Clover Coverage Report - Kuali Student 1.2-M5-SNAPSHOT (Aggregated)
Coverage timestamp: Mon Aug 29 2011 05:04:27 EDT
../../../../../../img/srcFileCovDistChart9.png 25% of files have more coverage
115   307   31   16.43
26   203   0.27   7
7     4.43  
  CluAssemblerUtils       Line # 49 115 0% 31 25 83.1% 0.8310811
1    /*
2    * Copyright 2007 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14    * limitations under the License.
15    */
16    package org.kuali.student.lum.service.assembler;
18    import org.kuali.student.common.assembly.BaseDTOAssemblyNode;
19    import org.kuali.student.common.assembly.BaseDTOAssemblyNode.NodeOperation;
20    import;
21    import org.kuali.student.common.dto.DtoConstants;
22    import org.kuali.student.common.dto.RichTextInfo;
23    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.DoesNotExistException;
24    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
25    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.MissingParameterException;
26    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.OperationFailedException;
27    import org.kuali.student.lum.course.dto.LoDisplayInfo;
28    import org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.assembler.LoAssembler;
29    import org.kuali.student.lum.lo.dto.LoInfo;
30    import org.kuali.student.lum.lo.service.LearningObjectiveService;
31    import;
32    import;
33    import;
34    import;
36    import java.util.ArrayList;
37    import java.util.Date;
38    import java.util.HashMap;
39    import java.util.List;
40    import java.util.Map;
41    import java.util.Map.Entry;
43    /**
44    * This is a description of what this class does - jimt don't forget to fill this in.
45    *
46    * @author Kuali Rice Team (
47    *
48    */
49    public class CluAssemblerUtils {
50    private LuService luService;
51    private LearningObjectiveService loService;
52    private LoAssembler loAssembler;
54  60 toggle public List<String> assembleCluResults(List<String> resultTypes, List<CluResultInfo> cluResults) throws AssemblyException{
55  60 if(resultTypes==null){
56  0 throw new AssemblyException("result types can not be null");
57    }
58  60 List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
59    //Loop through all the CluResults to find those with the matching types
60  60 for(CluResultInfo cluResult:cluResults){
61  57 if(resultTypes.contains(cluResult.getType())){
62    //Loop through all options and add to the list of Strings
63  57 for(ResultOptionInfo resultOption: cluResult.getResultOptions()){
64  76 results.add(resultOption.getResultComponentId());
65    }
66    }
67    }
68  60 return results;
69    }
71  36 toggle public BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?> disassembleCluResults(String cluId,
72    String cluState, List<String> options, NodeOperation operation, String resultType,
73    String resultsDescription, String resultDescription) throws AssemblyException {
74  36 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<List<String>, CluResultInfo> cluResultNode = new BaseDTOAssemblyNode<List<String>, CluResultInfo>(null);
75  36 if(resultType==null){
76  0 throw new AssemblyException("resultType can not be null");
77    }
79    // Get the current options and put them in a map of option type id/cluResult
80  36 Map<String, ResultOptionInfo> currentResults = new HashMap<String, ResultOptionInfo>();
82  36 CluResultInfo cluResult = null;
84    //TODO Check this for proper handling of multiple CluResultInfos?
85    //If this is not a create, lookup the results for this clu
86  36 if (!NodeOperation.CREATE.equals(operation)) {
87  25 try {
88  25 List<CluResultInfo> cluResultList = luService.getCluResultByClu(cluId);
90  25 for (CluResultInfo currentResult : cluResultList) {
91  18 if (resultType.equals(currentResult.getType())) {
92  18 cluResult = currentResult;
93  18 if(NodeOperation.DELETE.equals(operation)){
94    //if this is a delete, then we only need the CluResultInfo
95  0 cluResultNode.setOperation(NodeOperation.DELETE);
96    }else{
97    //Find all the Result options and store in a map for easy access later
98  18 cluResultNode.setOperation(NodeOperation.UPDATE);
100  18 for(ResultOptionInfo resultOption:currentResult.getResultOptions()){
101    // Set the state of the result option so it appears in the KSLU_RSLT_OPT table
102    // States include Draft, Approved, Superseded etc.
