occurred
207      */
208     public Integer getSeatCountByActivityOfferingCluster (String aocId, ContextInfo contextInfo) throws OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
210     /**
211      * User Story 8: As a user, I want to view counts of seats so that I can ensure I have the right numbers of seats to support my business needs.
212      * 
213      * Compute the maximum number of seats for Activity Offerings within the Registration Group specified by registrationGroupId.
214      * 
215      * Note: Out of Scope for M6
216      * 
217      * @param registrationGroupId
218      * @param contextInfo Context information containing the
219      *                                  principalId and locale information about
220      *                                  the caller of service operation
221      * @return the max number of seats in the Registration Group
222      * @throws PermissionDeniedException unable to complete request
223      * @throws OperationFailedException an authorization failure has occurred
224      */
225     public Integer getSeatCountByRegistrationGroup (String registrationGroupId, ContextInfo contextInfo) throws OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
227     public List<CourseOfferingAutogenIssue> findAutogenIssuesByTerm(String termId, ContextInfo context)
228             throws PermissionDeniedException, MissingParameterException, InvalidParameterException,
229                    OperationFailedException, DoesNotExistException;
231     public CourseOfferingAutogenIssue findAutogenIssuesByCourseOffering(String courseOfferingId, ContextInfo context)
232             throws PermissionDeniedException, MissingParameterException, InvalidParameterException,
233                    OperationFailedException, DoesNotExistException;
235     /**
236      * User Story 9: As a user, I want to be able to view AOs by Activity, AOC, or Registration Group so that I can view my Activities in a way to support my specific business needs
237      * 
238      * Get the counts for the information tool bar at the course offering level.
239      * 
240      * @param courseOfferingId
241      * @param context
242      * @return the counts at the course offering level.
243      * @throws OperationFailedException 
244      * @throws MissingParameterException 
245      * @throws InvalidParameterException 
246      * @throws DoesNotExistException 
247      * @throws PermissionDeniedException 
248      */
249     public AutogenCount getAutogenCountByCourseOffering(String courseOfferingId, ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
251     /**
252      * User Story 9: As a user, I want to be able to view AOs by Activity, AOC, or Registration Group so that I can view my Activities in a way to support my specific business needs
253      * 
254      * Get the counts for the information toolbar at the format offering level.
255      * 
256      * @param formatOfferingId
257      * @param context
258      * @return the counts at the format offering level.
259      * 
260      */
261     public AutogenCount getAutogenCountByFormatOffering(String formatOfferingId, ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
264     /**
265      * User Story 9: As a user, I want to be able to view AOs by Activity, AOC, or Registration Group so that I can view my Activities in a way to support my specific business needs
266      * 
267      * Get the counts for the information tool bar at the Activity Offering Cluster Level.
268      * 
269      * Note there will always be zero aoc's reported as it is nonsensical at this level.
270      * 
271      * @param activiyOfferingClusterId
272      * @param context
273      * @return the counts at the Activity Offering Cluster Level.
274      */
275     public AutogenCount getAutogenCountByActivtyOfferingCluster (String activiyOfferingClusterId, ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
278     /**
279      * Returns all ActivityOfferingClusterInfos that map back to a single course offering
280      *
281      * @param courseOfferingId
282      * @return
283      */
284     public List<ActivityOfferingClusterInfo> getActivityOfferingClusterByCourseOffering(String courseOfferingId);
286     /**
287      * Returns new CourseWaitListInfo after AO had been un-colocated
288      *
289      * @param courseWaitListInfo (original WL)
290      * @param waitlistType
291      * @param hasWaitlist
292      * @param limitWaitlistSize
293      * @param aoId (activity offering ID)
294      * @param foId (format offering ID)
295      * @return
296      */
297     public CourseWaitListInfo createUncolocatedWaitList(CourseWaitListInfo courseWaitListInfo, String waitlistType, boolean hasWaitlist, boolean limitWaitlistSize, String aoId, String foId, ContextInfo context);
299     /**
300      * Returns new CourseWaitListInfo after AO had been un-colocated
301      *
302      * @param courseWaitListInfo (original WL)
303      * @param waitlistType
304      * @param hasWaitlist
305      * @param limitWaitlistSize
306      * @param isColocatedAO (activity offering colo or not)
307      * @param isMaxEnrollmentShared (max enrollment shared checked)
308      * @param aoIdfoIdMap (map of ao and fo IDs)
309      * @return
310      */
311     public CourseWaitListInfo createColocatedWaitList(CourseWaitListInfo courseWaitListInfo, String waitlistType, boolean hasWaitlist, boolean limitWaitlistSize, boolean isColocatedAO, boolean isMaxEnrollmentShared,
312                                                       HashMap<String, String> aoIdfoIdMap, ContextInfo context);
315     /**
316      *
317      * Returns the number of AO Clusters for a particular FO. If there are no clusters, the count will be 0
318      *
319      * @param foId    Format Offering Id
320      * @param contextInfo Context Info
321      * @return Returns the number of AO Clusters for a particular FO. If there are no clusters, the count will be 0
322      * @throws MissingParameterException
323      * @throws InvalidParameterException
324      * @throws OperationFailedException
325      * @throws PermissionDeniedException
326      */
327     public int getAoClusterCountByFoId(String foId, ContextInfo contextInfo) throws MissingParameterException,
328             InvalidParameterException,
329             OperationFailedException,
330             PermissionDeniedException;
332     /**
333      * This method will give a KeyValue pair AO_ID, AO_TYPE of the Activity Offerings for a given Format offering
334      *
335      * @param foId   Format offering Id.
336      * @param contextInfo   the context info object
337      * @return List of KeyValue pair AO_ID, AO_TYPE of the Activity Offerings
338      * @throws MissingParameterException
339      * @throws InvalidParameterException
340      * @throws OperationFailedException
341      * @throws PermissionDeniedException
342      */
343     public List<KeyValue> getAoIdAndAoTypeByFO(String foId, ContextInfo contextInfo) throws MissingParameterException,
344             InvalidParameterException,
345             OperationFailedException,
346             PermissionDeniedException;
347 }