Package org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.sections

Interface Summary
Section Interface for Section.

Class Summary
BaseSection The base section is the base implementation of the section interface.
ClearBreak Simple br element with an assigned style name of "clear"
CollapsableSection A section that is collapsed with a link and "opens up" when clicked.
GroupSection A section which uses GroupFieldLayout.
HorizontalSection This class uses HorizontalLayout to build a section with fields on the right and field labels on the left .
InfoMessage A widget used to show important information to the user often used at the top of sections.
MultiplicitySection This class creates a section containing a multiplicity widget based on the supplied configuration Sample code to use this class :- private void addVersionCodeFields(Section section) { QueryPath parentPath = QueryPath.concat(COURSE, QueryPath.getPathSeparator(), VERSIONS); MultiplicityConfiguration config = new MultiplicityConfiguration(MultiplicityConfiguration.MultiplicityType.GROUP, MultiplicityConfiguration.StyleType.TOP_LEVEL_GROUP, getMetaData(parentPath.toString())); config.setAddItemLabel(getLabel(LUConstants.ADD_VERSION_CODE_LABEL_KEY)); config.setItemLabel(getLabel(LUConstants.VERSION_CODE_LABEL_KEY)); config.setUpdateable(true); FieldDescriptor parentFd = buildFieldDescriptor(COURSE + QueryPath.getPathSeparator() + VERSIONS, getLabel(LUConstants.VERSION_CODES_LABEL_KEY), null); config.setParentFd(parentFd); FieldDescriptor versionCode = buildFieldDescriptor(CreditCourseVersionsConstants.VERSION_CODE, LUConstants.VERSION_CODE_LABEL_KEY, parentPath.toString()); FieldDescriptor versionTitle = buildFieldDescriptor(CreditCourseVersionsConstants.VERSION_TITLE, LUConstants.TITLE_LABEL_KEY, parentPath.toString()); config.addField(versionCode); config.addField(versionTitle); MultiplicitySection ms = new MultiplicitySection(config); section.addSection(ms); } TODO: - Create factory methods for each 'flavour' of multiplicity - Styling options for table, e.g.
RemovableItemWithHeader Deprecated.  
SectionBinding Model widget binding for a section - calls the bindings on its fields and sub sections.
SwapSection A section that contains sections that can be swapped in based on user selection on a KSSelectItemWidgetAbstract
TableSection Section that uses a TableFieldLayout.
ValidationMessagePanel The validation message panel used for field elements, adds validation errors to a list and styles them appropriately.
VerticalSection A section which uses a VerticalFieldLayout
WarnContainer An information message which can change its style to appear with a warning around the content and add additional information to its layout when it needs to warn the user about the contained information/widget functionality before they interact with it.

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