View Javadoc

1   package org.kuali.student.common.dictionary.service.impl;
3   import;
4   import;
5   import;
6   import;
7   import;
8   import java.util.ArrayList;
9   import java.util.Date;
10  import java.util.HashMap;
11  import java.util.HashSet;
12  import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
13  import java.util.List;
14  import java.util.Map;
15  import java.util.Set;
17  import org.kuali.student.common.dictionary.dto.ObjectStructureDefinition;
18  import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
19  import;
21  public class DictionaryTesterHelper
22  {
24   private String outputFileName;
25   private File file;
26   private OutputStream outputStream;
27   private PrintStream out;
28   private Set<String> startingClasses;
29   private String dictFileName;
30   private boolean processSubstructures = false;
32   public DictionaryTesterHelper (String outputFileName,
33                                  Set<String> startingClasses,
34                                  String dictFileName,
35                                  boolean processSubstructures)
36   {
37    this.outputFileName = outputFileName;
38    this.startingClasses = startingClasses;
39    this.dictFileName = dictFileName;
40    this.processSubstructures = processSubstructures;
41    // get printstream from file
42    this.file = new File (this.outputFileName);
43    try
44    {
45     outputStream = new FileOutputStream (file, false);
46    }
47    catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
48    {
49     throw new IllegalArgumentException (ex);
50    }
51    this.out = new PrintStream (outputStream);
52   }
54   private transient Map<String, ObjectStructureDefinition> objectStructures;
56   public List<String> doTest ()
57   {
58    ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext (
59        "classpath:" + dictFileName);
60    objectStructures = new HashMap ();
61    Map<String, ObjectStructureDefinition> beansOfType =
62                                           (Map<String, ObjectStructureDefinition>) ac.
63        getBeansOfType (ObjectStructureDefinition.class);
64    for (ObjectStructureDefinition objStr: beansOfType.values ())
65    {
66     objectStructures.put (objStr.getName (), objStr);
67     System.out.println ("Loading object structure: " + objStr.getName ());
68    }
69    // First validate all the starting classes
70    for (String className: startingClasses)
71    {
72     ObjectStructureDefinition os = null;
73     os = objectStructures.get (className);
74     if (os == null)
75     {
76      throw new RuntimeException ("className is not defined in dictionary: " + className);
77     }
78     DictionaryValidator validator = new DictionaryValidator (os,
79                                                              new HashSet (),
80                                                              false);
81     List<String> errors = validator.validate ();
82     if (errors.size () > 0)
83     {
84      return errors;
85     }
86    }
89    Set<String> allStructures = new LinkedHashSet ();
90    for (String className: startingClasses)
91    {
92     allStructures.addAll (getComplexSubStructures (className));
93    }
94    Set<String> classesToProcess = null;
95    if (this.processSubstructures)
96    {
97     classesToProcess = startingClasses;
98  //   System.out.println ("Processing just the starting classes but then processing their substructures in-line");
99    }
100   else
101   {
102    classesToProcess = allStructures;
103 //   System.out.println ("Processing all substructures as separate entitiies");
104   }
106   out.println ("(!) This page was automatically generated on " + new Date ());
107   out.println ("DO NOT UPDATE MANUALLY!");
108   out.println ("");
109   out.print ("This page represents a formatted view of [" + dictFileName
110              + "|"
111              + dictFileName + "]");
112   out.println (
113       " and is compared to the following java classes (and their sub-classes) for discrepancies:");
114   for (String className: startingClasses)
115   {
116    out.println ("# " + className);
117   }
118   out.println ("");
119   out.println ("----");
120   out.println ("{toc}");
121   out.println ("----");
122   for (String className: classesToProcess)
123   {
124 //   System.out.println ("processing class " + clazz.getSimpleName ());
125    doTestOnClass (className, ac);
126   }
127   out.close ();
128   return new ArrayList ();
129  }
131  private Set<String> getComplexSubStructures (String className)
132  {
133   return new ComplexSubstructuresHelper ().getComplexStructures (className);
134  }
136  private void doTestOnClass (String className, ApplicationContext ac)
137  {
138   ObjectStructureDefinition os =   os = objectStructures.get (className);
139   String simpleName = calcSimpleName (className);
140   if (os == null)
141   {
143    out.println ("h1. " + simpleName);
144    out.println ("{anchor:" + simpleName + "}");
145    out.println ("h2. Error could not find a corresponding dictionary definition");
146    return;
147   }
148   DictionaryFormatter formatter =
149                       new DictionaryFormatter (className,
150                                                className,
151                                                os,
152                                                new HashSet (),
153                                                1, // header level to start at
154                                                this.processSubstructures);
155   out.println (formatter.formatForWiki ());
156  }
158  private String calcSimpleName (String name)
159  {
160   if (name.lastIndexOf (".") != -1)
161   {
162    name = name.substring (name.lastIndexOf (".") + 1);
163   }
164   return name;
165  }
167 }