Class | Description |
AbstractFormatOfferingTypeKeyValues | |
ActivitiesForCreateAOKeyValues |
This class retrieves Activities based on the selection of a Format, and returns a key-value pair list of
the Activity Type name and the Activity Id
ActivityOfferingActionsKeyValues | |
ActivityOfferingCodesKeyValues | |
ActivityOfferingSubtermKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for Activity Offering subterms
ClustersForCreateAOKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for Activity Offering Clusters for the Create Activity Offering ui
CourseOfferingActionsKeyValues | |
CourseOfferingCodesKeyValues |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
CourseOfferingIdFormatKeyValues | |
CourseOfferingTypeKeyValues |
Retrieves a complete list of type and creates a KeyValue for it.
CreditOptionsKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for credit options
DummyKeyValue |
This is a dummy class to fix the Rice 2.2 M4 issue...
FinalExamDriversKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for Waitlist types
FinalExamOptionsKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for Final Exam options
FormatOfferingInfoByTypeKeyValues | |
FormatOfferingTypeForCreateCOTypeKeyValues | |
FormatOfferingTypeForEditCOTypeKeyValues | |
FormatsForCreateAOKeyValues |
This class retrieves Formats based on the course and returns a key-value pair list of
the Activity Type name and the Activity Id
FormatsForCreateRGKeyValues | |
GradingOptionsKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for Grading Options
ListOfAOClustersForFOKeyValues |
Decision for M6 - Garey wants to have logic on the Move To dropdown such that the user would not be shown a cluster
that has a different FO than the one in which the AO currently sits.
MultipleCreditOptionsKeyValues |
This class makes key values based on allowed credit options from the course offering
populateCrossCourseListKeyValues | |
SeatPoolExpirationMilestoneTypeKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for Milestone types for SeatPool expirations
StudentRegistrationOptionsKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for student registration options
TimeSlotEndTimeKeyValues |
This class populates all the standard time slot endtimes, which are matched with the user
entered days and startime.
WaitlistLevelOptionsKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for Waitlist levels
WaitlistTypeOptionsKeyValues |
This class provides a key value finder for Waitlist types
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