Class EntityMergeHelper<E,INFO>

  extended by org.kuali.student.r2.common.helper.EntityMergeHelper<E,INFO>
Type Parameters:
E - The entity being merged into.
INFO - the dto providing the data to be merged.

public final class EntityMergeHelper<E,INFO>
extends Object

Helps perform merge operations that take place when an entity is loaded from the database and then updated from the dto content being provided through the service.


Nested Class Summary
static interface EntityMergeHelper.EntityMergeOptions<E,INFO>
          Options when merging the entity from the dto.
static class EntityMergeHelper.EntityMergeResult<E>
          The results of a merge are the merged list and the list of orphaned data.
static interface EntityMergeHelper.StringMergeOptions<E>
          Options for merging a list of strings into a list of entities.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 EntityMergeHelper.EntityMergeResult<E> merge(List<E> entityList, List<INFO> infoList, EntityMergeHelper.EntityMergeOptions<E,INFO> options)
          Performs a Merge of the current entity list from the info list and options provided.
 EntityMergeHelper.EntityMergeResult<E> mergeStringList(List<E> entityList, List<String> stringList, EntityMergeHelper.StringMergeOptions<E> options)
          Merges a simple string list against a persisted list.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EntityMergeHelper()
Method Detail


public EntityMergeHelper.EntityMergeResult<E> mergeStringList(List<E> entityList,
                                                              List<String> stringList,
                                                              EntityMergeHelper.StringMergeOptions<E> options)
Merges a simple string list against a persisted list. We assume that if the string value does not exist then we can delete the item.

entityList - the list of entities
stringList - the list of values
the merge results.


public EntityMergeHelper.EntityMergeResult<E> merge(List<E> entityList,
                                                    List<INFO> infoList,
                                                    EntityMergeHelper.EntityMergeOptions<E,INFO> options)
Performs a Merge of the current entity list from the info list and options provided. The results are the list of merged entities and a list of orphaned objects that can be deleted from the database.

entityList - the target list of entities
infoList - the source list of dto info objects.
options - the logic for extracting the keys and creating/merging the entities.
the results of the merge.

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