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1   /**
2    * Copyright 2010 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the
3    * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
4    * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
5    * obtain a copy of the License at
6    *
7    *
8    *
9    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
10   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
12   * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
13   * permissions and limitations under the License.
14   */
16  package org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.widgets;
18  import java.util.Date;
20  /**
21   * <dl>
22   * <dt><b>Title: </b><dd>GregorianCalendar</dd>
23   * <p>
24   * <dt><b>Description: </b><dd>java.util.GregorianCalendar replacment</dd>
25   * </dl>
26   * @author <a href="">Andre Freller</a>
27   * @version $Revision: 0.1 $
28   */
29  ///////// ///////// ///////// ///////// ///////// ///////// ///////// ///////// ///////// ///////// ///////// /////////
30  public class GregorianCalendar extends Calendar
31  {
32      public static final int BC          = 0;
33      public static final int AD          = 1;
35      public GregorianCalendar() {
36          super();
37      }
38      public GregorianCalendar(Date date) {
39          setTime(date);
40      }
41      public GregorianCalendar(int year, int month, int date) {
42          set(year, month, date);
43      }
44      public GregorianCalendar(int year, int month, int date, int hour) {
45          set(year, month, date, hour);
46      }
47      public GregorianCalendar(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute) {
48          set(year, month, date, hour, minute);
49      }
50      public GregorianCalendar(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second) {
51          set(year, month, date, hour, minute, second);
52      }
54      protected static int[] daysInMonth  = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31 ,30, 31, 30, 31};
55      public static int getMaxDaysInMonth(int year, int month) {
56          if (month == Calendar.FEBRUARY  &&  isLeapYear(year))
57              return daysInMonth[month] + 1;
58          else
59              return daysInMonth[month];
60      }
61      public int getMaxDaysInMonth() {
62          return getMaxDaysInMonth(this.year, this.month);
63      }
65      public static int getNumOfWeeksInMonth(int year, int month, int firstDayOfWeek) {
66          int day1        = getWeekDay(year, month, 1);
67          int maxDays     = getMaxDaysInMonth(year, month);
68          if (month == Calendar.FEBRUARY  &&  !isLeapYear(year)  &&  day1 == firstDayOfWeek)
69              return 4;
70          if (maxDays == 30  &&  (day1 > firstDayOfWeek + 5  ||  day1 < firstDayOfWeek))
71              return 6;
72          if (maxDays == 31  &&  (day1 > firstDayOfWeek + 4  ||  day1 < firstDayOfWeek))
73              return 6;
74          return 5;
75      }
76      public int getNumOfWeeksInMonth() {
77          return getNumOfWeeksInMonth(this.year, this.month, this.firstWeekDayOfWeek);
78      }
80      public static int getWeekDay(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth) {
81          int weekDay     = year - 1900;
82          weekDay         += weekDay/4;
83          weekDay         %= 7;
84          if (month <= Calendar.FEBRUARY  &&  isLeapYear(weekDay))
85              weekDay     -= 1;
86          weekDay         += dayOfMonth;
87          weekDay         %= 7;
88          if (month == Calendar.MAY)
89              weekDay     += 1;
90          else if (month == Calendar.AUGUST)
91              weekDay     += 2;
92          else if (month == Calendar.FEBRUARY  ||  month == Calendar.MARCH  ||  month == Calendar.NOVEMBER)
93              weekDay     += 3;
94          else if (month == Calendar.JUNE)
95              weekDay     += 4;
96          else if (month == Calendar.SEPTEMBER  ||  month == Calendar.DECEMBER)
97              weekDay     += 5;
98          else if (month == Calendar.APRIL  ||  month == Calendar.JULY)
99              weekDay     += 6;
100         weekDay         %= 7;
102         return Calendar.SUNDAY + weekDay;
103     }
104     public int getWeekDay() {
105         return getWeekDay(this.year, this.month, this.dayOfMonth);
106     }
107     public int getFirstWeekDayOfMonth() {
108         return getWeekDay(this.year, this.month, 1);
109     }
111     // Gets the minimum value for the given time field.
112     public int getMinimum(int fieldCode) {
113         switch (fieldCode) {
114         case Calendar.MILLISECOND:
115             return 0;
116         case Calendar.SECOND:
117             return 0;
118         case Calendar.MINUTE:
119             return 0;
120         case Calendar.HOUR:
121             return 0;
122         case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
123             return 0;
124         case Calendar.DATE:
125             return 1;
126         case Calendar.MONTH:
127             return Calendar.JANUARY;
128         default:
129             return -1;
130         }
131     }
132     // Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
133     public int getActualMinimum(int fieldCode) {
134         return getMinimum(fieldCode);
135     }
136     // Gets the highest minimum value for the given field if varies.
137     public   int getGreatestMinimum(int fieldCode) {
138         return getMinimum(fieldCode);
139     }
141     // Gets the maximum value for the given time field.
142     public   int getMaximum(int fieldCode) {
143         switch (fieldCode) {
144         case Calendar.MILLISECOND:
145             return 999;
146         case Calendar.SECOND:
147             return 59;
148         case Calendar.MINUTE:
149             return 59;
150         case Calendar.HOUR:
151             return 11;
152         case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
153             return 23;
154         case Calendar.DATE:
155             return 31;
156         case Calendar.MONTH:
157             return Calendar.DECEMBER;
158         default:
159             return -1;
160         }
161     }
162     // Return the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
163     public int getActualMaximum(int fieldCode) {
164         switch (fieldCode) {
165         case Calendar.MILLISECOND:
166             return 999;
167         case Calendar.SECOND:
168             return 59;
169         case Calendar.MINUTE:
170             return 59;
171         case Calendar.HOUR:
172             return 11;
173         case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
174             return 23;
175         case Calendar.DATE:
176             return getMaxDaysInMonth();
177         case Calendar.MONTH:
178             return Calendar.DECEMBER;
179         default:
180             return -1;
181         }
182     }
183     // Gets the lowest maximum value for the given field if varies.
