Clover Coverage Report - KS LUM 1.2-M4-SNAPSHOT (Aggregated)
Coverage timestamp: Wed Jul 20 2011 13:25:47 EDT
../../../../../img/srcFileCovDistChart8.png 31% of files have more coverage
137   335   67   13.7
84   293   0.49   10
10     6.7  
  MetadataServiceDictionaryValidator       Line # 36 137 0% 67 65 71.9% 0.7186147
1    /**
2    * Copyright 2010 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the
3    * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
4    * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
5    * obtain a copy of the License at
6    *
7    *
8    *
9    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
10    * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
12    * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
13    * permissions and limitations under the License.
14    */
15    package org.kuali.student.lum.ui;
17    import java.util.ArrayList;
18    import java.util.List;
19    import java.util.Map;
21    import;
22    import;
23    import;
24    import;
25    import;
26    import;
27    import;
28    import;
29    import;
30    import;
31    import;
32    import org.kuali.student.core.personsearch.service.impl.QuickViewByGivenNameSearchTypeCreator;
33    import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
34    import;
36    public class MetadataServiceDictionaryValidator {
38  181 toggle private SearchTypeInfo getSearchTypeInfo(String searchType) {
39  181 return this.getSearchInfoTypeMap().get(searchType);
40    }
42    private Map<String, SearchTypeInfo> searchInfoTypeMap = null;
44  181 toggle @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
45    private Map<String, SearchTypeInfo> getSearchInfoTypeMap() {
46  181 if (this.searchInfoTypeMap != null) {
47  180 return this.searchInfoTypeMap;
48    }
49  1 String[] searchConfigFiles = { "lu", "lo", "lrc", "proposal", "organization", "atp", "em" };
51  8 for (int i = 0; i < searchConfigFiles.length; i++) {
52  7 System.out.println("loading search configurations for "
53    + searchConfigFiles[i]);
54  7 ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:" + searchConfigFiles[i] + "-search-config.xml");
55  7 if (searchInfoTypeMap == null) {
56  1 searchInfoTypeMap = ac.getBeansOfType(SearchTypeInfo.class);
57    } else {
58  6 searchInfoTypeMap.putAll(ac.getBeansOfType(SearchTypeInfo.class));
59    }
60    }
62  1 SearchTypeInfo personSearchType = new QuickViewByGivenNameSearchTypeCreator().get();
63  1 searchInfoTypeMap.put(personSearchType.getKey(), personSearchType);
65  1 return searchInfoTypeMap;
66    }
68  1182 toggle public List<String> validateMetadata(Metadata md, String name, String type) {
69  1182 List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
70  1182 if (md.getInitialLookup() != null && md.getInitialLookup().getSearchTypeId() != null) {
71  116 errors.addAll(validateLookup(md.getInitialLookup(), name, type,
72    "initial"));
73    }
74  1182 if (md.getAdditionalLookups() != null) {
75  1182 for (LookupMetadata lookup : md.getAdditionalLookups()) {
76  65 errors.addAll(validateLookup(lookup, name, type, "additional"));
77    }
78    }
79  1182 if (md.getDataType().equals(Data.DataType.DATA)) {
80  188 if (md.getProperties() == null) {
81  0 errors
82    .add(buildErrorPrefix1(name, type)
83    + " is of type DATA but it has null for it's properties");
84  188 } else if (md.getProperties().size() == 0) {
85  6 errors.add(buildErrorPrefix1(name, type)
86    + " is of type DATA but it has no properties");
87    }
88    }
90  1182 if (md.getProperties() != null && md.getProperties().size() != 0) {
91  330 if (!(md.getDataType().equals(Data.DataType.DATA) || md
92    .getDataType().equals(Data.DataType.LIST))) {
93  0 errors
94    .add(buildErrorPrefix1(name, type)
95    + " is NOT of type DATA or LIST but it does have properties");
96    }
97  330 for (String key : md.getProperties().keySet()) {
98  1151 Metadata childMd = md.getProperties().get(key);
