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1   /*
2    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
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4    */
5   package org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.mock;
7   import java.util.ArrayList;
8   import java.util.Date;
9   import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
10  import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
11  import java.util.List;
12  import java.util.Map;
13  import java.util.Set;
14  import org.junit.After;
15  import org.junit.AfterClass;
16  import org.junit.Before;
17  import org.junit.BeforeClass;
18  import org.junit.Test;
19  import static org.junit.Assert.*;
20  import org.junit.Ignore;
21  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.RuleManagementService;
22  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.language.NaturalLanguageTemplate;
23  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.language.NaturalLanguageUsage;
24  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.proposition.PropositionParameterType;
25  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.term.TermRepositoryService;
26  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.term.TermResolverDefinition;
27  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.term.TermSpecificationDefinition;
28  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.type.KrmsTypeDefinition;
29  import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.type.KrmsTypeRepositoryService;
30  import org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.language.SimpleNaturalLanguageTemplater;
31  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.ContextInfo;
32  import org.kuali.student.r2.core.constants.KSKRMSServiceConstants;
33  import org.kuali.student.r2.core.versionmanagement.dto.VersionDisplayInfo;
34  import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.clu.dto.CluInfo;
35  import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.clu.dto.CluSetInfo;
36  import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.clu.service.CluService;
37  import;
38  import;
39  import org.kuali.student.r2.lum.util.constants.CluServiceConstants;
41  /**
42   *
43   * @author nwright
44   */
45  @Ignore
46  public class RuleManagementServiceMockImplTest {
48      public RuleManagementServiceMockImplTest() {
49      }
50      private KrmsTypeRepositoryService krmsTypeRepositoryService = null;
51      private RuleManagementService ruleManagementService = null;
52      private TermRepositoryService termRepositoryService = null;
53      private CluService cluService = null;
55      @BeforeClass
56      public static void setUpClass() {
57      }
59      @AfterClass
60      public static void tearDownClass() {
61      }
62      private ContextInfo contextInfo;
64      @Before
65      public void setUp() {
66          contextInfo = new ContextInfo();
67          contextInfo.setPrincipalId("TESTUSER");
68          contextInfo.setCurrentDate(new Date());
70          this.krmsTypeRepositoryService = new KrmsTypeRepositoryServiceMockImpl();
71          this.termRepositoryService = new TermRepositoryServiceMockImpl();
72          this.ruleManagementService = new RuleManagementServiceMockImpl();
73          ((RuleManagementServiceMockImpl) this.ruleManagementService).setTemplater(new SimpleNaturalLanguageTemplater());
74          ((RuleManagementServiceMockImpl) this.ruleManagementService).setTermRepositoryService(termRepositoryService);
75          KrmsConfigurationLoader loader = new KrmsConfigurationLoader();
76          loader.setKrmsTypeRepositoryService(this.krmsTypeRepositoryService);
77          loader.setRuleManagementService(this.ruleManagementService);
78          loader.setTermRepositoryService(this.termRepositoryService);
79          loader.loadConfiguration();
81          this.cluService = new CluServiceMockImpl();
82          CluDataLoader cluDataLoader = new CluDataLoader();
83          cluDataLoader.setCluService(cluService);
84          cluDataLoader.setContextInfo(contextInfo);
85          cluDataLoader.load();
87      }
89      @After
90      public void tearDown() {
91      }
93      @Test
94      public void testStadardAuthoringUsageCase() {
95          System.out.println("testStadardAuthoringUsageCase");
97          List<KrmsTypeDefinition> types = null;
98          Set<String> expected = null;
99          String languageCode = KSKRMSServiceConstants.LANGUAGE_CODE_ENGLISH;
101         // check that we can get all the different context types
102         types = this.krmsTypeRepositoryService.findAllContextTypes();
103         expected = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
104         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.AGENDA_TYPE_COURSE);
105         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.AGENDA_TYPE_PROGRAM);
106 //        expected.add(KsKrmsConstants.CONTEXT_TYPE_COURSE_OFFERING);
107         this.checkTypeNamesAnyOrder(expected, types);
109         // Typically the user does not actually select the context but it is
110         // hardwired into the program, so the "context" is taken from where 
111         // we are within the application, i.e. are we on the course requisites screen?
