View Javadoc

1   package org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.util;
3   import java.util.ArrayList;
4   import java.util.HashSet;
5   import java.util.Iterator;
6   import java.util.List;
8   import;
9   import;
10  import;
11  import;
12  import;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.application.Application;
19  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.FieldDescriptor;
20  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc.HasDataValue;
21  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSTextBox;
23  import;
25  /**
26   *  
27   *  This is a library of utility methods that can be used when working with the search rpc service. 
28   *
29   */
30  public class SearchUtils {
32  	/**
33  	 * This class wraps the search request, with additional information needed to execute/process
34  	 * a search, such as handling constraints or whether the search should be deferred.
35  	 * 
36  	 */
37  	public static class SearchRequestWrapper{
38  		SearchRequest searchRequest;
39  		HashSet<String> crossConstraints = new HashSet<String>();
40  		boolean deferSearch = false;
42  		public SearchRequest getSearchRequest() {
43  			return searchRequest;
44  		}
46  		public void setSearchRequest(SearchRequest searchRequest) {
47  			this.searchRequest = searchRequest;
48  		}
50  		public HashSet<String> getCrossConstraints() {
51  			return crossConstraints;
52  		}
54  		public void setCrossConstraints(HashSet<String> constraints) {
55  			this.crossConstraints = constraints;
56  		}
58  		public boolean isDeferSearch() {
59  			return deferSearch;
60  		}
62  		public void setDeferSearch(boolean deferSearch) {
63  			this.deferSearch = deferSearch;
64  		}				
65  	}
67  	/**
68  	 * Use this to build a SearchRequest given a LookupMetadata definition. The search
69  	 * request can then be passed into the SearchRpcService to retreive a list of search
70  	 * results.
71  	 * 
72  	 * @param lookup
73  	 * @return
74  	 */
75  	public static SearchRequest initializeSearchRequest(LookupMetadata lookup) {
76  		//Initialize the search using the SearchRequestWrapper, but return only the
77  		//SearchRequest, since the consumer doesn't care about additional search data 
78  		SearchRequestWrapper searchRequestWrapper = new SearchRequestWrapper();
79  		initializeSearchRequest(lookup, searchRequestWrapper);
80  		return searchRequestWrapper.getSearchRequest();
81  	}
83  	/**
84  	 * Use this to build a SearchRequest, update search constraints and deferred search options
85  	 * contained within the SearchRequestWrapper. The wrapper is mostly to accommodate handling 
86  	 * of search options required for constraining values that appear in the KSPicker.
87  	 * 
88  	 * Generally this method should not be called directly if only the SearchRequest is required.  
89  	 * @see SearchUtils#initializeSearchRequest(LookupMetadata)
90  	 * 
91  	 * @param lookup
92  	 * @return
93  	 */
94  	public static void initializeSearchRequest(LookupMetadata lookup, SearchRequestWrapper searchRequestWrapper) {
96  		HashSet<String> crossConstraints = searchRequestWrapper.getCrossConstraints();
98  		SearchRequest sr = new SearchRequest();
99          List<SearchParam> params = new ArrayList<SearchParam>();
101         sr.setSearchKey(lookup.getSearchTypeId());
103         if (lookup.getResultSortKey() != null){
104         	sr.setSortColumn(lookup.getResultSortKey());
105         }
106         if(SortDirection.DESC.equals(lookup.getSortDirection())){
107         	sr.setSortDirection(SortDirection.DESC);
108         }
110         //initialize search parameters that are hidden from the UI because they are set to default context specific values
111         for(final LookupParamMetadata metaParam: lookup.getParams()){
112             if(metaParam.getWriteAccess() == WriteAccess.NEVER){
113                 if ((metaParam.getDefaultValueString() == null || metaParam.getDefaultValueString().isEmpty())&&
114                     (metaParam.getDefaultValueList() == null || metaParam.getDefaultValueList().isEmpty())&&
115                     (metaParam.getFieldPath() == null || metaParam.getFieldPath().isEmpty())) {
116                     //FIXME throw an exception?
