View Javadoc

1   package org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.widgets;
3   import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
4   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   import java.util.Date;
6   import java.util.HashMap;
7   import java.util.List;
8   import java.util.Map;
10  import*;
12  import;
13  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc.Callback;
14  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.reporting.ReportExportWidget;
15  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.util.ExportElement;
16  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSButton;
17  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSLabel;
18  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSButtonAbstract.ButtonStyle;
19  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.progress.BlockingTask;
20  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.progress.KSBlockingProgressIndicator;
21  import org.kuali.student.common.ui.shared.IdAttributes.IdType;
22  import;
23  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
30  public class CluSetDetailsWidget extends Composite implements ReportExportWidget {
32      private CluSetInformation cluSetInformation;
33      private SimplePanel mainPanel;
34      private FlexTable detailsTable = new FlexTable();
35      private boolean showClus;
36      private Map<String, Boolean> showCluSetFlags = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
37      private static final SimpleDateFormat DT_FOMRAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
38      private CluSetRetriever cluSetRetriever;
39  //    private CluSetManagementRpcServiceAsync cluSetManagementRpcServiceAsync;
40      private BlockingTask retrievingTask = new BlockingTask("Retrieving details");    
42      public CluSetDetailsWidget(CluSetInformation cluSetInformation, CluSetRetriever cluSetRetriever) {
43          mainPanel = new SimplePanel();
44          this.initWidget(mainPanel);
45          this.cluSetRetriever = cluSetRetriever;
46          setCluSetInformation(cluSetInformation);
47          redraw();
48      }
50      public CluSetDetailsWidget(String cluSetId, CluSetRetriever cluSetRetriever) {
51          mainPanel = new SimplePanel();        
52          this.initWidget(mainPanel);
53          this.cluSetRetriever = cluSetRetriever;
55          KSBlockingProgressIndicator.addTask(retrievingTask);
56          cluSetRetriever.getCluSetInformation(cluSetId, new Callback<CluSetInformation>() {
57              @Override
58              public void exec(CluSetInformation result) {
59                  if (result != null) {
60                      setCluSetInformation(result);
61                      redraw();
62                  }
63                  KSBlockingProgressIndicator.removeTask(retrievingTask);                
64              }
65          });
66      }
68      private void redraw() {
69          List<CluInformation> clus = null;
70          List<CluSetInfo> cluSets = null;
71          MembershipQueryInfo membershipQueryInfo = null;
72          List<CluInformation> clusInRange = null;
73          int rowIndex = 0;
74          mainPanel.clear();
75          detailsTable.clear();
76          if (cluSetInformation == null) {
77              return;
78          } else {
79              clus = cluSetInformation.getClus();
80              cluSets = cluSetInformation.getCluSets();
81              membershipQueryInfo = cluSetInformation.getMembershipQueryInfo();
82              clusInRange = cluSetInformation.getClusInRange();
83          }
84          StringBuilder titleTextSb = new StringBuilder();
85          titleTextSb.append("INDIVIDUAL COURSE(S)");
86          KSLabel coursesHeader = new KSLabel(titleTextSb.toString());
87          //coursesHeader.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("borderBottom", "1px solid #D8D8D8");
88          detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, 0, coursesHeader);
89          detailsTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(rowIndex, 0, 2);
90          if (cluSets != null && cluSets.size() > 0 ||
91                  clusInRange != null && clusInRange.size() > 0) {
92              coursesHeader.setVisible(true);
93          } else {
94              coursesHeader.setVisible(false);
95          }
96          {
97              // show/hide clus
98              int numClus = (clus == null)? 0 : clus.size();
99              StringBuilder hideClusTextSb = new StringBuilder();
100             showClus = true;
101             if (showClus) {
102                 hideClusTextSb.append("Hide courses(").append(numClus).append(")");
103             } else {
104                 hideClusTextSb.append("Show courses(").append(numClus).append(")");
105             }
106             KSButton hideClusButton = new KSButton(hideClusTextSb.toString(), ButtonStyle.DEFAULT_ANCHOR);
107             detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, 1, hideClusButton);
108             hideClusButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
109                 @Override
110                 public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
111                     showClus = !showClus;
112                     redraw();
113                 }
114             });
115             if (numClus > 10) {
116                 hideClusButton.setVisible(true);
117             } else {
118                 hideClusButton.setVisible(false);
119             }
120         }
122         rowIndex++;
123         if (clus != null && showClus) {
124             for (CluInformation clu : clus) {
125                 addClusDisplayToTable(rowIndex, clu);
126                 rowIndex++;
127             }
128         }
129         if (cluSets != null) {