112         System.out.println("Please choose which context of rules that you want to work on:");
113         for (KrmsTypeDefinition type : types) {
114             System.out.println("     " + this.getScreenDescription(type.getId(), languageCode));
115         }
116         System.out.print("==> Choose: ");
117         String selectedId = this.simulateUserChoosingMainTypeId();
118         System.out.println(selectedId);
119         KrmsTypeDefinition selectedContextType = this.krmsTypeRepositoryService.getTypeById(selectedId);
120         String description = this.getScreenDescription(selectedContextType.getId(), languageCode);
121         System.out.println("Editing Rules for Context: " + description);
124         // Get all the agenda types for this course context type
125         types = this.krmsTypeRepositoryService.findAgendaTypesForContextType(selectedContextType.getId());
126         expected = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
127         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.AGENDA_TYPE_COURSE_ENROLLMENTELIGIBILITY);
128         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.AGENDA_TYPE_COURSE_CREDITCONSTRAINTS);
129         this.checkTypeNamesOrdered(expected, types);
131         String title = "Please choose which type of rule you want to work on:";
132         int defaultIndex = 0;
133         KrmsTypeDefinition courseEligAgendaType = this.simulateUserChoosingType(title, types, languageCode, defaultIndex);
135         // Get all the agenda types for the main agenda type
136         // Right now we don't do this we just have rule types so this should return an empty list
137         types = this.krmsTypeRepositoryService.findAgendaTypesForAgendaType(courseEligAgendaType.getId());
138         expected = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
139         this.checkTypeNamesOrdered(expected, types);
141         // Get all the RULE types for the main agenda type
142         types = this.krmsTypeRepositoryService.findRuleTypesForAgendaType(courseEligAgendaType.getId());
143         expected = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
145         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.RULE_TYPE_COURSE_ACADEMICREADINESS_COREQ);
146         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.RULE_TYPE_COURSE_RECOMMENDEDPREPARATION);
147         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.RULE_TYPE_COURSE_ACADEMICREADINESS_ANTIREQ);
148         this.checkTypeNamesOrdered(expected, types);
150         title = "Please choose which type of rule you want to work on:";
151         defaultIndex = 0;
152         KrmsTypeDefinition eligPrereqRuleType = this.simulateUserChoosingType(title, types, languageCode, defaultIndex);
154         // Get all the Proposition types for the rule type
155         types = this.krmsTypeRepositoryService.findPropositionTypesForRuleType(eligPrereqRuleType.getId());
156         expected = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
157         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_FREEFORM_TEXT);
158         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_SUCCESS_COMPL_COURSE);
159         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_CUMULATIVE_GPA_MIN);
160         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_ADMITTED_TO_PROGRAM);
165         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_COURSE_COURSESET_GPA_MIN);
166         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_COURSE_COURSESET_GRADE_MIN);
168         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_COURSE_COURSESET_GRADE_MAX);
169         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_ADMITTED_TO_PROGRAM_CAMPUS);
170         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_NOTADMITTED_TO_PROGRAM);
172         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_PERMISSION_ADMIN_ORG);
