View Javadoc

1   /**
2    * Copyright 2010 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the
3    * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
4    * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
5    * obtain a copy of the License at
6    *
7    *
8    *
9    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
10   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
12   * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
13   * permissions and limitations under the License.
14   */
15  package org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.widgets;
17  import java.util.ArrayList;
18  import java.util.List;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.layouts.BasicLayout;
23  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.sections.Section;
24  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc.*;
25  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.service.DataSaveResult;
26  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.progress.BlockingTask;
27  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.progress.KSBlockingProgressIndicator;
28  import org.kuali.student.common.validation.dto.ValidationResultInfo;
29  import org.kuali.student.common.validation.dto.ValidationResultInfo.ErrorLevel;
30  import org.kuali.student.core.statement.ui.client.widgets.rules.AccessWidgetValue;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
36  public class BuildCluSetWidget extends FlowPanel implements AccessWidgetValue {
38      private CluSetRetriever cluSetRetriever;
39      private CluSetEditorWidget cluSetEditorWidgetView;
40      private static final String CLUSET_MODEL_ID = "clussetModelId";
41      private DataModel ruleFieldsData;
42      private BasicLayout reqCompController;
43      public enum BuildCourseView {VIEW}
44      private BlockingTask retrievingTask = new BlockingTask("Retrieving ...");
45      private String cluSetType;
46      private String metadataId;
47      private String itemLabel;
48      private boolean singularCluOnly;
50      public BuildCluSetWidget(final CluSetRetriever cluSetRetriever, String cluSetType,
51              boolean singularCluOnly) {
52          super();
54          this.singularCluOnly = singularCluOnly;
55          cluSetEditorWidgetView = new CluSetEditorWidget(
56                  new CluSetRetrieverImpl(),
57                  BuildCourseView.VIEW,
58                  "", CLUSET_MODEL_ID, false,
59                  null, cluSetType, singularCluOnly);
61          ruleFieldsData = new DataModel();
62          ruleFieldsData.setRoot(new Data());
63          this.cluSetType = cluSetType;
64          if (cluSetType != null && cluSetType.equals("kuali.cluSet.type.Program")) {
65              this.metadataId = "programSet";
66              this.itemLabel = "program";
67          } else {
68              this.metadataId = "courseSet";
69              this.itemLabel = "course";
70          }
72          //setup controller
73          final CluSetRetriever theRetriever = cluSetRetriever;
74          this.cluSetRetriever = cluSetRetriever;
75          reqCompController = new BasicLayout(null);
76          reqCompController.addView(cluSetEditorWidgetView);
77          reqCompController.setDefaultModelId(CLUSET_MODEL_ID);
78          reqCompController.registerModel(CLUSET_MODEL_ID, new ModelProvider<DataModel>() {
79              @Override
80              public void requestModel(final ModelRequestCallback<DataModel> callback) {
81                  if (ruleFieldsData.getDefinition() == null) {
82                      theRetriever.getMetadata(metadataId, new Callback<Metadata>(){
83                          @Override
84                          public void exec(Metadata result) {
85                              DataModelDefinition def = new DataModelDefinition(result);
86                              ruleFieldsData.setDefinition(def);
87                              callback.onModelReady(ruleFieldsData);
88                          }
89                      });
90                  } else {
91                      callback.onModelReady(ruleFieldsData);
92                  }
93              }
94          });
96          reqCompController.showView(BuildCourseView.VIEW);
97          add(reqCompController);
98      }
100     @Override
101     public void setValue(final String cluSetId) {
102         if (cluSetId != null) {
103             KSBlockingProgressIndicator.addTask(retrievingTask);
104             cluSetRetriever.getData(cluSetId,  new Callback<Data>() {
105                 @Override
106                 public void exec(Data result) {
107                     try {
108                         ruleFieldsData.setRoot(result);
109                         cluSetEditorWidgetView.updateView(ruleFieldsData);
110                         reqCompController.showView(BuildCourseView.VIEW);
111                     } finally {
112                         KSBlockingProgressIndicator.removeTask(retrievingTask);
113                     }
114                 }
115             });
116         }
117     }
119     @Override
120     public void initWidget(List<Metadata> fieldsMetadata) {
121     }
123     @Override
124     public void getValue(final Callback<String> doneSaveCallback) {
125         GWT.log("CluSetManagementController received save action request.", null);
126         reqCompController.getCurrentView().updateModel();
127         if(ruleFieldsData!=null){
128             ruleFieldsData.validate(new Callback<List<ValidationResultInfo>>() {
129                 @Override
130                 public void exec(List<ValidationResultInfo> result) {
132                     boolean save = true;
133                     View v = reqCompController.getCurrentView();
134                     if(v instanceof Section){
135                         ((Section) v).setFieldHasHadFocusFlags(true);
136                         ErrorLevel status = ((Section) v).processValidationResults(result);
137                         if(status == ErrorLevel.ERROR){
138                             save = false;
139                         }
140                     }
142                     if(save){
143                         reqCompController.getCurrentView().updateModel();
144                         reqCompController.updateModel();
145                         // set reusable flag here for CluSetManagement.