103  24 resultOption.setState(cluState);
104  24 currentResults.put(resultOption.getResultComponentId(), resultOption);
105    }
106    }
107    }
108    }
109    } catch (DoesNotExistException e) {
110    } catch (InvalidParameterException e) {
111  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error getting related " + resultsDescription, e);
112    } catch (MissingParameterException e) {
113  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error getting related " + resultsDescription, e);
114    } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
115  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error getting related " + resultsDescription, e);
116    }
117    }
119    //If this is a delete we don't need the result options, just the CluResultInfo
120  36 if(!NodeOperation.DELETE.equals(operation)){
121  36 if(cluResult == null){
122    //Create a new resultInfo of the given type if one does not exist and set operation to Create
123  18 cluResult = new CluResultInfo();
124  18 cluResult.setCluId(cluId);
125  18 cluResult.setState(cluState);
126  18 cluResult.setType(resultType);
127  18 RichTextInfo desc = new RichTextInfo();
128  18 desc.setPlain(resultsDescription);
129  18 cluResult.setDesc(desc);
130  18 cluResult.setEffectiveDate(new Date());
131  18 cluResultNode.setOperation(NodeOperation.CREATE);
132    }
135  36 cluResult.setResultOptions(new ArrayList<ResultOptionInfo>());
137    // Set the state of the result so it appears in the KSLU_CLU_RSLT table
138    // States include Draft, Approved, Superseded etc.
139  36 cluResult.setState(cluState);
141    // Loop through all the credit options in this clu
142  36 for (String optionType : options) {
143  57 if(currentResults.containsKey(optionType)){
144    //If the option exists already copy it to the new list of result options
145  24 ResultOptionInfo resultOptionInfo = currentResults.get(optionType);
147    // Set the state of the result option so it appears in the KSLU_RSLT_OPT table
148    // States include Draft, Approved, Superseded etc.
149  24 resultOptionInfo.setState(cluState);
150  24 cluResult.getResultOptions().add(resultOptionInfo);
151    }else{
152    //Otherwise create a new result option
153  33 ResultOptionInfo resultOptionInfo = new ResultOptionInfo();
154  33 RichTextInfo desc = new RichTextInfo();
155  33 desc.setPlain(resultDescription);
156  33 resultOptionInfo.setDesc(desc);
157  33 resultOptionInfo.setResultComponentId(optionType);
159    // Set the state of the result option so it appears in the KSLU_RSLT_OPT table
160    // States include Draft, Approved, Superseded etc.
161  33 resultOptionInfo.setState(cluState);
163  33 cluResult.getResultOptions().add(resultOptionInfo);
164    }
165    }
166    }
168  36 cluResultNode.setNodeData(cluResult);
169  36 return cluResultNode;
170    }
172  97 toggle public List<LoDisplayInfo> assembleLos(String cluId, boolean shallowBuild) throws AssemblyException {
173  97 List<LoDisplayInfo> loInfos = new ArrayList<LoDisplayInfo>();
174  97 try {
175  97 List<CluLoRelationInfo> cluLoRelations = luService.getCluLoRelationsByClu(cluId);
176  97 for (CluLoRelationInfo cluLoRelation : cluLoRelations) {
177  82 String loId = cluLoRelation.getLoId();
178  82 LoInfo lo = loService.getLo(loId);
179  82 loInfos.add(loAssembler.assemble(lo, null, shallowBuild));
180    }
181    } catch (Exception e) {
182  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error getting learning objectives", e);
183    }
185  97 return loInfos;
186    }
188  61 toggle public List<BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?>> disassembleLos(String cluId, String cluState, List<LoDisplayInfo> loInfos,
189    NodeOperation operation) throws AssemblyException, DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException{
190    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
191  61 List<BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?>> results = new ArrayList<BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?>>();
193    // Get the current formats and put them in a map of format id/relation
194    // id
195  61 Map<String, CluLoRelationInfo> currentCluLoRelations = new HashMap<String, CluLoRelationInfo>();
196  61 try {
197  61 List<CluLoRelationInfo> cluLoRelations = luService.getCluLoRelationsByClu(cluId);
198  61 for(CluLoRelationInfo cluLoRelation:cluLoRelations){
199  16 if(CluAssemblerConstants.CLU_LO_CLU_SPECIFIC_RELATION.equals(cluLoRelation.getType())){
200  16 currentCluLoRelations.put(cluLoRelation.getLoId(), cluLoRelation);
201    }
202    }
203    } catch (DoesNotExistException e) {
204    } catch (Exception e) {