173         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_COURSE_TEST_SCORE_MIN);
174         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_TEST_SCORE_BETWEEN_VALUES);
175         expected.add(KSKRMSServiceConstants.PROPOSITION_TYPE_TEST_SCORE);
176         this.checkTypeNamesOrdered(expected, types);
178         title = "Please choose which type of rule you want to work on:";
179         defaultIndex = 7;
180         KrmsTypeDefinition nOfCoursesPropositionType = this.simulateUserChoosingType(title, types, languageCode, defaultIndex);
181         NaturalLanguageTemplate nlTemplate = this.getRuleEditUsageNaturalLanguageTemplate(nOfCoursesPropositionType.getId(), languageCode);
182         assertNotNull(nlTemplate);
183         assertEquals("#if($intValue == 1 && $courseCluSet.getCluList().size() == 1)Must have successfully completed $courseCluSet.getCluSetAsCode()#{else}Must have successfully completed a minimum of $intValue $NLHelper.getProperGrammar($intValue, \"course\") from $courseCluSet.getCluSetAsCode()#end", nlTemplate.getTemplate());
185 //                <entry key="kuali.krms.proposition.type.success.course.courseset.completed.nof">
186 //                    <bean parent="TemplateInfo-parent"
187 //                          p:termSpecName="NumberOfCompletedCourses" p:operator="&lt;=" p:value="n">
188 //                        <property name="componentId" value="KRMS-MultiCourse-Section"/>
189 //                        <property name="constantComponentId" value="KRMS-NumberOfCourses-ConstantValue"/>
190 //                        <property name="componentBuilderClass" value=""/>
191 //                    </bean>
192 //                </entry>
195         // Get all the parameter types for the proposition type
196         types = this.krmsTypeRepositoryService.findPropositionParameterTypesForPropositionType(nOfCoursesPropositionType.getId());
197         expected = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
198         // for now we are not defining types for parameters
200 //        expected.add(KsKrmsConstants.PROPOSITION_PARAMETER_TYPE_CONSTANT_VALUE_N);
202         this.checkTypeNamesOrdered(expected, types);
204         String termName = "NumberOfCompletedCourses";
205         String constantValue = "1";
206         String operator = "<=";
208 //      TermSpec 
209         TermSpecificationDefinition termSpec =
210                 this.termRepositoryService.getTermSpecificationByNameAndNamespace(termName,
211                         KSKRMSServiceConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE);
212         assertNotNull(termSpec);
213         assertEquals (termName, termSpec.getName());
215         TermResolverDefinition termResolver =
216                 this.termRepositoryService.getTermResolverByNameAndNamespace(termName,
217                         KSKRMSServiceConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE);
218         assertNotNull(termResolver);
219         assertEquals (termName, termResolver.getName());
221         //
222         // ok now actually start creating rule
223         //
225 //
226 //        // this is the course to which we are going to attach the agenda
227 //        // NOTE: this will be a COURSE not a CLU but I don't want to mock the course impl
228 //        CluInfo anchorClu = this.getClu("COURSE1");
229 //
230 //        // find/create the context corresponding to this context type.
231 //        // TODO: Confirm convention that we are creating a single context for all rules of that particular context type, right?
232 //        ContextDefinition.Builder bldr = ContextDefinition.Builder.create(KsKrmsConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE, selectedContextType.getName());
233 //        // TODO: find out what this typeId is really supposed to be.
234 //        // I thought it would be the selected context type but in the existing configured data it has a value T1004?!? 