146                         Calendar startCal = new GregorianCalendar();
147                         startCal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1990);
148                         startCal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JANUARY);
149                         startCal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);
150                         startCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1);
151                         startCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
152                         startCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
153                         Calendar endCal = new GregorianCalendar();
154                         endCal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2200);
155                         endCal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JANUARY);
156                         endCal.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);
157                         endCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1);
158                         endCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
159                         endCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
160                         CluSetHelper cluSetHelper = CluSetHelper.wrap(ruleFieldsData.getRoot());
161                         cluSetHelper.setType(cluSetType);
162                         cluSetHelper.setName("AdHock");
163                         cluSetHelper.setReusable(new Boolean(false));
164                         cluSetHelper.setReferenceable(new Boolean(false));
165                         cluSetHelper.setEffectiveDate(startCal.getTime());
166                         cluSetHelper.setEffectiveDate(endCal.getTime());
168                         int numClus = 0;
169                         if (cluSetHelper.getApprovedClus() != null) {
170                             List<String> approvedCluIds = new ArrayList<String>();
171                             for (Data.Property p : cluSetHelper.getApprovedClus()) {
172                                 if(!"_runtimeData".equals(p.getKey())){
173                                     String approvedCluId = p.getValue();
174                                     approvedCluIds.add(approvedCluId);
175                                 }
176                             }
177                             numClus = numClus + approvedCluIds.size();
178                         }
179                         if (cluSetHelper.getProposedClus() != null) {
180                             List<String> proposedCluIds = new ArrayList<String>();
181                             for (Data.Property p : cluSetHelper.getProposedClus()) {
182                                 if(!"_runtimeData".equals(p.getKey())){
183                                     String proposedCluId = p.getValue();
184                                     proposedCluIds.add(proposedCluId);
185                                 }
186                             }
187                             numClus = numClus + proposedCluIds.size();
188                         }
189                         if (singularCluOnly && numClus > 1) {
190                             Window.alert("Only one " + itemLabel + " is allowed.  " +
191                                     "Please delete all " + itemLabel + " until there is only one left.");
192                         } else {
193                             cluSetRetriever.saveData(ruleFieldsData.getRoot(), new Callback<DataSaveResult>() {
194                                 @Override
195                                 public void exec(DataSaveResult result) {
196                                     if (result.getValidationResults() != null &&
197                                             !result.getValidationResults().isEmpty()) {
198                                         StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
199                                         errorMessage.append("Validation error: ");
200                                         for (ValidationResultInfo validationError : result.getValidationResults()) {
201                                             errorMessage.append(validationError.getMessage()).append(" ");
202                                         }
203                                         doneSaveCallback.exec(null);
204                                         Window.alert(errorMessage.toString());
205                                     } else {
206                                         ruleFieldsData.setRoot(result.getValue());
207                                         CluSetHelper helper = CluSetHelper.wrap((Data)ruleFieldsData.getRoot());
208                                         String cluSetId = helper.getId();
209                                         Data approvedClusData = helper.getApprovedClus();
210                                         Data proposedClusData = helper.getProposedClus();
211                                         String cluId = null;
212                                         if (singularCluOnly) {
213                                             if (cluId == null && approvedClusData != null) {
214                                                 for (Data.Property p : approvedClusData) {
215                                                     if(!"_runtimeData".equals(p.getKey())){
216                                                         cluId = p.getValue();
217                                                         break;
218                                                     }
219                                                 }
220                                             }
221                                             if (cluId == null && proposedClusData != null) {
222                                                 for (Data.Property p : proposedClusData) {
223                                                     if(!"_runtimeData".equals(p.getKey())){
224                                                         cluId = p.getValue();
225                                                         break;
226                                                     }
227                                                 }
228                                             }
229                                             doneSaveCallback.exec(cluId);
230                                         } else {
231                                             doneSaveCallback.exec(cluSetId);
232                                         }
233                                     }
234                                 }
235                             });
236                         }
237                     }
238                     else {
239                         Window.alert("Save failed.  Please check fields for errors.");
240                     }
242                 }
243             });
244         }
245     }
247 }