99  1151 errors.addAll(this.validateMetadata(childMd, name + "." + key,
100    type));
101    }
102    }
103  1182 return errors;
104    }
106  181 toggle private List<String> validateLookup(LookupMetadata lookup, String name,
107    String type, String lookupType) {
108  181 System.out.println("Validating lookup " + name + "(" + type + ") "
109    + lookupType);
110  181 List<String> errors = new ArrayList();
111  181 SearchTypeInfo st = getSearchTypeInfo(lookup.getSearchTypeId());
112  181 if (st == null) {
113  3 errors.add(buildErrorPrefix3(lookup, name, type, lookupType)
114    + " that has an underlying search type "
115    + lookup.getSearchTypeId() + " that does not exist");
116  3 return errors;
117    }
118  178 if (lookup.getResultDisplayKey() != null) {
119  178 String key = lookup.getResultDisplayKey().trim();
120  178 if (!key.equals("")) {
121  178 ResultColumnInfo rc = findResultColumn(st, key);
122  178 if (rc == null) {
123  0 errors
124    .add(buildErrorPrefix3(lookup, name, type,
125    lookupType)
126    + " that has a result display column "
127    + key
128    + " that does not exist in the underlying search "
129    + lookup.getSearchTypeId());
130    }
131    }
132    }
133  178 if (lookup.getResultReturnKey() != null) {
134  178 String key = lookup.getResultReturnKey().trim();
135  178 if ((!key.equals(""))) {
136  178 ResultColumnInfo rc = findResultColumn(st, key);
137  178 if (rc == null) {
138  0 errors
139    .add(buildErrorPrefix3(lookup, name, type,
140    lookupType)
141    + " that has a result return key "
142    + key
143    + " that does not exist in the underlying search "
144    + lookup.getSearchTypeId());
145    }
146    }
147    }
148  178 if (lookup.getResultSortKey() != null) {
149  178 String key = lookup.getResultSortKey().trim();
150  178 if (!key.equals("")) {
151  119 ResultColumnInfo rc = findResultColumn(st, key);
152  119 if (rc == null) {
153  0 errors
154    .add(buildErrorPrefix3(lookup, name, type,
155    lookupType)
156    + " that has a result sort key "
157    + key
158    + " that does not exist in the underlying search "
159    + lookup.getSearchTypeId());
160    }
161    }
162    }
163    // check params
164  178 for (LookupParamMetadata param : lookup.getParams()) {
165  578 QueryParamInfo qp = findQueryParam(st, param.getKey());
166  578 if (qp == null && !(st instanceof CrossSearchTypeInfo)) {
167    //Report error for missing query param def, but not for cross searches
168    //since cross search params may not be defined in same config file
169  0 errors.add(buildErrorPrefix3(lookup, name, type, lookupType)
170    + " that has a parameter " + param.getKey()
171    + " that does not exist in the underlying search "
172    + lookup.getSearchTypeId());
173  0 continue;
174    }
176  578 if (qp != null && !dataTypeMatches(qp.getFieldDescriptor().getDataType(), param.getDataType())) {
177    //Verify parameter data type
178  19 errors.add(buildErrorPrefix3(lookup, name, type, lookupType)
179    + " that has a parameter "
180    + param.getKey()
181    + " who's datatype does not match the underlying parameter "
182    + qp.getFieldDescriptor().getDataType()
183    + " vs. " + param.getDataType());
184  19 continue;
185    }
186    }
187    // check results
188  178 for (LookupResultMetadata result : lookup.getResults()) {
189  584 ResultColumnInfo rc = findResultColumn(st, result.getKey());
190  584 if (rc == null) {
191  1 errors.add(buildErrorPrefix3(lookup, name, type, lookupType)
192    + " that has a result column " + result.getKey()
193    + " that does not exist in the underlying search "
194    + lookup.getSearchTypeId());
195  1 continue;
196    }
197  583 if (!dataTypeMatches(rc.getDataType(), result.getDataType())) {
198  0 errors
199    .add(buildErrorPrefix3(lookup, name, type, lookupType)
200    + " that has a result column "
201    + result.getKey()
