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1   /**
2    * Copyright 2010 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the
3    * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
4    * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
5    * obtain a copy of the License at
6    *
7    *
8    *
9    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
10   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
12   * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
13   * permissions and limitations under the License.
14   */
16  package org.kuali.student.core.proposal.service;
18  import java.util.List;
20  import javax.jws.WebParam;
21  import javax.jws.WebService;
22  import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
23  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
25  import org.kuali.student.common.dictionary.service.DictionaryService;
26  import org.kuali.student.common.dto.ReferenceTypeInfo;
27  import org.kuali.student.common.dto.StatusInfo;
28  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException;
29  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.DataValidationErrorException;
30  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.DependentObjectsExistException;
31  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.DoesNotExistException;
32  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
33  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.MissingParameterException;
34  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.OperationFailedException;
35  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.PermissionDeniedException;
36  import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.VersionMismatchException;
37  import;
38  import org.kuali.student.common.validation.dto.ValidationResultInfo;
39  import org.kuali.student.core.proposal.dto.ProposalInfo;
40  import org.kuali.student.core.proposal.dto.ProposalTypeInfo;
42  /**
43   *
44   * @Author KSContractMojo
45   * @Author Neerav Agrawal
46   * @Since Thu May 28 10:25:06 EDT 2009
47   * @See <a href="">ProposalService</>
48   *
49   */
50  @WebService(name = "ProposalService", targetNamespace = "") 
51  @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
52  @XmlSeeAlso({org.kuali.student.common.dto.ReferenceTypeInfo.class})
53  public interface ProposalService extends DictionaryService, SearchService{
54      /**
55       * Retrieves the list of proposal types known by this service
56       * @return list of proposal types
57       * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
58  	 */
59      public List<ProposalTypeInfo> getProposalTypes() throws OperationFailedException;
61      /**
62       * Retrieves information about a particular proposal type
63       * @param proposalTypeKey proposal type identifier
64       * @return proposal type information
65       * @throws DoesNotExistException specified proposal type not found
66       * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid proposalTypeKey
67       * @throws MissingParameterException proposalTypeKey not specified
68       * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
69  	 */
70      public ProposalTypeInfo getProposalType(@WebParam(name="proposalTypeKey")String proposalTypeKey) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
72      /**
73       * Retrieves the list of types which can be referenced by a proposal.
74       * @return the list of types which can be referenced by a proposal
75       * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
76  	 */
77      public List<ReferenceTypeInfo> getReferenceTypes() throws OperationFailedException;
79      /**
80       * Retrieves the list of proposal types that are defined for a particular Reference Type
81       * @param referenceTypeKey referenceTypeKey
82       * @return List of proposal types
83       * @throws DoesNotExistException specified referenceTypeKey not found
84       * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid referenceTypeKey
85       * @throws MissingParameterException referenceTypeKey not specified
86       * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
87  	 */
88      public List<ProposalTypeInfo> getProposalTypesForReferenceType(@WebParam(name="referenceTypeKey")String referenceTypeKey) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
90      /**
91       * Validates a proposal. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the proposal and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the proposal can be shifted to the new values. If a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object. This is a slightly different pattern from the standard validation as the caller provides the identifier in the create statement instead of the server assigning an identifier.
92       * @param validationType Identifier of the extent of validation
93       * @param proposalInfo The proposal information to be tested.
