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1   package org.kuali.student.r2.lum.course.infc;
3   import org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.IdNamelessEntity;
5   public interface CourseCrossListing extends IdNamelessEntity {
7       /**
8        * 
9        * This is the concatenation of subject area/code plus the course
10       * number suffix of the cross-listed course (i.e., not the original
11       * course)
12       * E.g., ENGL100, CHEM250A
13       * 
14       * @return
15       */
16      public String getCode();
18      /**
19       * 
20       * This is the subject area also known as the subject code.
21       * See comments in getCode().
22       * E.g., from ENGL101A, it's ENGL.
23       * 
24       * @return
25       */
26      public String getSubjectArea();
28      /**
29       * This method has been replaced by getSubjectOrgId()
30       */
31      @Deprecated
32      public String getDepartment();
34      /**
35       * This is the ID for that subject code as an org within the Org Service.
36       * Subject codes are stored in the Org table as an organization.
37       * Note: subject org id and subject area/code should be kept aligned (in case
38       * the subject code changes, but its ID stays the same).
39       *
40       * @impl In general, subject org ID should take precedence over subject area
41       * since the subject area can be found as the short name of the org corresponding
42       * to the subject org ID.
43       *
44       * @impl Reference implementation has the ID as ORGID-[subject area]
45       * For example, ORGID-ENGL
46       * This is not a requirement, but makes it easier to create the Org Id
47       */
48      public String getSubjectOrgId();
50      /**
51       * The "extra" portion of the code, which usually corresponds with the most
52       * detailed part of the number (i.e., everything besides the subject area/code).
53       * See comments in getCode().
54       * E.g., from ENGL101A, it's 101A.
55       * E.g., from CHEM200, it's 200.
56       */
57      public String getCourseNumberSuffix();
58  }