205  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error finding related Los", e);
206    }
208    // Loop through all the los in this clu
209  61 for(LoDisplayInfo loDisplay : loInfos){
211    // If this is a clu create/new lo update then all los will be created
212  70 if (NodeOperation.CREATE == operation
213    || (NodeOperation.UPDATE == operation && !currentCluLoRelations.containsKey(loDisplay.getLoInfo().getId()))) {
215    // the lo does not exist, so create
216    // Assemble and add the lo
217  54 loDisplay.getLoInfo().setId(null);
218  54 loDisplay.getLoInfo().setState(cluState);
219  54 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, LoInfo> loNode = loAssembler
220    .disassemble(loDisplay, NodeOperation.CREATE);
221  54 results.add(loNode);
223    // Create the relationship and add it as well
224  54 CluLoRelationInfo relation = new CluLoRelationInfo();
225  54 relation.setCluId(cluId);
226  54 relation.setLoId(loNode.getNodeData().getId());
227  54 relation.setType(CluAssemblerConstants.CLU_LO_CLU_SPECIFIC_RELATION);
229    // Relations can be either Active or Suspended
230    // For now, we set them all to Active
231    // DO NOT use states like draft, superseded, etc for relations
232  54 relation.setState(DtoConstants.STATE_ACTIVE);
234  54 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, CluLoRelationInfo> relationNode = new BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, CluLoRelationInfo>(
235    null);
236  54 relationNode.setNodeData(relation);
237  54 relationNode.setOperation(NodeOperation.CREATE);
239  54 results.add(relationNode);
240  16 } else if (NodeOperation.UPDATE == operation
241    && currentCluLoRelations.containsKey(loDisplay.getLoInfo().getId())) {
242    // On update, we need to change the state of the LO to
243    // match the state of the parent program
244  14 loDisplay.getLoInfo().setState(cluState);
245  14 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, LoInfo> loNode = loAssembler
246    .disassemble(loDisplay, NodeOperation.UPDATE);
247  14 results.add(loNode);
249    // remove this entry from the map so we can tell what needs to
250    // be deleted at the end
251  14 currentCluLoRelations.remove(loDisplay.getLoInfo().getId());
252  2 } else if (NodeOperation.DELETE == operation
253    && currentCluLoRelations.containsKey(loDisplay.getLoInfo().getId())) {
255    // Delete the Format and its relation
256  2 CluLoRelationInfo relationToDelete = currentCluLoRelations.get(loDisplay.getLoInfo().getId());
257  2 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, CluLoRelationInfo> relationToDeleteNode = new BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, CluLoRelationInfo>(
258    null);
259  2 relationToDeleteNode.setNodeData(relationToDelete);
260  2 relationToDeleteNode.setOperation(NodeOperation.DELETE);
261  2 results.add(relationToDeleteNode);
263  2 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, LoInfo> loNode = loAssembler
264    .disassemble(loDisplay, NodeOperation.DELETE);
265  2 results.add(loNode);
267    // remove this entry from the map so we can tell what needs to
268    // be deleted at the end
269  2 currentCluLoRelations.remove(loDisplay.getLoInfo().getId());
270    }
271    }
273    // Now any leftover lo ids are no longer needed, so delete
274    // los and relations
275  61 for (Entry<String, CluLoRelationInfo> entry : currentCluLoRelations.entrySet()) {
276    // Create a new relation with the id of the relation we want to
277    // delete
278  0 CluLoRelationInfo relationToDelete = entry.getValue();
279  0 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, CluLoRelationInfo> relationToDeleteNode = new BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, CluLoRelationInfo>(
280    null);
281  0 relationToDeleteNode.setNodeData(relationToDelete);
282  0 relationToDeleteNode.setOperation(NodeOperation.DELETE);
283  0 results.add(relationToDeleteNode);
285  0 LoInfo loToDelete = loService.getLo(entry.getKey());
286  0 LoDisplayInfo loDisplayToDelete = loAssembler.assemble(loToDelete, null, false);
287  0 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<LoDisplayInfo, LoInfo> loNode = loAssembler
288    .disassemble(loDisplayToDelete, NodeOperation.DELETE);
289  0 results.add(loNode);
290    }
292  61 return results;
293    }
295    // Spring setters
296  2 toggle public void setLuService(LuService luService) {
297  2 this.luService = luService;
298    }
300  2 toggle public void setLoService(LearningObjectiveService loService) {
301  2 this.loService = loService;
302    }
304  2 toggle public void setLoAssembler(LoAssembler loAssembler) {
305  2 this.loAssembler = loAssembler;
306    }
307    }