Interface HasWidgetReadyCallback

All Known Implementing Classes:
CluSetEditorWidget.CluSetEditOptionDropdown, CluSetsConfigurer.CluSetEditOptionList, CourseConfigurer.PersonList, CourseConfigurer.ProposerPersonList, KSCheckBoxList, KSCheckBoxListImpl, KSDropDown, KSDropDownImpl, KSLabelList, KSLabelListImpl, KSRadioButtonList, KSRadioButtonListImpl, KSSelectedList, KSSelectItemWidgetAbstract, MultiplicityGroup.ConditionChoices, OrgPersonRelationTypePicker, OrgPositionTypePicker, OrgRelationTypePicker, OrgTypePicker

public interface HasWidgetReadyCallback

This interface should be implemented by widget that will not be ready for use until some action is completed (eg. load data from async callback)

Kuali Student Team

Method Summary
 void addWidgetReadyCallback(Callback<> callback)
          This method can be used to register a callback to be executed when a widget has been initialized.
 boolean isInitialized()
          This method can be used to query if a widget has been initialized.
 void setInitialized(boolean initialized)
          This method sets an initialized state of the widget

Method Detail


void setInitialized(boolean initialized)
This method sets an initialized state of the widget

initialized -


boolean isInitialized()
This method can be used to query if a widget has been initialized.



void addWidgetReadyCallback(Callback<> callback)
This method can be used to register a callback to be executed when a widget has been initialized. The callback should be unregistered by the implementing widget after execution.

callback -

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