Interface RegistrationGroup

All Superinterfaces:
Entity, HasAttributes, HasAttributesAndMeta, HasId, HasMeta, HasPrimaryKey, HasState, HasType, IdEntity, TypeStateEntity
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RegistrationGroup
extends IdEntity

Registration group are the physical entities that students will try to register into. A RegistrationGroup is used to group individual activity offerings based on the canonical format.


Method Summary
 List<String> getActivityOfferingIds()
          Activity Offerings for the registration group.
 String getCourseOfferingId()
          Course offering for this registration group.
 String getFormatOfferingId()
          Canonical format to which this registration group belong to.
 Boolean getIsGenerated()
          Tests if this registration group wa sthe product of an automatic generation.
 String getRegistrationCode()
          Uniquely identifies an instance of the course for the purposes of registration.
 String getTermId()
          Academic term the registration group is being offered in.
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasId
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.Entity
getDescr, getName
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasType
getType, getTypeKey
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasState
getState, getStateKey
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasAttributes
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.student.r2.common.infc.HasMeta

Method Detail


String getFormatOfferingId()
Canonical format to which this registration group belong to.


String getCourseOfferingId()
Course offering for this registration group.


String getTermId()
Academic term the registration group is being offered in. Should be same as CourseOffering unless changed, then must be nested term of courseOffering.


String getRegistrationCode()
Uniquely identifies an instance of the course for the purposes of registration. This code is unique for a given term, thus, no two registration groups in the same term shares the same registration code. By contrast, the [name] field (this is inherited from IdEntity) is used to store a registration group code that is unique only within a course offering. Thus, no two registration groups would share the same registration group code within the same course offering (in a given term).


List<String> getActivityOfferingIds()
Activity Offerings for the registration group. This list should be constrained by the canonical format and the activity offerings listed in the course offering.


Boolean getIsGenerated()
Tests if this registration group wa sthe product of an automatic generation. manually created registration groups return false for this.

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