202    + " who's datatype does not match the underlying result column "
203    + rc.getDataType() + " vs. "
204    + result.getDataType());
205  0 continue;
206    }
207    }
208  178 return errors;
209    }
211  1113 toggle private boolean dataTypeMatches(String qp, Data.DataType dt) {
212  1113 if (dt == null) {
213  151 dt = Data.DataType.STRING;
214    }
215  1113 if (qp == null) {
216  14 qp = "string";
217    }
218  1113 switch (dt) {
219  1044 case STRING:
220  1044 if (qp.equalsIgnoreCase("string")) {
221  1025 return true;
222    }
223  19 if (qp == null) {
224  0 return true;
225    }
226  19 return false;
227  2 case INTEGER:
228  2 if (qp.equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
229  2 return true;
230    }
231  0 return false;
232  0 case LONG:
233  0 case FLOAT:
234  0 case DOUBLE:
235  18 case BOOLEAN:
236  18 if (qp.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) {
237  18 return true;
238    }
239  0 return false;
240  21 case DATE:
241  28 case TRUNCATED_DATE:
242  49 if (qp.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) {
243  44 return true;
244    }
245  5 if (qp.equalsIgnoreCase("dateTime")) {
246  5 return true;
247    }
248  0 return false;
249  0 case DATA:
250  0 if (qp.equalsIgnoreCase("complex")) {
251  0 return true;
252    }
253  0 return false;
254  0 case LIST:
255  0 return true;
256    }
257  0 return true;
258    }
260  1059 toggle private ResultColumnInfo findResultColumn(SearchTypeInfo st, String paramKey) {
261  1059 for (ResultColumnInfo rc : st.getSearchResultTypeInfo()
262    .getResultColumns()) {
263  3669 if (rc.getKey().equals(paramKey)) {
264  1058 return rc;
265    }
266    }
267  1 if (st instanceof CrossSearchTypeInfo) {
268    // System.out.println (
269    // "CROSS SEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
270  0 CrossSearchTypeInfo cst = (CrossSearchTypeInfo) st;
271  0 if (cst.getJoinResultMappings() != null) {
272  0 for (JoinResultMappingInfo jrm : cst.getJoinResultMappings()) {
273  0 if (jrm.getResultParam().equalsIgnoreCase(paramKey)) {
274  0 for (SubSearchInfo ss : cst.getSubSearches()) {
275  0 if (ss.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(
276    jrm.getSubSearchKey())) {
277  0 SearchTypeInfo subSearchType = this
278    .getSearchTypeInfo(ss.getSearchkey());
279  0 if (subSearchType == null) {
280  0 return null;
281    }
282  0 ResultColumnInfo rc = findResultColumn(
283    subSearchType, jrm
284    .getSubSearchResultParam());
285  0 if (rc == null) {
286  0 throw new RuntimeException(
287    "Cross-Search "
288    + st.getKey()
289    + " is not configured properly "
290    + jrm
291    .getSubSearchResultParam()
292    + " is not defined as a result in the subSearchTyp e"
293    + ss.getSearchkey());
294    }
295    }
296    }
297    }
298    }
299    }
300    }
301  1 return null;
302    }
304  578 toggle private QueryParamInfo findQueryParam(SearchTypeInfo st, String paramKey) {
305  578 for (QueryParamInfo qp : st.getSearchCriteriaTypeInfo()
306    .getQueryParams()) {
307  2733 if (qp.getKey().equals(paramKey)) {
308  530 return qp;
309    }
310    }
311  48 return null;
312    }
314  23 toggle private String buildErrorPrefix3(LookupMetadata lookup, String name,
315    String type, String lookupType) {
316  23 return buildErrorPrefix2(name, type, lookupType) + ": "
317    + lookup.getId();
318    }
320  23 toggle private String buildErrorPrefix2(String name, String type, String lookupType) {
321  23 String msg = buildErrorPrefix1(name, type);
322  23 msg += " has an " + lookupType + " lookup ";
323  23 return msg;
324    }
326  29 toggle private String buildErrorPrefix1(String name, String type) {
327  29 String msg = name;
328  29 if (type != null) {
329  1 msg += " with type " + type;
330    }
331    // System.out.println ("buildErrorPrefix called for " + msg);
332    // new RuntimeException ().printStackTrace ();
333  29 return msg;
334    }
335    }