130             if (cluSets.size() > 0) {
131                 KSLabel spacer = new KSLabel();
132                 spacer.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingTop(10, Style.Unit.PX);
133                 detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, 0, spacer);
134                 detailsTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(rowIndex, 0, 3);
135                 rowIndex++;
136             }
137             for (final CluSetInfo cluSet : cluSets) {
138                 int columnIndex = 0;
139                 final String cluSetId = cluSet.getId();
140                 HorizontalPanel cluSetNamePanel = new HorizontalPanel();
141                 Anchor cluSetNameLabel = new Anchor(cluSet.getName());
142                 cluSetNameLabel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
144 					@Override
145 					public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
146 						String url =  "http://" + Window.Location.getHost() + Window.Location.getPath() +
147 							"?view=" + AppLocations.Locations.VIEW_CLU_SET + "&docId=" + cluSetId;
148 						String features = "height=600,width=960,dependent=0,directories=1," +
149 								"fullscreen=1,location=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,toolbar=1";
150, HTMLPanel.createUniqueId(), features);
152 					}
153 				});
154                 KSLabel itemType = new KSLabel("Course Set");
155                 itemType.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("color", "grey");
156                 itemType.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(5, Style.Unit.PX);
157                 cluSetNamePanel.add(cluSetNameLabel);
158                 cluSetNamePanel.add(itemType);
159                 boolean showCluSet = (showCluSetFlags.get(cluSet.getId()) == null)? false :
160                     showCluSetFlags.get(cluSet.getId()).booleanValue();
161                 detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, columnIndex, cluSetNamePanel);
162                 detailsTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(rowIndex, columnIndex, 1);
163                 columnIndex++;
165                 // show/hide sub cluSet details
166                 // increment columnIndex to make the show/hide link to show at the right most column
167                 columnIndex++;
168                 StringBuilder hideCluSetTextSb = new StringBuilder();
169                 if (showCluSet) {
170                     hideCluSetTextSb.append("Hide Courses");
171                 } else {
172                     hideCluSetTextSb.append("Show Courses");
173                 }
174                 KSButton hideCluSetButton = new KSButton(hideCluSetTextSb.toString(), ButtonStyle.DEFAULT_ANCHOR);
175                 detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, columnIndex, hideCluSetButton);
176                 rowIndex++;
177                 hideCluSetButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
178                     @Override
179                     public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
180                         Boolean showCluSetDetails = showCluSetFlags.get(cluSet.getId());
181                         showCluSetDetails = (showCluSetDetails == null)? false : showCluSetDetails;
182                         showCluSetFlags.put(cluSet.getId(), !showCluSetDetails);
183                         Boolean newShowCluSetDetails = !showCluSetDetails; 
184                         if (newShowCluSetDetails) {
185                             CluSetInformation subCluSetInformation = cluSetInformation.getSubCluSetInformations().get(cluSet.getId());
186                             if (subCluSetInformation == null) {
187                                 cluSetRetriever.getCluSetInformation(cluSet.getId(), new Callback<CluSetInformation>() {
188                                     @Override
189                                     public void exec(CluSetInformation result) {
190                                         if (result != null) {
191                                             cluSetInformation.getSubCluSetInformations().put(cluSet.getId(), result);
192                                             redraw();
193                                         }
194                                     }
195                                 });
196                             } else {
197                                 redraw();
198                             }
199                         } else {
200                             redraw();
201                         }
202                     }
203                 });
204                 if (showCluSet) {
205                     CluSetInformation subCluSetInformation = cluSetInformation.getSubCluSetInformations().get(cluSet.getId());
206                     CluSetDetailsWidget subCluSetWidget = new CluSetDetailsWidget(subCluSetInformation, cluSetRetriever);
207                     subCluSetWidget.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(20, Style.Unit.PX);
208                     detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, 0, subCluSetWidget);
209                     detailsTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(rowIndex, 0, 3);
210                     rowIndex++;
211                 }
213             }
214         }
215         if (membershipQueryInfo != null) {
216             List<SearchParam> searchParams = membershipQueryInfo.getQueryParamValueList();
217             if (searchParams != null) {
218                 HorizontalPanel queryDisplayPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
219                 for (SearchParam searchParam : searchParams) {
220                     KSLabel paramDescLabel = new KSLabel();
221                     KSLabel paramValueLabel = new KSLabel();
