Clover Coverage Report - Kuali Student 1.2-M4-SNAPSHOT (Aggregated)
Coverage timestamp: Wed Jul 20 2011 11:14:35 EDT
../../../../../../../img/srcFileCovDistChart9.png 24% of files have more coverage
151   334   59   9.44
52   256   0.39   16
16     3.69  
  MajorDisciplineAssembler       Line # 48 151 0% 59 28 87.2% 0.8721461
1    /*
2    * Copyright 2007 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14    * limitations under the License.
15    */
16    package org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.assembler;
18    import java.util.ArrayList;
19    import java.util.List;
20    import java.util.Map;
22    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
23    import org.kuali.student.common.assembly.BOAssembler;
24    import org.kuali.student.common.assembly.BaseDTOAssemblyNode;
25    import org.kuali.student.common.assembly.BaseDTOAssemblyNode.NodeOperation;
26    import;
27    import org.kuali.student.common.dto.AmountInfo;
28    import org.kuali.student.common.dto.DtoConstants;
29    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.DataValidationErrorException;
30    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.DoesNotExistException;
31    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.InvalidParameterException;
32    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.MissingParameterException;
33    import org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.OperationFailedException;
34    import org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.assembler.CourseAssembler;
35    import;
36    import;
37    import;
38    import org.kuali.student.lum.program.dto.CoreProgramInfo;
39    import org.kuali.student.lum.program.dto.MajorDisciplineInfo;
40    import org.kuali.student.lum.program.dto.ProgramVariationInfo;
41    import org.kuali.student.lum.service.assembler.CluAssemblerUtils;
44    /**
45    * @author KS TODO - Much of this should be shared with ProgramVariationAssembler (and probably other Program Assemblers to
46    * come). AssemblerUtils?
47    */
48    public class MajorDisciplineAssembler implements BOAssembler<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo> {
49    final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CourseAssembler.class);
51    private LuService luService;
53    private ProgramVariationAssembler programVariationAssembler;
54    private CoreProgramAssembler coreProgramAssembler;
55    private CluAssemblerUtils cluAssemblerUtils;
56    private ProgramAssemblerUtils programAssemblerUtils;
58  27 toggle @Override
59    public MajorDisciplineInfo assemble(CluInfo clu, MajorDisciplineInfo majorDiscipline, boolean shallowBuild) throws AssemblyException {
60  27 MajorDisciplineInfo mdInfo = (null != majorDiscipline) ? majorDiscipline : new MajorDisciplineInfo();
62    // Copy all the data from the clu to the majordiscipline
63  27 programAssemblerUtils.assembleBasics(clu, mdInfo);
64  27 programAssemblerUtils.assembleIdentifiers(clu, mdInfo);
65  27 programAssemblerUtils.assembleBasicAdminOrgs(clu, mdInfo);
66  27 programAssemblerUtils.assembleFullOrgs(clu, mdInfo);
67  27 programAssemblerUtils.assembleAtps(clu, mdInfo);
68  27 programAssemblerUtils.assembleLuCodes(clu, mdInfo);
70  27 mdInfo.setIntensity((null != clu.getIntensity()) ? clu.getIntensity().getUnitType() : null);
71  27 mdInfo.setStdDuration(clu.getStdDuration());
72  27 mdInfo.setPublishedInstructors(clu.getInstructors());
73  27 mdInfo.setCampusLocations(clu.getCampusLocations());
74  27 mdInfo.setAccreditingAgencies(clu.getAccreditations());
75  27 mdInfo.setEffectiveDate(clu.getEffectiveDate());
76  27 mdInfo.setDescr(clu.getDescr());
77  27 mdInfo.setVersionInfo(clu.getVersionInfo());
78  27 mdInfo.setNextReviewPeriod(clu.getNextReviewPeriod());
80  27 if (!shallowBuild) {
81  14 programAssemblerUtils.assembleRequirements(clu, mdInfo);
82  14 mdInfo.setCredentialProgramId(programAssemblerUtils.getCredentialProgramID(clu.getId()));
83  14 mdInfo.setResultOptions(programAssemblerUtils.assembleResultOptions(clu.getId()));
84  14 mdInfo.setLearningObjectives(cluAssemblerUtils.assembleLos(clu.getId(), shallowBuild));
85  14 mdInfo.setVariations(assembleVariations(clu.getId(), shallowBuild));
86  14 mdInfo.setOrgCoreProgram(assembleCoreProgram(clu.getId(), shallowBuild));
87  14 programAssemblerUtils.assemblePublications(clu, mdInfo);
88    }
90  27 return mdInfo;
91    }
93  14 toggle private CoreProgramInfo assembleCoreProgram(String cluId, boolean shallowBuild) throws AssemblyException {
94  14 CoreProgramInfo coreProgramInfo = null;
95  14 try {
96  14 List<CluInfo> corePrograms = luService.getRelatedClusByCluId(cluId, ProgramAssemblerConstants.HAS_CORE_PROGRAM);
97    // TODO - is it an error if there's more than one core program?
