Interface ViewLayoutController

All Known Subinterfaces:
ContentNavLayoutController, DocumentLayoutController, WorkflowEnhancedNavController
All Known Implementing Classes:
ApplicationController, BasicLayout, BasicLayoutWithContentHeader, BrowseProgramController, CatalogBrowserController, CluSetsManagementController, CoreController, CoreEditController, CoreViewController, CourseAdminController, CourseAdminRetireController, CourseAdminWithoutVersionController, CourseProposalController, CourseRequirementsViewController, CredentialController, CredentialEditController, CredentialViewController, CurriculumHomeController, DependencyAnalysisController, HomeController, LayoutController, MajorController, MajorEditController, MajorProposalController, MajorViewController, MenuEditableSectionController, MenuSectionController, OrgProposalController, ProgramController, ProgramRequirementsViewController, ProgramVersionsController, TabbedSectionLayout, TabMenuController, VariationController, VariationEditController, VariationViewController, VersionsController, VersionsReqController, ViewCourseController, ViewCourseParentController

public interface ViewLayoutController

Method Summary
 void addStartViewPopup(View view)
          Creates a popup window with the view, that can be shown when needed for additional information needed from the user
 void addView(View view)
          Add a view to this LayoutController.
<V extends Enum<?>>
setDefaultView(V viewType)
          Set the view with the viewType enum passed in to the be the default view.
<V extends Enum<?>>
showView(V viewType)
          Shows the view which corresponds to the viewType enumeration "key"

Method Detail


void addView(View view)
Add a view to this LayoutController. A view's "key" is defined by its viewType enumeration.

view -


<V extends Enum<?>> void showView(V viewType)
Shows the view which corresponds to the viewType enumeration "key"

Type Parameters:
V -
viewType -


<V extends Enum<?>> void setDefaultView(V viewType)
Set the view with the viewType enum passed in to the be the default view. What the default view does varies on controller implementation, but will likely be the first view visible.

Type Parameters:
V -
viewType -


void addStartViewPopup(View view)
Creates a popup window with the view, that can be shown when needed for additional information needed from the user

view -

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