222                     String paramDesc = translateSearchKey(searchParam.getKey());
223                     paramDescLabel.setText(paramDesc);
224                     Object value = searchParam.getValue();
225                     String displayValue = "";
226                     if (value instanceof Date) {
227                         displayValue = DT_FOMRAT.format((Date)value);
228                     } else {
229                         displayValue = value.toString();
230                     }
231                     paramDescLabel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("color", "grey");
232                     paramDescLabel.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingRight(5, Style.Unit.PX);
233                     paramValueLabel.setText(displayValue);
234                     paramValueLabel.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingRight(10, Style.Unit.PX);
235                     queryDisplayPanel.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingTop(10, Style.Unit.PX);
236                     queryDisplayPanel.add(paramDescLabel);
237                     queryDisplayPanel.add(paramValueLabel);
238                 }
239                 detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, 0, queryDisplayPanel);
240                 detailsTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(rowIndex, 0, 2);
241                 rowIndex++;
242             }
243             if (clusInRange != null) {
244                 for (CluInformation clu : clusInRange) {
245                     addClusDisplayToTable(rowIndex, clu);
246                     rowIndex++;
247                 }
248             } else {
249                 Window.alert("num clusInRange is null");
250             }
251         }
252         mainPanel.setWidget(detailsTable);
253     }
255     private void addClusDisplayToTable(int rowIndex, final CluInformation clu) {
256         int columnIndex = 0;
257         KSButton cluCodeLink = new KSButton(clu.getCode(), ButtonStyle.DEFAULT_ANCHOR);
258         cluCodeLink.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(10, Style.Unit.PX);
259         detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, columnIndex, cluCodeLink);
260         detailsTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(rowIndex, columnIndex, 1);
261         cluCodeLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
262             @Override
263             public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
264             	String url = "http://" + Window.Location.getHost() + Window.Location.getPath() +
265 				"?view=" + AppLocations.Locations.VIEW_COURSE + "&idType=" + IdType.OBJECT_ID +"&docId=" + clu.getVerIndependentId();
266 				String features = "height=600,width=960,dependent=0,directories=1," +
267 						"fullscreen=1,location=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,toolbar=1";
268, HTMLPanel.createUniqueId(), features);
269             }
270         });
271         columnIndex++;
273         HTML cluTitleLabel = new HTML("<h5>" + clu.getTitle() + "</h5>");
274         detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, columnIndex, cluTitleLabel);
275         detailsTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(rowIndex, columnIndex, 1);
276         columnIndex++;
278         if (clu.getCredits() != null && !clu.getCredits().trim().isEmpty()) {
279             HTML cluCreditsLabel = new HTML("<h5>" + clu.getCredits() + " credits" + "</h5>");
280             detailsTable.setWidget(rowIndex, columnIndex, cluCreditsLabel);
281             detailsTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(rowIndex, columnIndex, 1);
282             columnIndex++;
283         }
284     }
286     private String translateSearchKey(String searchKey) {
287         String result = "";
288         if (searchKey != null && searchKey.equals("lu.queryParam.luOptionalDivision")) {
289             result = "Department";
290         } else if (searchKey != null && searchKey.equals("lu.queryParam.luOptionalCrsNoRange")) {
291             result = "Course Number Range";
292         } else if (searchKey != null && searchKey.equals("lo.queryParam.loDescPlain")) {
293             result = "Description";
294         } else if (searchKey != null && searchKey.equals("lu.queryParam.luOptionalEffectiveDate1")) {
295             result = "Effective From";
296         } else if (searchKey != null && searchKey.equals("lu.queryParam.luOptionalEffectiveDate2")) {
297             result = "Effective To";
298         } else if (searchKey != null && searchKey.equals("lu.queryParam.luOptionalEffectiveDate2")) {
300         }
302         return result;
303     }
305     public CluSetInformation getCluSetInformation() {
306         return cluSetInformation;
307     }
309     public void setCluSetInformation(CluSetInformation cluSetInformation) {
310         this.cluSetInformation = cluSetInformation;
311     }
313     public String toString() {
314         return detailsTable.toString();
315     }
317     @Override
318     public ArrayList<ExportElement> getExportElementsWidget(String viewName, String sectionName) {
319         List<CluInformation> items = this.cluSetInformation.getClus();
320         ArrayList<ExportElement> returnItems = new ArrayList<ExportElement>();
321         for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
322             ExportElement element = new ExportElement(viewName, sectionName);
323             element.setFieldValue(items.get(i).getCode() + " " + items.get(i).getTitle() + " " + items.get(i).getCredits() + " credits");
324             returnItems.add(element);
325         }
326         if (returnItems.size() > 0) {
327             return returnItems;
328         } 
329         return null;
330     }
331 }