94       * @return Results from performing the validation
95       * @throws DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
96       * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey, proposalInfo
97       * @throws MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, proposalInfo
98       * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
99  	 */
100     public List<ValidationResultInfo> validateProposal(@WebParam(name="validationType")String validationType, @WebParam(name="proposalInfo")ProposalInfo proposalInfo) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
102     /**
103      * Retrieves the details of a single Proposal by proposalId
104      * @param proposalId Unique id of the Proposal to be retrieved
105      * @return Details of the Proposal requested
106      * @throws DoesNotExistException proposalId not found
107      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid proposalId
108      * @throws MissingParameterException invalid proposalId
109      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
110 	 */
111     public ProposalInfo getProposal(@WebParam(name="proposalId")String proposalId) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
113     /**
114      * Retrieves the list of Proposals for the supplied list of proposalIds
115      * @param proposalIdList list of proposal identifiers
116      * @return List of proposals that match the supplied proposalId list
117      * @throws DoesNotExistException One or more proposalIds not found
118      * @throws InvalidParameterException One or more invalid proposalId
119      * @throws MissingParameterException missing proposalIdList
120      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
121 	 */
122     public List<ProposalInfo> getProposalsByIdList(@WebParam(name="proposalIdList")List<String> proposalIdList) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
124     /**
125      * Retrieves the list of Proposals for the supplied Proposal Type
126      * @param proposalTypeKey key of the proposal type
127      * @return List of proposal information
128      * @throws DoesNotExistException proposalTypeKey not found
129      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid proposalTypeKey
130      * @throws MissingParameterException missing proposalTypeKey
131      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
132 	 */
133     public List<ProposalInfo> getProposalsByProposalType(@WebParam(name="proposalTypeKey")String proposalTypeKey) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
135     /**
136      * Retrieves the list of Proposals for the specified Reference Type and Reference Id
137      * @param referenceTypeKey Key of the Reference Type
138      * @param referenceId Identifier of the reference
139      * @return list of Proposal information
140      * @throws DoesNotExistException referenceTypeKey or referenceId not found
141      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid referenceTypeKey or referenceId
142      * @throws MissingParameterException missing referenceTypeKey or referenceId
143      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
144 	 */
145     public List<ProposalInfo> getProposalsByReference(@WebParam(name="referenceTypeKey")String referenceTypeKey, @WebParam(name="referenceId")String referenceId) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
147     /**
148      * Retrieves the list of Proposals for the specified proposal type and state
149      * @param proposalState Proposal State
150      * @param proposalTypeKey Proposal Type.
151      * @return list of Proposal information
152      * @throws DoesNotExistException proposalTypeKey not found
153      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid proposalState or proposalTypeKey
154      * @throws MissingParameterException missing proposalState or proposalTypeKey
155      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
156 	 */
157     public List<ProposalInfo> getProposalsByState(@WebParam(name="proposalState")String proposalState, @WebParam(name="proposalTypeKey")String proposalTypeKey) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
159     /**
160      * @param workflowId Workflow id
161      * @return Proposal Information
162      * @throws DoesNotExistException workflowId not found
163      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid workflowId
164      * @throws MissingParameterException missing workflowId
165      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
166      */
167     public ProposalInfo getProposalByWorkflowId(@WebParam(name="workflowId")String workflowId) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException;
170     /**
171      * Creates a new Proposal
172      * @param proposalTypeKey identifier of the Proposal Type for the Proposal being created
173      * @param proposalInfo information about the Proposal being created
174      * @return the created Proposal information
175      * @throws AlreadyExistsException Proposal already exists
176      * @throws DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
177      * @throws DoesNotExistException proposalTypeKey not found
178      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid proposalTypeKey, proposalInfo
179      * @throws MissingParameterException missing proposalTypeKey, proposalInfo
180      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
181      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
182 	 */
183     public ProposalInfo createProposal(@WebParam(name="proposalTypeKey")String proposalTypeKey, @WebParam(name="proposalInfo")ProposalInfo proposalInfo) throws AlreadyExistsException, DataValidationErrorException, DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
185     /**
186      * Updates an existing CLU
187      * @param proposalId identifier for the Proposal to be updated
188      * @param proposalInfo updated information about the Proposal
189      * @return the updated Proposal information
190      * @throws DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
191      * @throws DoesNotExistException proposalId not found
192      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid proposalId, proposalInfo
193      * @throws MissingParameterException missing proposalId, proposalInfo
194      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
195      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
196      * @throws VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of date version.
197 	 */
198     public ProposalInfo updateProposal(@WebParam(name="proposalId")String proposalId, @WebParam(name="proposalInfo")ProposalInfo proposalInfo) throws DataValidationErrorException, DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException, VersionMismatchException;
200     /**
201      * Deletes an existing Proposal
202      * @param proposalId identifier for the Proposal to be deleted
203      * @return status of the operation
204      * @throws DoesNotExistException proposalId not found
205      * @throws InvalidParameterException invalid proposalId
206      * @throws MissingParameterException missing proposalId
207      * @throws DependentObjectsExistException delete would leave orphaned objects or violate integrity constraints
208      * @throws OperationFailedException unable to complete request
209      * @throws PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
210 	 */
211     public StatusInfo deleteProposal(@WebParam(name="proposalId")String proposalId) throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, DependentObjectsExistException, OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException;
213 }