98  14 if (corePrograms.size() == 1) {
99  12 coreProgramInfo = coreProgramAssembler.assemble(corePrograms.get(0), null, shallowBuild);
100  2 } else if (corePrograms.size() > 1) {
101  0 throw new AssemblyException(new DataValidationErrorException("MajorDiscipline has more than one associated Core Program"));
102    }
103    } catch (Exception e) {
104  0 throw new AssemblyException(e);
105    }
106  14 return coreProgramInfo;
107    }
109  14 toggle private List<ProgramVariationInfo> assembleVariations(String cluId, boolean shallowBuild) throws AssemblyException {
110  14 List<ProgramVariationInfo> variations = new ArrayList<ProgramVariationInfo>();
112  14 try {
113  14 Map<String, CluCluRelationInfo> currentRelations = null;
114  14 currentRelations = programAssemblerUtils.getCluCluActiveRelations(cluId, ProgramAssemblerConstants.HAS_PROGRAM_VARIATION);
116  14 if(currentRelations != null && !currentRelations.isEmpty()){
117  14 for (String variationId : currentRelations.keySet()) {
118  30 CluInfo variationClu = luService.getClu(variationId);
119  30 variations.add(programVariationAssembler.assemble(variationClu, null, shallowBuild));
120    }
121    }
122    } catch (Exception e) {
123  0 throw new AssemblyException(e);
124    }
125  14 return variations;
126    }
128  11 toggle @Override
129    public BaseDTOAssemblyNode<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo> disassemble(MajorDisciplineInfo major, NodeOperation operation) throws AssemblyException {
130  11 if (major == null) {
131  0 LOG.error("Major for disassemble is null!");
132  0 throw new AssemblyException("Major cannot be null");
133    }
135    //TODO IDs for objects w/o ids
137  11 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo> result = new BaseDTOAssemblyNode<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo>(
138    this);
140  11 CluInfo clu;
141  11 try {
142  11 clu = (NodeOperation.UPDATE == operation) ? luService.getClu(major.getId()) : new CluInfo();
143    } catch (Exception e) {
144  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error getting existing learning unit during major update", e);
145    }
147  11 boolean stateChanged = NodeOperation.UPDATE == operation && major.getState() != null && !major.getState().equals(clu.getState());
149  11 programAssemblerUtils.disassembleBasics(clu, major);
150  11 if (major.getId() == null)
151  3 major.setId(clu.getId());
152  11 programAssemblerUtils.disassembleLuCodes(clu, major, operation);
153  11 programAssemblerUtils.disassembleAdminOrgs(clu, major, operation);
154  11 programAssemblerUtils.disassembleAtps(clu, major, operation);
155  11 programAssemblerUtils.disassembleIdentifiers(clu, major, operation);
156  11 programAssemblerUtils.disassemblePublications(clu, major, operation, result);
158  11 if(major.getProgramRequirements() != null && !major.getProgramRequirements().isEmpty()) {
159  4 programAssemblerUtils.disassembleRequirements(clu, major, operation, result, stateChanged);
160    }
162  11 if (major.getVariations() != null && !major.getVariations().isEmpty()) {
163  11 try {
164  11 disassembleVariations(major, operation, result);
165    } catch (Exception e) {
166  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error diassembling Variations during major update", e);
167    }
168    }
169  11 if (major.getOrgCoreProgram() != null ) {
170  9 disassembleCoreProgram(major, operation, result);
171    }
172  11 if (major.getCredentialProgramId() != null) {
173  11 disassembleCredentialProgram(major, operation, result);
174    }
175  11 if (major.getResultOptions() != null) {
176  11 disassembleResultOptions(major, operation, result);
177    }
178  11 if (major.getLearningObjectives() != null) {
179  11 disassembleLearningObjectives(major, operation, result);
180    }
182  11 AmountInfo intensity = new AmountInfo();
183  11 intensity.setUnitType(major.getIntensity());
