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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2009 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package org.kuali.student.enrollment.lrr.service;
18  import java.util.List;
20  import javax.jws.WebParam;
21  import javax.jws.WebService;
22  import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
24  import org.kuali.student.enrollment.lrr.dto.LearningResultRecordInfo;
25  import org.kuali.student.enrollment.lrr.dto.ResultSourceInfo;
26  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.ContextInfo;
27  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.StatusInfo;
28  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.dto.ValidationResultInfo;
29  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException;
30  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.DataValidationErrorException;
31  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.DoesNotExistException;
32  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
33  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.MissingParameterException;
34  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.OperationFailedException;
35  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException;
36  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.exceptions.VersionMismatchException;
37  import org.kuali.student.r2.common.util.constants.LrrServiceConstants;
40  /**
41   * 
42   * 
43   * The Learning Result Record Service supports the management of results earned through a person's participation in a learning unit instance. 
44   * 
45   * @version: 0.0.7
46   * @author Kuali Student Team (Kamal)
47   */
48  @WebService(name = "LearningResultRecordService", targetNamespace = LrrServiceConstants.NAMESPACE) // TODO CHECK THESE VALUES
49  @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
50  public interface LearningResultRecordService { 
53      /** 
54       * Retrieves a learning result record by its identifier
55       * 
56       * @param learningResultRecordId learning result record identifier
57       * @param context Context information containing the principalId
58       *                and locale information about the caller of service
59       *                operation
60       * @return learning result record information
61       * @throws DoesNotExistException learning result record not found
62       * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid learningResultRecordId
63       * @throws MissingParameterException learningResultRecordId not specified
64       * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
65       * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure 
66  	 */
67      public LearningResultRecordInfo getLearningResultRecord(@WebParam(name="learningResultRecordId")String learningResultRecordId, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
69      /** 
70       * Retrieves a list of learning result records for a Lui Person Relation
71       * @param lprId Lui person relation identifier
72       * @param context Context information containing the principalId
73       *                and locale information about the caller of service
74       *                operation
75       * @return list of learning result record information
76       * @throws DoesNotExistException person not found
77       * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid personId
78       * @throws MissingParameterException personId not specified
79       * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
80  	 */
81      public List<LearningResultRecordInfo> getLearningResultRecordsForLpr(@WebParam(name="lprId")String lprId) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
84      /**
85       * 
86       * Retrieves a list of learning result records based on LPR and the type of LRR
87       * 
88       * @param lprId
89       * @param lrrType
90       * @return
91       * @throws DoesNotExistException
92       * @throws InvalidParameterException
93       * @throws MissingParameterException
94       * @throws OperationFailedException
95       */
96      public List<LearningResultRecordInfo> getLearningResultRecordsForLprAndType(@WebParam(name="lprId")String lprId, @WebParam(name="lrrType")String lrrType) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
99      /** 
100      * Retrieves a list of learning result records for Lui Person Relation Ids
101      * @param lprIds List of Lui person relation identifier
102      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
103      *                and locale information about the caller of service
104      *                operation
105      * @return list of learning result record information
106      * @throws DoesNotExistException person not found
107      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid personId
108      * @throws MissingParameterException personId not specified
109      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
110      */
111     public List<LearningResultRecordInfo> getLearningResultRecordsForLprIds(@WebParam(name="lprIds")List<String> lprIds, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
113     /** 
114      * Retrieves a list of learning result records by source Id
115      * @param lprIds List of Lui person relation identifier
116      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
117      *                and locale information about the caller of service
118      *                operation
119      * @return list of learning result record information
120      * @throws DoesNotExistException person not found
121      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid personId
122      * @throws MissingParameterException personId not specified
123      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
124      */
125     public List<LearningResultRecordInfo> getLearningResultRecordsBySourceId(@WebParam(name="lprIds")List<String> sourceIds, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
128     /** 
129      * Creates an learning result record.
130      * @param learningResultRecordInfo information about the learning result record
131      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
132      *                and locale information about the caller of service
133      *                operation
134      * @return information about the newly created learning result record
135      * @throws AlreadyExistsException Learning result record already exists
136      * @throws DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
137      * @throws InvalidParameterException one or more parameters invalid
138      * @throws MissingParameterException one or more parameters missing
139      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
140      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
141 	 */
142     public LearningResultRecordInfo createLearningResultRecord(@WebParam(name="learningResultRecord")LearningResultRecordInfo learningResultRecord, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws AlreadyExistsException, DataValidationErrorException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
144     /** 
145      * Updates an learning result record
146      * @param learningResultRecordId identifier of the learning result record to be updated
147      * @param learningResultRecordInfo information about the learningResultRecord to be updated
148      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
149      *                and locale information about the caller of service
150      *                operation
151      * @return the updated learning result record information
152      * @throws DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
153      * @throws DoesNotExistException learning result record not found
154      * @throws InvalidParameterException one or more parameters invalid
155      * @throws MissingParameterException one or more parameters missing
156      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
157      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
158      * @throws VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of date version.
