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1   package org.kuali.student.enrollment.class2.courseofferingset.model;
3   import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
4   import org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseofferingset.dto.SocRolloverResultInfo;
5   import org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseofferingset.infc.SocRolloverResult;
6   import org.kuali.student.r1.common.entity.KSEntityConstants;
7   import org.kuali.student.r2.common.assembler.TransformUtility;
8   import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.AttributeInfo;
9   import org.kuali.student.r2.common.entity.AttributeOwner;
10  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.entity.MetaEntity;
11  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.RichTextHelper;
12  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.constants.CourseOfferingSetServiceConstants;
14  import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
15  import javax.persistence.Column;
16  import javax.persistence.Entity;
17  import javax.persistence.FetchType;
18  import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
19  import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
20  import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
21  import javax.persistence.Table;
22  import java.util.HashMap;
23  import java.util.HashSet;
24  import java.util.List;
25  import java.util.Map;
26  import java.util.Set;
28  @Entity
29  @Table(name = "KSEN_SOC_ROR")
30  @NamedQueries({
31          @NamedQuery(name="SocRor.getSocRorsByType", query="Select a from SocRolloverResultEntity a where a.socRorType =:socRorType"),
32          @NamedQuery(name="SocRor.getSocRorsBySourceSocId", query="Select a from SocRolloverResultEntity a where a.sourceSocId=:sourceSocId"),
33          @NamedQuery(name="SocRor.getSocRolloverResultIdsBySourceSocId", query="Select from SocRolloverResultEntity a where a.sourceSocId=:sourceSocId"),
34          @NamedQuery(name="SocRor.getSocRorsByTargetSocId", query="Select a from SocRolloverResultEntity a where a.targetSocId=:targetSocId"),
35          @NamedQuery(name="SocRor.getSocRolloverResultIdsByTargetSocId", query="Select from SocRolloverResultEntity a where a.targetSocId=:targetSocId")
37  })
38  public class SocRolloverResultEntity extends MetaEntity implements AttributeOwner<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> {
40      @Column(name = "SOC_ROR_TYPE", nullable = false)
41      private String socRorType;
42      @Column(name = "SOC_ROR_STATE", nullable = false)
43      private String socRorState;
44      @Column(name = "TARGET_TERM_ID")
45      private String targetTermId;
46      @Column(name = "ITEMS_PROCESSED")
47      private Integer itemsProcessed;
48      @Column(name = "ITEMS_EXPECTED")
49      private Integer itemsExpected;
50      @Column(name = "SOURCE_SOC_ID")
51      private String sourceSocId;
52      @Column(name = "TARGET_SOC_ID")
53      private String targetSocId;
54      @Column(name = "MESG_FORMATTED", length = KSEntityConstants.EXTRA_LONG_TEXT_LENGTH)
55      private String mesgFormatted;
56      @Column(name = "MESG_PLAIN", length = KSEntityConstants.EXTRA_LONG_TEXT_LENGTH)
57      private String mesgPlain;
58      @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "socRolloverResult",fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
59      private Set<SocRolloverResultOptionEntity> options = new HashSet<SocRolloverResultOptionEntity>();
60      @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "owner", fetch = FetchType.EAGER, orphanRemoval = true)
61      private final Set<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> attributes = new HashSet<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity>();
63      private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SocRolloverResultEntity.class);
65      public SocRolloverResultEntity() {
66      }
68      public SocRolloverResultEntity(SocRolloverResult socRolloverResult) {
69          super(socRolloverResult);
70          this.setId(socRolloverResult.getId());
71          this.setSocRorType(socRolloverResult.getTypeKey());
72          this.fromDTO(socRolloverResult);
73      }
75      private Map<String, SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> _computeKeyAttributeMap(Set<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> attributes) {
76          Map<String, SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> keyAttributeMap =
77                  new HashMap<String, SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity>();
78          for (SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity attr: attributes) {
79              keyAttributeMap.put(attr.getKey(), attr);
80          }
81          return keyAttributeMap;
82      }
84      private Set<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> _filterForDynAttrs(SocRolloverResultEntity entity) {
85          Set<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> filtered = new HashSet<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity>();
86          for (SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity attrEntity: this.getAttributes()) {
87              if (CourseOfferingSetServiceConstants.ALL_RESULT_DYNATTR_KEYS.contains(attrEntity.getKey())) {
88                  filtered.add(attrEntity);
89              }
90          }
91          // Remove the dynamic attributes from this
92          this.getAttributes().removeAll(filtered);
93          return filtered;
94      }
96      public void fromDTO(SocRolloverResult socRolloverResult) {
97          this.setSocRorState(socRolloverResult.getStateKey());
98          this.setSourceSocId(socRolloverResult.getSourceSocId());
99          this.setTargetSocId(socRolloverResult.getTargetSocId());
100         this.setTargetTermId(socRolloverResult.getTargetTermId());
101         // TODO: store the option keys
102         this.setItemsProcessed(socRolloverResult.getItemsProcessed());  // Basically ignored
103         this.setItemsExpected(socRolloverResult.getItemsExpected()); // Basically ignored
104         if (socRolloverResult.getMessage() != null) {
105             this.setMesgFormatted(socRolloverResult.getMessage().getFormatted());
106             this.setMesgPlain(socRolloverResult.getMessage().getPlain());
107         } else {