235 //        bldr.setTypeId(selectedContextType.getId());
236 //        bldr.setDescription(description); // set the description to be the template description of the type
237 //        bldr.setActive(true);
238 //        ContextDefinition context = this.ruleManagementService.findCreateContext(;
239 //        assertNotNull(context);
240 //        assertEquals(context.getName(), selectedContextType.getName());
241 //        assertEquals(context.getNamespace(), selectedContextType.getNamespace());
242 //        // TODO: worry that this context could have been created with a different type and/or description
243 //        assertEquals(context.getTypeId(), selectedContextType.getId());
244 //        assertEquals(context.getDescription(), description);
245 //
246 //        // create the agenda
247 //        String id = null; // set by service when create is called
248 //        String name = courseEligAgendaType.getName() + " for " + anchorClu.getOfficialIdentifier().getCode() + " " + anchorClu.getId();
249 //        String typeId = courseEligAgendaType.getId();
250 //        String contextId = context.getId();
251 //        AgendaDefinition.Builder agendaBldr = AgendaDefinition.Builder.create(id, name, typeId, contextId);
252 //        agendaBldr.setActive(false);
253 //        AgendaDefinition agenda = this.ruleManagementService.createAgenda(;
254 //
255 //        // create the rule
256 //        String ruleId = null; // sevice sets id
257 //        // TODO: find out if this really needs to be unique.. if not remove the actual internal Id of the course from the end 
258 //        name = eligPrereqRuleType.getName() + " for " + anchorClu.getOfficialIdentifier().getCode() + " " + anchorClu.getId();
259 //        String namespace = KsKrmsConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE;
260 //        typeId = eligPrereqRuleType.getId();
261 //        String propId = null;
262 //        RuleDefinition.Builder ruleBldr = RuleDefinition.Builder.create(ruleId, name, namespace, typeId, propId);
263 //        ruleBldr.setActive(true);
264 //        RuleDefinition rule = this.ruleManagementService.createRule(;
265 //
266 //        // bind the rule to the agenda via the item
267 //        id = null;
268 //        String agendaId = agenda.getId();
269 //        AgendaItemDefinition.Builder itemBldr = AgendaItemDefinition.Builder.create(id, agendaId);
270 //        itemBldr.setRuleId(ruleId);
271 //        AgendaItemDefinition item = this.ruleManagementService.createAgendaItem(;
272 //        // now go back and mark the agenda with the item and make it active
273 //        agendaBldr = AgendaDefinition.Builder.create(agenda);
274 //        agendaBldr.setActive(true);
275 //        agendaBldr.setFirstItemId(item.getId());
276 //        this.ruleManagementService.updateAgenda(;
277 //        agenda = this.ruleManagementService.getAgenda(agenda.getId());
278 //
279 //        // create the cluset
280 //        CluInfo courseClu2 = this.getClu("COURSE2");
281 //        CluInfo courseClu3 = this.getClu("COURSE3");
282 //        CluInfo courseClu4 = this.getClu("COURSE4");
283 //        List<String> versionIndIds = this.getVersionIndIds(anchorClu, courseClu2, courseClu3);
284 //        CluSetInfo cluSet = createCourseSet("Courses 1, 2, & 3", versionIndIds);
285 //
286 //        propId = null; // should be null until assigned by service
287 //        String propTypeCode = PropositionType.SIMPLE.getCode();
288 //        ruleId = rule.getId();
289 //        typeId = nOfCoursesPropositionType.getId();
290 //        List<PropositionParameter.Builder> parameters = new ArrayList<PropositionParameter.Builder>();
291 //
292 //        // do the term parameter first
293 //        //        nOfCoursesTermType.getId();
294 //        KrmsTypeDefinition type = nOfCoursesTermType;
295 //        nlTemplate = this.getRuleEditUsageNaturalLanguageTemplate(type.getId(), languageCode);
296 //        id = null; // should be set by service
297 //        propId = null; // should also be set by the service when the create on the proposition happens
298 //        String value = null;
299 //        String parameterType = serviceName2PropositionParameterType(type.getServiceName()).getCode();
300 //        Integer sequenceNumber = 1;
301 //        PropositionParameter.Builder propParamBldr = PropositionParameter.Builder.create(id, propId, value, parameterType, sequenceNumber);
302 //
303 //        // now the parameter to the parameter! (actually the term parameter to the proposition parameter that is a term!