184  11 clu.setIntensity(intensity);
185  11 clu.setStdDuration(major.getStdDuration());
186  11 clu.setInstructors(major.getPublishedInstructors());
188  11 clu.setNextReviewPeriod(major.getNextReviewPeriod());
189  11 clu.setEffectiveDate(major.getEffectiveDate());
191  11 clu.setCampusLocations(major.getCampusLocations());
192  11 clu.setDescr(major.getDescr());
194  11 clu.setAccreditations(major.getAccreditingAgencies());
195  11 clu.setNextReviewPeriod(major.getNextReviewPeriod());
196  11 clu.setState(major.getState());
198    // Add the Clu to the result
199  11 result.setNodeData(clu);
200  11 result.setOperation(operation);
201  11 result.setBusinessDTORef(major);
203  11 return result;
204    }
206  11 toggle private void disassembleLearningObjectives(MajorDisciplineInfo major, NodeOperation operation, BaseDTOAssemblyNode<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo> result) throws AssemblyException {
207  11 try {
208  11 List<BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?>> loResults = cluAssemblerUtils.disassembleLos(major.getId(), major.getState(), major.getLearningObjectives(), operation);
209  11 if (loResults != null) {
210  11 result.getChildNodes().addAll(loResults);
211    }
212    } catch (DoesNotExistException e) {
213    } catch (Exception e) {
214  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error while disassembling los", e);
215    }
216    }
218  11 toggle private void disassembleResultOptions(MajorDisciplineInfo major, NodeOperation operation, BaseDTOAssemblyNode<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo> result) throws AssemblyException {
219    //TODO Check for ProgramAssemblerConstants.CERTIFICATE_RESULTS too
221  11 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?> degreeResults = cluAssemblerUtils.disassembleCluResults(
222    major.getId(), major.getState(), major.getResultOptions(), operation, ProgramAssemblerConstants.DEGREE_RESULTS, "Result options", "Result option");
223  11 if (degreeResults != null) {
224  11 result.getChildNodes().add(degreeResults);
225    }
226    }
228  11 toggle private void disassembleCredentialProgram(MajorDisciplineInfo major, NodeOperation operation, BaseDTOAssemblyNode<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo> result) throws AssemblyException {
230  11 List<BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?,?>> credentialResults;
231  11 try {
232  11 credentialResults = programAssemblerUtils.disassembleCredentialProgram(major, operation, ProgramAssemblerConstants.HAS_MAJOR_PROGRAM);
233  11 if (credentialResults != null) {
234  11 result.getChildNodes().addAll(credentialResults);
235    }
236    } catch (Exception e) {
237  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error while disassembling Credential program", e);
238    }
239    }
241  11 toggle private void disassembleVariations(MajorDisciplineInfo major, NodeOperation operation, BaseDTOAssemblyNode<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo> result) throws AssemblyException, DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException, OperationFailedException {
242  11 Map<String, CluCluRelationInfo> currentRelations = null;
243  11 List<BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?>> nodes = new ArrayList<BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?>>();
245  11 if (!NodeOperation.CREATE.equals(operation)){
246  8 currentRelations = programAssemblerUtils.getCluCluActiveRelations(major.getId(), ProgramAssemblerConstants.HAS_PROGRAM_VARIATION);
247    }
249    // Loop through all the variations in this MD
250  11 for (ProgramVariationInfo variation : major.getVariations()) {
251  23 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?,?> variationNode;
252  23 variation.setState(major.getState());
253  23 try {
254  23 if (NodeOperation.UPDATE.equals(operation) && variation.getId() != null