117                     GWT.log("Key = " + metaParam.getKey() + " has write access NEVER but has no default value!", null);
118                     continue;
119                 }
120                 final SearchParam param = new SearchParam();
121                 param.setKey(metaParam.getKey());
122                 if(metaParam.getFieldPath()!=null){
123                 	FieldDescriptor fd = null;
124                 	String finalPath = resolvePath(metaParam.getFieldPath());
125             		crossConstraints.add(finalPath);
126             		fd = Application.getApplicationContext().getPathToFieldMapping(null, finalPath);
127                 	if(fd!=null){
128                 		Value value = null;
129                 		if(fd.getFieldElement().getFieldWidget() instanceof KSTextBox){
130                 			value = new StringValue(((KSTextBox)fd.getFieldElement().getFieldWidget()).getValue());
131                 		}
132                 		if(fd.getFieldElement().getFieldWidget() instanceof HasDataValue){
133                 			value = ((HasDataValue)fd.getFieldElement().getFieldWidget()).getValue();
134                 		}
135             			if(value!=null&&value.get()!=null){
136             				if(value.get() instanceof Data){
137             					ArrayList<String> listValue = new ArrayList<String>();
138             					for(Iterator<Property> iter =((Data)value.get()).realPropertyIterator();iter.hasNext();){
139             						listValue.add(;
140             					}
141             					if(listValue.isEmpty()){
142             						listValue.add("");
143             					}
144             					param.setValue(listValue);
145             				}else{
146             					param.setValue(value.get().toString());	
147             				}
148             			}else{
149             				param.setValue((String)null);
150             			}                				
151                 	}
152                 	searchRequestWrapper.setDeferSearch(true);
153                 }else if(metaParam.getDefaultValueList()==null){
154                     param.setValue(metaParam.getDefaultValueString());
155                 }else{
156                     param.setValue(metaParam.getDefaultValueList());
157                 }
158                 params.add(param);
159             }
160             else if(metaParam.getWriteAccess() == WriteAccess.WHEN_NULL){
161                 if((metaParam.getDefaultValueString() != null && !metaParam.getDefaultValueString().isEmpty())||
162                    (metaParam.getDefaultValueList() != null && !metaParam.getDefaultValueList().isEmpty())||
163                    (metaParam.getFieldPath() != null && !metaParam.getFieldPath().isEmpty())){
164                     final SearchParam param = new SearchParam();
165                     param.setKey(metaParam.getKey());
166                     if(metaParam.getFieldPath()!=null){
167                     	FieldDescriptor fd = null;
168                     	String finalPath;
169                     	if(metaParam.getFieldPath().startsWith("/")){
170                     		finalPath=metaParam.getFieldPath().substring(1);
171                     	}else{
172                     		finalPath=Application.getApplicationContext().getParentPath()+metaParam.getFieldPath();
173                     	}
174                 		crossConstraints.add(finalPath);
175                 		fd = Application.getApplicationContext().getPathToFieldMapping(null, finalPath);
176                     	if(fd!=null){
177                     		if(fd.getFieldElement().getFieldWidget() instanceof HasDataValue){
178                     			Value value = ((HasDataValue)fd.getFieldElement().getFieldWidget()).getValue();
179                     			param.setValue(value==null?null:value.get()==null?null:value.get().toString());
180                     		}
181                     	}
182                     	searchRequestWrapper.setDeferSearch(true);
183                     }else if(metaParam.getDefaultValueList()==null){
184                         param.setValue(metaParam.getDefaultValueString());
185                     }else{
186                         param.setValue(metaParam.getDefaultValueList());
187                     }
188                     params.add(param);
189                 }
190             }
191         }
192         sr.setParams(params);
193         searchRequestWrapper.setSearchRequest(sr);
194     }
196 	public static String resolvePath(String path) {
197 		String finalPath;
198 		if(path.startsWith("/")){
199     		finalPath=path.substring(1);
200     	}else{
201     		finalPath=Application.getApplicationContext().getParentPath()+path;
202     	}
203 		return finalPath;
204 	}
206 }