159 	 */
160     public LearningResultRecordInfo updateLearningResultRecord(@WebParam(name="learningResultRecordId")String learningResultRecordId, @WebParam(name="learningResultRecordInfo")LearningResultRecordInfo learningResultRecordInfo, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DataValidationErrorException, DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, VersionMismatchException;
162     /** 
163      * Deletes an learning result record
164      * @param learningResultRecordId identifier of the learning result record to delete
165      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
166      *                and locale information about the caller of service
167      *                operation
168      * @return status of the operation (success or failure)
169      * @throws DoesNotExistException learning result record not found
170      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid learningResultRecordId
171      * @throws MissingParameterException missing learningResultRecordId
172      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
173      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
174 	 */
175     public StatusInfo deleteLearningResultRecord(@WebParam(name="learningResultRecordId")String learningResultRecordId, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
178     /** 
179      * Validates an learning result record. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the learning result record (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the learning result record can be shifted to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object.
180      * @param validationType identifier of the extent of validation
181      * @param learningResultRecordInfo learning result record information to be tested.
182      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
183      *                and locale information about the caller of service
184      *                operation
185      * @return results from performing the validation
186      * @throws DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
187      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey, learningResultRecordInfo
188      * @throws MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, learningResultRecordInfo
189      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
190      */
191     public List<ValidationResultInfo> validateLearningResultRecord(@WebParam(name="validationType")String validationType, @WebParam(name="learningResultRecordInfo")LearningResultRecordInfo learningResultRecordInfo, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
193     /** 
194      * Retrieves a result source for a given identifier
195      * 
196      * @param resultSourceId result source id
197      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
198      *                and locale information about the caller of service
199      *                operation
200      * @return learning result record information
201      * @throws DoesNotExistException result source not found
202      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid resultSourceId
203      * @throws MissingParameterException resultSourceId not specified
204      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
205      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure 
206      */
207     public ResultSourceInfo getResultSource(@WebParam(name="resultSourceId")String resultSourceId, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
210     /** 
211      * Retrieves a list of result sources for a list of Ids
212      * 
213      * @param resultSourceIds result source Id list
214      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
215      *                and locale information about the caller of service
216      *                operation
217      * @return list of result sources
218      * @throws DoesNotExistException result source not found
219      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid resultSourceIds
220      * @throws MissingParameterException resultSourceIds not specified
221      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
222      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure 
223      */
224     public List<ResultSourceInfo> getResultSourcesByIds(@WebParam(name="resultSourceIds")List <String> resultSourceIds, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
226     /** 
227      * Retrieves a list of result sources by type
228      * 
229      * @param resultSourceTypeKey result source type key
230      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
231      *                and locale information about the caller of service
232      *                operation
233      * @return list of result sources
234      * @throws DoesNotExistException result source not found
235      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid resultSourceTypeKey
236      * @throws MissingParameterException resultSourceTypeKey not specified
237      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
238      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure 
239      */
240     public List<ResultSourceInfo> getResultSourcesByType(@WebParam(name="resultSourceTypeKey")String resultSourceTypeKey, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
243     /** 
244      * Create a new result source 
245      * @param learningResultRecordId learning result record identifier
246      * @param sourceInfo source information
247      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
248      *                and locale information about the caller of service
249      *                operation
250      * @throws AlreadyExistsException the result source being created already exists
251      * @throws DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
252      * @throws InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
253      * @throws MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
254      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
255      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure    
256 	 */
257     public ResultSourceInfo createResultSource(@WebParam(name="resultSourceInfo")ResultSourceInfo sourceInfo, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws AlreadyExistsException, DataValidationErrorException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
259     /** 
260      * Updates a result source 
261      * @param resultSourceId source identifier
262      * @param resultSourceInfo source information
263      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
264      *                and locale information about the caller of service
265      *                operation
266      * @return updated result source information
267      * @throws DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
268      * @throws DoesNotExistException result source not found 
269      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid resultSourceId or resultSourceInfo
270      * @throws MissingParameterException resultSourceId or resultSourceInfo not specified
271      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
272      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
273      * @throws VersionMismatchException  The action was attempted on an out of date version
274      */
275     public ResultSourceInfo updateResultSource(@WebParam(name="resultSourceId")String resultSourceId, @WebParam(name="resultSourceInfo")ResultSourceInfo resultSourceInfo, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DataValidationErrorException, DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, VersionMismatchException;
277     /** 
278      * Delete a result source. The result source should not be deleteable if it is still being referenced by any LRR
279      * @param sourceId source information identifier
280      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
281      *                and locale information about the caller of service
282      *                operation
283      * @return status
284      * @throws DoesNotExistException the result source does not exist
285      * @throws InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
286      * @throws MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
287      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
288      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
289      */
290     public StatusInfo deleteResultSource(@WebParam(name="deleteResultSourceId")String resultSourceId, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
292     /** 
293      * Validates a result source 
294      * @param validationType identifier of the extent of validation
295      * @param resultSourceInfo result source information to be tested.
296      * @param context Context information containing the principalId
297      *                and locale information about the caller of service
298      *                operation
299      * @return results from performing the validation
300      * @throws DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
301      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey, resultSourceInfo
302      * @throws MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, resultSourceInfo
303      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
304      */
305     public List<ValidationResultInfo> validateResultSource(@WebParam(name="validationType")String validationType, @WebParam(name="resultSourceInfo")ResultSourceInfo resultSourceInfo, @WebParam(name = "context") ContextInfo context) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
307 }