108             this.setMesgFormatted(null);
109             this.setMesgPlain(null);
110         }
111         // Add any new options to the list of options
112         // Deletes of options has to occur in the updateRolloverResult method because it needs access to the entity
113         for (String optionKey : socRolloverResult.getOptionKeys()) {
114             if (!alreadyExists(optionKey)) {
115                 this.getOptions().add(new SocRolloverResultOptionEntity(optionKey, this));
116             }
117         }
118         // Handle copying SocRolloverResult attributes to SocRolloverResultEntity attributes
119         // TODO: Could be made more generic
120         Set<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> dynamicAttrSet = _filterForDynAttrs(this);
121         // Merge the non-dynamic attributes
122         List<Object> toDelete =
123                 TransformUtility.mergeToEntityAttributes(SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity.class, socRolloverResult, this);
124         if (!toDelete.isEmpty()) {
125             LOGGER.warn("Unexpected attributes--should handle by deleting orphans");
126         }
127         // Then, copy the dynamic attributes in
128         this.getAttributes().addAll(dynamicAttrSet);
129         // Then update the entity attribute values
130         SocRolloverResultDynAttrConverter.copyDtoDynAttrsToEntity(socRolloverResult, this);
131     }
133     private boolean alreadyExists(String optionKey) {
134         for (SocRolloverResultOptionEntity optionEntity : this.getOptions()) {
135             if (optionEntity.getOptionId().equals(optionKey)) {
136                 return true;
137             }
138         }
139         return false;
140     }
142     private Integer _parseInt(String intStr) {
143         if (intStr == null) {
144             return null;
145         }
146         try {
147             return Integer.parseInt(intStr);
148         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
149             // Final return if exception thrown
150         }
151         return null;
152     }
154     public SocRolloverResultInfo toDto() {
155         SocRolloverResultInfo socRolloverResult = new SocRolloverResultInfo();
156         socRolloverResult.setId(getId());
157         socRolloverResult.setTypeKey(socRorType);
158         socRolloverResult.setStateKey(socRorState);
159         socRolloverResult.setSourceSocId(sourceSocId);
160         socRolloverResult.setTargetTermId(targetTermId);
161         // TODO: load the option keys
162         socRolloverResult.setTargetSocId(targetSocId);
163         socRolloverResult.setItemsExpected(itemsExpected);
164         socRolloverResult.setItemsProcessed(itemsProcessed);
165         socRolloverResult.setMessage(new RichTextHelper().toRichTextInfo(getMesgPlain(), getMesgFormatted()));
166         if (getOptions() != null) {
167             for (SocRolloverResultOptionEntity optionEntity : getOptions()) {
168                 String optionKey = optionEntity.getOptionId();
169                 socRolloverResult.getOptionKeys().add(optionKey);
170             }
171         }
172         socRolloverResult.setMeta(super.toDTO());
173         if (getAttributes() != null) {
174             // Handle standard attributes
175             for (SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity att : getAttributes()) {
176                 AttributeInfo attInfo = att.toDto();
177                 if (!CourseOfferingSetServiceConstants.ALL_RESULT_DYNATTR_KEYS.contains(attInfo.getKey())) {
178                     socRolloverResult.getAttributes().add(attInfo);
179                 }
180             }
181             // Handle dynamic attributes
182             SocRolloverResultDynAttrConverter.copyEntityAttrsToDtoDynAttrs(this, socRolloverResult);
183         }
184         return socRolloverResult;
185     }
187     public Set<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> getAttributes() {
188         return attributes;
189     }
191     public void setAttributes(Set<SocRolloverResultAttributeEntity> attributes) {
192         this.attributes.clear();
193         if (attributes != null) {
194             this.attributes.addAll(attributes);
195         }
196     }
198     public Integer getItemsExpected() {
199         return itemsExpected;
200     }
202     public void setItemsExpected(Integer itemsExpected) {
203         this.itemsExpected = itemsExpected;
204     }
206     public Integer getItemsProcessed() {
207         return itemsProcessed;
208     }
210     public void setItemsProcessed(Integer itemsProcessed) {
211         this.itemsProcessed = itemsProcessed;
212     }
214     public String getMesgFormatted() {
215         return mesgFormatted;
216     }
218     public void setMesgFormatted(String mesgFormatted) {
219         this.mesgFormatted = mesgFormatted;
220     }
222     public String getMesgPlain() {
223         return mesgPlain;
224     }
226     public void setMesgPlain(String mesgPlain) {
227         this.mesgPlain = mesgPlain;
228     }
230     public String getSocRorState() {
231         return socRorState;
232     }
234     public void setSocRorState(String socRorState) {
235         this.socRorState = socRorState;
236     }
238     public String getSocRorType() {
239         return socRorType;
240     }
242     public void setSocRorType(String socRorType) {
243         this.socRorType = socRorType;
244     }
246     public String getSourceSocId() {
247         return sourceSocId;
248     }
250     public void setSourceSocId(String sourceSocId) {
251         this.sourceSocId = sourceSocId;
252     }
254     public String getTargetSocId() {
255         return targetSocId;
256     }
258     public void setTargetSocId(String targetSocId) {
259         this.targetSocId = targetSocId;
260     }
262     public String getTargetTermId() {
263         return targetTermId;
264     }
266     public void setTargetTermId(String targetTermId) {
267         this.targetTermId = targetTermId;
268     }
270     public Set<SocRolloverResultOptionEntity> getOptions() {
271         if (this.options == null) {
272             this.options = new HashSet<SocRolloverResultOptionEntity>();
273         }
274         return options;
275     }
277     public void setOptions(Set<SocRolloverResultOptionEntity> options) {
278         this.options = options;
279     }
280 }