304 //        id = null; // set by service
305 //        TermSpecificationDefinition.Builder termSpecBldr = TermSpecificationDefinition.Builder.create(termSpec);
306 //        List<TermParameterDefinition.Builder> termParameters = new ArrayList<TermParameterDefinition.Builder>();
307 //        description = termSpec.getName() + " for " + cluSet.getId();
308 //        TermDefinition.Builder termBldr = TermDefinition.Builder.create(id, termSpecBldr, termParameters);
309 //        termBldr.setDescription(description);
310 //
311 //        id = null; //set by service
312 //        typeId = cluSetIdType.getId();
313 //        nlTemplate = this.getRuleEditUsageNaturalLanguageTemplate(typeId, languageCode);
314 //        name = nlTemplate.getTemplate(); // this should be CourseSetId 
315 //        value = cluSet.getId(); // this was created when the cluSet was built
316 //        TermParameterDefinition.Builder termParamBldr = TermParameterDefinition.Builder.create(id, typeId, name, value);
317 //        termParameters.add(termParamBldr);
318 //        propParamBldr.setTermValue(;
319 //        parameters.add(propParamBldr);
320 //
321 //        // do the 2nd parameter
322 //        type = constantValueN;
323 //        nlTemplate = this.getRuleEditUsageNaturalLanguageTemplate(type.getId(), languageCode);
324 //        id = null; // should be set by service
325 //        propId = null; // should also be set by the service when the create on the proposition happens
326 //        value = nlTemplate.getTemplate(); // this should be default of 1 but use can change to be 2 or 3 or...
327 //        parameterType = serviceName2PropositionParameterType(type.getServiceName()).getCode();
328 //        sequenceNumber = 2;
329 //        propParamBldr = PropositionParameter.Builder.create(id, propId, value, parameterType, sequenceNumber);
330 //        parameters.add(propParamBldr);
331 //
332 //        // do the 3rd parameter
333 //        type = lessThanEqualOperatorType;
334 //        nlTemplate = this.getRuleEditUsageNaturalLanguageTemplate(type.getId(), languageCode);
335 //        id = null; // should be set by service
336 //        propId = null; // should also be set by the service when the create on the proposition happens
337 //        value = nlTemplate.getTemplate(); // this should be default of <=..
338 //        parameterType = serviceName2PropositionParameterType(type.getServiceName()).getCode();
339 //        sequenceNumber = 3;
340 //        propParamBldr = PropositionParameter.Builder.create(id, propId, value, parameterType, sequenceNumber);
341 //        parameters.add(propParamBldr);
342 //
343 //        PropositionDefinition.Builder propBldr = PropositionDefinition.Builder.create(propId, propTypeCode, ruleId, typeId, parameters);
344 //
345 //        String enDescription = this.ruleManagementService.translateNaturalLanguageForProposition(getTypeDescriptionUsage ().getId(),, languageCode);
346 //        System.out.println ("description=" + enDescription);
347 //        
348 ////        String enPreview = this.ruleManagementService.translateNaturalLanguageForProposition(getPreviewUsage ().getId(),, languageCode);
349 ////        System.out.println (enPreview);
350 //     
351 //        
352 //        PropositionDefinition propositon = this.ruleManagementService.createProposition(;
355     }
357     ////
358     ////
359     ////
360     ////
361     ////
362     private PropositionParameterType serviceName2PropositionParameterType(String serviceTypeName) {
363         if (serviceTypeName.equals(KrmsTypeRepositoryService.TERM_PROPOSITION_PARAMETER_SERVICE_NAME)) {
364             return PropositionParameterType.TERM;
365         }
366         if (serviceTypeName.equals(KrmsTypeRepositoryService.CONSTANT_VALUE_PROPOSITION_PARAMETER_SERVICE_NAME)) {
367             return PropositionParameterType.CONSTANT;
368         }
369         if (serviceTypeName.equals(KrmsTypeRepositoryService.OPERATOR_PROPOSITION_PARAMETER_SERVICE_NAME)) {
370             return PropositionParameterType.OPERATOR;
371         }
372         if (serviceTypeName.equals(KrmsTypeRepositoryService.FUNCTION_PROPOSITION_PARAMETER_SERVICE_NAME)) {
373             return PropositionParameterType.FUNCTION;
374         }
