Package org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc

Interface Summary
ActionCompleteCallback This callback invoked when an action event has been completed.
ApplicationEventHandler Handler interface for ApplicationEvent
Callback<T> Generic callback used in place of return values, in cases where a response may be asynchronous, or may require a call to another method that is asynchronous.
HasActionState An action that requires state
HasWidgetReadyCallback This interface should be implemented by widget that will not be ready for use until some action is completed (eg.
Model Model object used as a container for the model state.
ModelChangeHandler Handler for ModelChangeEvent
ModelProvider<T extends Model>  
ModelRequestCallback<T extends Model> Passed in as an argument to Controller.requestModel Because a model may need to be initialized via an asynchronous call, the request uses a callback to pass the result back to the caller
TranslatableValueWidget Represents a widget that accepts an ID translation
UncheckedApplicationEventHandler Handler interface associated with UncheckedApplicationEvent
View Interface defining the operations necessary to implement a view.

Class Summary
AbstractSimpleModel Deprecated.
ApplicationEvent<H extends ApplicationEventHandler> Deprecated.
CollectionModel<T> Deprecated.
CollectionModelChangeEvent<T> Deprecated.
Controller Abstract Controller composite.
DataModel The data model for Kuali Student.
DataModelChangeEvent Deprecated.
DelegatingViewComposite Deprecated.
Holder<T> Used to hold a reference to an object in cases where the declared reference needs to be final.
ModelChangeEvent Event that is fired when the model is changed.
UncheckedApplicationEvent<H extends UncheckedApplicationEventHandler> Type for events fired between controllers and views.
ViewComposite Abstract class implementing the View interface, which has a handle to it's controller.

Enum Summary
ModelChangeEvent.Action The actions that can be performed on a model.

Exception Summary
ControllerException Deprecated.
ModelNotFoundException Passed to ModelRequestCallback when the model is not found.

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