Class CommonWithCredentialProgramInfo

  extended by org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.HasAttributesInfo
      extended by org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.HasAttributesAndMetaInfo
          extended by org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.TypeStateEntityInfo
              extended by org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.IdNamelessEntityInfo
                  extended by org.kuali.student.r2.lum.program.dto.CommonWithCredentialProgramInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, HasAttributes, HasAttributesAndMeta, HasId, HasMeta, HasPrimaryKey, HasState, HasType, IdNamelessEntity, TypeStateEntity, CommonWithCredentialProgram
Direct Known Subclasses:
CommonWithCoreProgramInfo, CredentialProgramInfo

public abstract class CommonWithCredentialProgramInfo
extends IdNamelessEntityInfo
implements CommonWithCredentialProgram

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
CommonWithCredentialProgramInfo(CommonWithCredentialProgram input)
Method Summary
 String getCode()
          Human readable code used to identify this program The code is typically unique within the particular context (for example the list of majors at the university) but it is not guaranteed to be completely unique.
 RichTextInfo getDescr()
          Narrative Description of the program
 List<String> getDivisionsContentOwner()
          Identifiers for Divisions responsible to make changes to this program
 List<String> getDivisionsStudentOversight()
          Divisions responsible for overseeing students in this program.
 String getEndProgramEntryTerm()
          The last academic time period that this would be available for new enrollments.
 String getEndTerm()
          The last term that this would be allowed to be offered.
 List<LoDisplayInfo> getLearningObjectives()
          Learning Objectives associated with this program.
 String getLongTitle()
          Fully expressed title
 List<String> getProgramRequirements()
          Identifiers for Requirements associated with this program
 String getShortTitle()
          Abbreviated title used where presentation space is at a premium
 String getStartTerm()
          The first term in which this would be allowed to be offered.
 String getTranscriptTitle()
          Title used for transcript reporting purposes
 List<String> getUnitsContentOwner()
          Unit responsible for make changes to this program The unit is typically an academic department but does not have to be.
 List<String> getUnitsStudentOversight()
          Identifier of unit responsible for overseeing students in this program.
 String getUniversityClassification()
          University specific classification e.g General Education Program
 VersionInfo getVersion()
          Information about the Version of this program
 void setCode(String code)
 void setDescr(RichTextInfo descr)
 void setDivisionsContentOwner(List<String> divisionsContentOwnerIds)
 void setDivisionsStudentOversight(List<String> divisionsStudentOversightIds)
 void setEndProgramEntryTerm(String endProgramEntryTermId)
 void setEndTerm(String endTerm)
 void setLearningObjectives(List<LoDisplayInfo> learningObjectives)
 void setLongTitle(String longTitle)
 void setProgramRequirements(List<String> programRequirements)
 void setShortTitle(String shortTitle)
 void setStartTerm(String startTerm)
 void setTranscriptTitle(String transcriptTitle)
 void setUnitsContentOwner(List<String> unitsContentOwner)
 void setUnitsStudentOversight(List<String> unitsStudentOversight)
 void setUniversityClassification(String universityClassification)
 void setVersion(VersionInfo version)
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.IdNamelessEntityInfo
getId, setId
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.TypeStateEntityInfo
getState, getStateKey, getType, getTypeKey, setState, setStateKey, setType, setTypeKey
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.HasAttributesAndMetaInfo
getMeta, setMeta
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.HasAttributesInfo
getAttributes, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValueList, setAttributes
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasId
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasType
getType, getTypeKey
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasState
getState, getStateKey
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasAttributes
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasMeta

Constructor Detail


public CommonWithCredentialProgramInfo()


public CommonWithCredentialProgramInfo(CommonWithCredentialProgram input)
Method Detail


public VersionInfo getVersion()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Information about the Version of this program

Specified by:
getVersion in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setVersion(VersionInfo version)


public RichTextInfo getDescr()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Narrative Description of the program

Specified by:
getDescr in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setDescr(RichTextInfo descr)


public String getShortTitle()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Abbreviated title used where presentation space is at a premium

Specified by:
getShortTitle in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setShortTitle(String shortTitle)


public String getLongTitle()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Fully expressed title

Specified by:
getLongTitle in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setLongTitle(String longTitle)


public String getTranscriptTitle()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Title used for transcript reporting purposes

Specified by:
getTranscriptTitle in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setTranscriptTitle(String transcriptTitle)


public String getCode()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Human readable code used to identify this program The code is typically unique within the particular context (for example the list of majors at the university) but it is not guaranteed to be completely unique.

Specified by:
getCode in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setCode(String code)


public String getUniversityClassification()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
University specific classification e.g General Education Program

Specified by:
getUniversityClassification in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setUniversityClassification(String universityClassification)


public String getStartTerm()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
The first term in which this would be allowed to be offered. Note: This may not be the first "real" term during that this was offered.

Specified by:
getStartTerm in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setStartTerm(String startTerm)


public String getEndTerm()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
The last term that this would be allowed to be offered.

Specified by:
getEndTerm in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setEndTerm(String endTerm)


public String getEndProgramEntryTerm()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
The last academic time period that this would be available for new enrollments. T

Specified by:
getEndProgramEntryTerm in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setEndProgramEntryTerm(String endProgramEntryTermId)


public List<String> getDivisionsContentOwner()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Identifiers for Divisions responsible to make changes to this program

Specified by:
getDivisionsContentOwner in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setDivisionsContentOwner(List<String> divisionsContentOwnerIds)


public List<String> getDivisionsStudentOversight()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Divisions responsible for overseeing students in this program. For example: Granting exceptions to requirements to students.

Specified by:
getDivisionsStudentOversight in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setDivisionsStudentOversight(List<String> divisionsStudentOversightIds)


public List<String> getUnitsContentOwner()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Unit responsible for make changes to this program The unit is typically an academic department but does not have to be.

Specified by:
getUnitsContentOwner in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setUnitsContentOwner(List<String> unitsContentOwner)


public List<String> getUnitsStudentOversight()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Identifier of unit responsible for overseeing students in this program. For example: granting exceptions to the requirements to students. The unit is typically an academic department but does not have to be.

Specified by:
getUnitsStudentOversight in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setUnitsStudentOversight(List<String> unitsStudentOversight)


public List<LoDisplayInfo> getLearningObjectives()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Learning Objectives associated with this program.

Specified by:
getLearningObjectives in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setLearningObjectives(List<LoDisplayInfo> learningObjectives)


public List<String> getProgramRequirements()
Description copied from interface: CommonWithCredentialProgram
Identifiers for Requirements associated with this program

Specified by:
getProgramRequirements in interface CommonWithCredentialProgram


public void setProgramRequirements(List<String> programRequirements)

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