375         throw new IllegalArgumentException(serviceTypeName);
376     }
378     public CluSetInfo createCourseSet(String name, List<String> versionIndIds) {
379         CluSetInfo cluSetInfo = new CluSetInfo();
380         cluSetInfo.setTypeKey(CluServiceConstants.CLUSET_TYPE_CREDIT_COURSE);
381         cluSetInfo.setStateKey("Active");
382         cluSetInfo.setName(name);
383         cluSetInfo.setEffectiveDate(new Date());
384         cluSetInfo.setIsReferenceable(Boolean.TRUE);
385         cluSetInfo.setIsReusable(Boolean.FALSE);
386         cluSetInfo.setCluIds(versionIndIds);
387         try {
388             cluSetInfo = this.cluService.createCluSet(cluSetInfo.getTypeKey(), cluSetInfo, contextInfo);
389         } catch (Exception ex) {
390             throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
391         }
392         return cluSetInfo;
393     }
395     private List<String> getVersionIndIds(CluInfo... clus) {
396         List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
397         for (CluInfo clu : clus) {
398             list.add(clu.getVersion().getVersionIndId());
399         }
400         return list;
401     }
403     private CluInfo getClu(String id) {
404         try {
405             return this.cluService.getClu(id, contextInfo);
406         } catch (Exception ex) {
407             throw new RuntimeException(ex);
408         }
409     }
410     // cache
411     private transient Map<String, NaturalLanguageUsage> name2NaturalLanguageUsageCache = null;
413     private NaturalLanguageUsage getNaturalLanguageUsage(String name, String namespace) {
414         if (name2NaturalLanguageUsageCache == null) {
415             name2NaturalLanguageUsageCache = new LinkedHashMap<String, NaturalLanguageUsage>();
416         }
417         String key = namespace + ":" + name;
418         NaturalLanguageUsage usage = name2NaturalLanguageUsageCache.get(key);
419         if (usage != null) {
420             return usage;
421         }
422         // get the usage
423         usage = this.ruleManagementService.getNaturalLanguageUsageByNameAndNamespace(name, namespace);
424         assertNotNull(usage);
425         assertEquals(name, usage.getName());
426         assertEquals(namespace, usage.getNamespace());
427         name2NaturalLanguageUsageCache.put(key, usage);
428         return usage;
429     }
431     private NaturalLanguageUsage getTypeDescriptionUsage() {
432         return this.getNaturalLanguageUsage(KSKRMSServiceConstants.KRMS_NL_TYPE_DESCRIPTION, KSKRMSServiceConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE);
433     }
435     private NaturalLanguageUsage getRuleEditUsage() {
436         return this.getNaturalLanguageUsage(KSKRMSServiceConstants.KRMS_NL_RULE_EDIT, KSKRMSServiceConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE);
437     }
439     private NaturalLanguageUsage getPreviewUsage() {
440         return this.getNaturalLanguageUsage(KSKRMSServiceConstants.KRMS_NL_PREVIEW, KSKRMSServiceConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE);
441     }
443     private String simulateUserChoosingMainTypeId() {
444         KrmsTypeDefinition type = this.krmsTypeRepositoryService.getTypeByName(KSKRMSServiceConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE, KSKRMSServiceConstants.AGENDA_TYPE_COURSE);
445         assertNotNull(type);
446         assertEquals(KSKRMSServiceConstants.AGENDA_TYPE_COURSE, type.getName());
447         assertEquals(KSKRMSServiceConstants.NAMESPACE_CODE, type.getNamespace());
448         return type.getId();
449     }
451     private KrmsTypeDefinition simulateUserChoosingType(String title, List<KrmsTypeDefinition> types, String languageCode, int defaultIndex) {
452         System.out.println(title);
453         this.displayScreenDescriptions(types, languageCode);
454         System.out.print("==> Choose: ");
455         KrmsTypeDefinition selected = types.get(defaultIndex);
456         System.out.println(selected.getName());
457         return selected;
458     }
460     private void displayScreenDescriptions(List<KrmsTypeDefinition> types, String languageCode) {
461         for (KrmsTypeDefinition type : types) {
462             System.out.println(this.getScreenDescription(type.getId(), languageCode));