255    && (currentRelations != null && currentRelations.containsKey(variation.getId()))) {
256    // If the relationship already exists update it
257    // remove this entry from the map so we can tell what needs to be deleted at the end
258  16 variationNode = programVariationAssembler.disassemble(variation, operation);
259  16 if (variationNode != null) nodes.add(variationNode);
260  16 currentRelations.remove(variation.getId());
261  7 } else if (!NodeOperation.DELETE.equals(operation)) {
262    // the variation does not exist, so create variation & cluclurelation
263  7 variationNode = programVariationAssembler.disassemble(variation, NodeOperation.CREATE);
264  7 if (variationNode != null) nodes.add(variationNode);
265  7 programAssemblerUtils.addCreateRelationNode(major.getId(), variation.getId(), ProgramAssemblerConstants.HAS_PROGRAM_VARIATION, nodes);
266    }
267    } catch (Exception e) {
268  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error while disassembling Variation", e);
269    }
270    }
272    // Now any leftover variation ids are no longer needed, so suspend them
273  11 if(currentRelations != null && currentRelations.size() > 0){
274  1 programAssemblerUtils.addSuspendedRelationNodes(currentRelations, nodes);
275  1 addInactivateVariationNodes(currentRelations, nodes);
276    }
278  11 result.getChildNodes().addAll(nodes);
279    }
281  1 toggle private void addInactivateVariationNodes(Map<String, CluCluRelationInfo> currentRelations, List<BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?, ?>> nodes) throws AssemblyException{
282  1 for (String variationId : currentRelations.keySet()) {
283  1 CluInfo variationClu;
284  1 try {
285  1 variationClu = luService.getClu(variationId);
286  1 ProgramVariationInfo delVariation = programVariationAssembler.assemble(variationClu, null, true);
287  1 delVariation.setState(DtoConstants.STATE_SUSPENDED);
288  1 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?,?> variationNode = programVariationAssembler.disassemble(delVariation , NodeOperation.UPDATE);
289  1 if (variationNode != null) nodes.add(variationNode);
290    } catch (Exception e) {
291  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error while disassembling variation, deactivateVariations", e);
292    }
293    }
294    }
296  9 toggle private void disassembleCoreProgram(MajorDisciplineInfo major, NodeOperation operation, BaseDTOAssemblyNode<MajorDisciplineInfo, CluInfo> result) throws AssemblyException {
298  9 BaseDTOAssemblyNode<?,?> coreResults;
299  9 try {
300  9 major.getOrgCoreProgram().setState(major.getState());
301  9 coreResults = coreProgramAssembler.disassemble(major.getOrgCoreProgram(), operation);
302  9 if (coreResults != null) {
303  9 result.getChildNodes().add(coreResults);
304    }
305    } catch (Exception e) {
306  0 throw new AssemblyException("Error while disassembling Core program", e);
307    }
308    }
310    // Setters for Spring
311  1 toggle public void setLuService(LuService luService) {
312  1 this.luService = luService;
313    }
315  1 toggle public void setProgramVariationAssembler(ProgramVariationAssembler programVariationAssembler) {
316  1 this.programVariationAssembler = programVariationAssembler;
317    }
319  12 toggle public ProgramVariationAssembler getProgramVariationAssembler() {
320  12 return programVariationAssembler;
321    }
323  1 toggle public void setCoreProgramAssembler(CoreProgramAssembler coreProgramAssembler) {
324  1 this.coreProgramAssembler = coreProgramAssembler;
325    }
327  1 toggle public void setCluAssemblerUtils(CluAssemblerUtils cluAssemblerUtils) {
328  1 this.cluAssemblerUtils = cluAssemblerUtils;
329    }
331  1 toggle public void setProgramAssemblerUtils(ProgramAssemblerUtils programAssemblerUtils) {
332  1 this.programAssemblerUtils = programAssemblerUtils;
333    }
334    }