184     public   int getLeastMaximum(int fieldCode) {
185         switch (fieldCode) {
186         case Calendar.MILLISECOND:
187             return 999;
188         case Calendar.SECOND:
189             return 59;
190         case Calendar.MINUTE:
191             return 59;
192         case Calendar.HOUR:
193             return 11;
194         case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
195             return 23;
196         case Calendar.DATE:
197             return 28;
198         case Calendar.MONTH:
199             return Calendar.DECEMBER;
200         default:
201             return -1;
202         }
203     }
206     public void set(int fieldCode, int value) {
207         switch (fieldCode) {
208         case Calendar.SECOND:
209             this.second         = value;
210             break;
211         case Calendar.MINUTE:
212             this.minute         = value;
213             break;
214         case Calendar.HOUR:
215             this.hour           = value;
216             break;
217         case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
218             if (value <= 12) {
219                 this.hour       = value;
220                 this.amPm       = Calendar.AM;
221             } else {
222                 this.hour       = value - 12;
223                 this.amPm       = Calendar.PM;
224             }
225             break;
226         case Calendar.DATE:
227             this.dayOfMonth             = value;
228             break;
229         case Calendar.MONTH:
230             this.month          = value;
231             if (this.dayOfMonth > getMaxDaysInMonth())
232                 this.dayOfMonth = getMaxDaysInMonth();
233             break;
234         case Calendar.YEAR:
235             this.year           = value;
236             break;
237         case Calendar.AM_PM:
238             this.amPm           = value;
239             break;
240         }
241         computeTime();
242     }
245     // Date Arithmetic function.
246     public void add(int fieldCode, int amount) {
247         switch (fieldCode) {
248         case Calendar.DATE:
249             amount              *= 24;
250         case Calendar.HOUR:
251             amount              *= 60;
252         case Calendar.MINUTE:
253             amount              *= 60;
254         case Calendar.SECOND:
255             amount              *= 1000;
256         case Calendar.MILLISECOND:
257    + amount);
258             computeFields();
259             break;
260         case Calendar.MONTH:
261             this.year           += (this.month + amount) / 12;
262             this.month          = (this.month + amount) % 12;
263             if (this.month < 0) {
264                 this.year       -= 1;
265                 this.month      += 12;
266             }
267             if (this.dayOfMonth > getMaxDaysInMonth())
268                 this.dayOfMonth = getMaxDaysInMonth();
269             computeTime();
270             break;
271         case Calendar.YEAR:
272             this.year           += amount;
273             computeTime();
274             break;
275         }
276     }
278     // Time Field Rolling function.
279     public void roll(int fieldCode, int amount) {
280         switch (fieldCode) {
281         case Calendar.SECOND:
282             this.second         = (this.second + amount) % 60;
283             if (this.second < 0)
284                 this.second     += 60;
285             break;
286         case Calendar.MINUTE:
287             this.minute         = (this.minute + amount) % 60;
288             if (this.minute < 0)
289                 this.minute     += 60;
290             break;
291         case Calendar.HOUR:
292             this.hour           = (this.hour + amount) % 24;
293             if (this.hour < 0)
294                 this.hour       += 24;
295             break;
296         case Calendar.DATE: {
297             this.dayOfMonth     = (this.dayOfMonth + amount) % getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE);
298             if (this.dayOfMonth < 0)
299                 this.dayOfMonth += getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE);
300             break;
301         }
302         case Calendar.MONTH: {
303             this.month          = (this.month + amount) % 12;
304             if (this.month < 0)
305                 this.month      += 12;
306             if (this.dayOfMonth > getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE))
307                 this.dayOfMonth = getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE);
308             break;
309         }
310         case Calendar.YEAR:
311             this.year           += amount;
312             break;
313         }
314         computeTime();
315     }
318     // Compares the time field records.
319     public boolean before(GregorianCalendar when) {
320             return;
321     }
322     public boolean after(GregorianCalendar when) {
323             return;
324     }
325     public boolean equals(GregorianCalendar obj) {
326         return;
327     }
329     public boolean isLeapYear() {
330         return isLeapYear(this.year);
331     }
332     public static boolean isLeapYear(int year) {
333         if ((year % 4) == 0    &&    ((year % 100) != 0  ||  (year % 400) == 0))
334             return true;
335         return false;
336     }
339     // Converts the current millisecond time value time to field values in fields[].
340     protected  void computeFields() {
341         this.second             =;
342         this.minute             =;
343         this.hour               =;
344         if (this.hour < 12) {
345             this.amPm           = Calendar.AM;
346         } else {
347             this.hour           -= 12;
348             this.amPm           = Calendar.PM;
349         }
350         this.dayOfMonth         =;
351         this.month              =;
352         this.year               = + 1900;
354     }
355     // Converts the current field values in fields[] to the millisecond time value time.
356     protected   void computeTime() {
357               = new Date(this.year - 1900, this.month, this.dayOfMonth, this.hour, this.minute, this.second);
358     }
360     // Overrides Cloneable
361     public Object clone() {
362         GregorianCalendar newCal                = new GregorianCalendar();
363         newCal.setTime(;
364         return newCal;
365     }
367 } // end of class GregorianCalendar