463         }
464     }
466     private String getScreenDescription(String typeId, String languageCode) {
467         // check there is a corresponding template so we can display on the screen what kind of rule this is
468         NaturalLanguageTemplate template =
469                 this.ruleManagementService.findNaturalLanguageTemplateByLanguageCodeTypeIdAndNluId(languageCode,
470                 typeId,
471                 this.getTypeDescriptionUsage().getId());
472         if (template == null) {
473             System.out.println("could not find template for " + typeId + " with language " + languageCode + " and for type description usage");
474         }
475         assertNotNull(template);
476         assertEquals(languageCode, template.getLanguageCode());
477         assertEquals(typeId, template.getTypeId());
478         assertEquals(getTypeDescriptionUsage().getId(), template.getNaturalLanguageUsageId());
479         return template.getTemplate();
480     }
482     private String getComponentId(NaturalLanguageTemplate template) {
483         return template.getAttributes().get(KSKRMSServiceConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COMPONENT_ID);
484     }
486     private String getComponentBuilderClass(NaturalLanguageTemplate template) {
487         return template.getAttributes().get(KSKRMSServiceConstants.ATTRIBUTE_COMPONENT_BUILDER_CLASS);
488     }
490     private NaturalLanguageTemplate getRuleEditUsageNaturalLanguageTemplate(String typeId, String languageCode) {
491         // check there is a corresponding template so we can display on the screen what kind of rule this is
492         NaturalLanguageTemplate template =
493                 this.ruleManagementService.findNaturalLanguageTemplateByLanguageCodeTypeIdAndNluId(languageCode,
494                 typeId,
495                 this.getRuleEditUsage().getId());
496         if (template == null) {
497             System.out.println("could not find template for " + typeId + " with language " + languageCode + " and for rule edit usage");
498         }
499         assertNotNull(template);
500         assertEquals(languageCode, template.getLanguageCode());
501         assertEquals(typeId, template.getTypeId());
502         assertEquals(getRuleEditUsage().getId(), template.getNaturalLanguageUsageId());
503         return template;
504     }
506     private void checkTypeNamesAnyOrder(Set<String> expected, List<KrmsTypeDefinition> types) {
507         List<String> unexpected = new ArrayList<String>();
508         for (KrmsTypeDefinition type : types) {
509             if (!expected.remove(type.getName())) {
510                 unexpected.add(type.getName());
511             }
512         }
513         if (!expected.isEmpty() || !unexpected.isEmpty()) {
514             fail(expected.size() + " types expected that were not found " + expected
515                     + " and "
516                     + unexpected.size() + " types were found but not expected " + unexpected);
517         }
518     }
520     private void checkTypeNamesOrdered(Set<String> expected, List<KrmsTypeDefinition> types) {
521         List<String> expectedOrdered = new ArrayList(expected);
522         this.checkTypeNamesAnyOrder(expected, types);
523         for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) {
524             if (!expectedOrdered.get(i).equals(types.get(i).getName())) {
525                 fail("Expected " + i + "th position to have " + expectedOrdered.get(i) + " but found " + types.get(i).getName());
526             }
527         }
528     }
530     private CluInfo getCurrentCluInfoByVersionIndId(String id, ContextInfo contextInfo) {
531         VersionDisplayInfo versionDisplayInfo = null;
532         try {
533             versionDisplayInfo = this.cluService.getCurrentVersion(CluServiceConstants.CLU_NAMESPACE_URI, id, contextInfo);
534         } catch (Exception ex) {
535             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected", ex);
536         }
537         try {
538             return this.cluService.getClu(versionDisplayInfo.getId(), contextInfo);
539         } catch (Exception ex) {
540             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected", ex);
541         }
542     }
543 }