View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * Copyright 2005-2015 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package edu.sampleu.admin;
18  import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
19  import org.kuali.rice.testtools.selenium.AutomatedFunctionalTestUtils;
20  import org.kuali.rice.testtools.selenium.WebDriverUtils;
22  /**
23   *  @author Kuali Rice Team (
24   */
25  public abstract class CampusActionListAftBase extends CampusAftBase {
27      /**
28       * AutomatedFunctionalTestUtils.PORTAL+"?channelTitle=Campus&channelUrl="+ WebDriverUtils
29       * .getBaseUrlString()+"/kr/"+
30       * AutomatedFunctionalTestUtils.PORTAL_URL+ AutomatedFunctionalTestUtils.HIDE_RETURN_LINK;
31       */    
32      public static final String BOOKMARK_URL = AutomatedFunctionalTestUtils.PORTAL+"?channelTitle=Campus&channelUrl="+ WebDriverUtils
33              .getBaseUrlString()+"/kr/"+
34              AutomatedFunctionalTestUtils.PORTAL_URL+ AutomatedFunctionalTestUtils.HIDE_RETURN_LINK;
36      @Override
37      protected String getBookmarkUrl() {
38          return BOOKMARK_URL;
39      }
41      private void assertActionListRequestGroup(String userInGroup, String group, String namespace, String actionCode, String beforeState, String afterState) throws InterruptedException {
42          namespaceCode = namespace;
43          String docId = testCreateActionRequestGroup(group, namespace, actionCode);
44          impersonateUser(userInGroup);
45          assertActionList(docId, actionCode, beforeState);
46          assertOutbox(docId, afterState);
47          selectTopFrame();
48      }
50      private void assertActionListRequestPerson(String user, String actionType, String beforeState, String afterState) throws Exception {
51          String[][] adhocRequests = new String [][]{{user, actionType}};
52          assertActionListRequestPerson(adhocRequests, beforeState, afterState);
53      }
55      private void assertActionListRequestPerson(String[][] adhocRequests, String beforeState, String afterState) throws Exception {
56          String docId = testCreateActionRequestPerson(adhocRequests);
57          impersonateUser(adhocRequests[0][0]);
58          assertActionList(docId, adhocRequests[0][1], beforeState);
59          assertOutbox(docId, afterState);
60          selectTopFrame();
61      }
63      protected String testCreateActionRequestGroup(String user, String namespace, String actionType) throws InterruptedException{
64          String docId = testCreateNew();
65          addAdHocRecipientsGroup(new String[]{user, actionType, namespace});
66          checkForDocError();
67          waitAndClickByName("methodToCall.route");
68          waitForProgress("Submitting...");
70          reattemptPrimaryKey();
72          waitForTextPresent("Document was successfully submitted");
73          waitAndClickByName("methodToCall.close");
75          return docId;
76      }
78      /**
79       * Creates an Action Request in a users action list.
80       *
81       * Initiates a new maintenance document (Component BO) with added adHoc request to create an action request
82       * in a users action list for the document
83       * @param userActions 2d array containing username, action pairs. (ex: "fred","A")
84       *
85       * @return documentID of the newly initiated document to which the created action request applies.
86       */
87      protected String testCreateActionRequestPerson(String[][] userActions) throws InterruptedException {
88          String docId = testCreateNew();
89          if (!userActions[0][0].isEmpty()){
90              addAdHocRecipientsPerson(userActions);
91          }
93          checkForDocError();
94          waitAndClickByName("methodToCall.route");
95          waitForProgress("Submitting...");
97          reattemptPrimaryKey();
99          waitForTextPresent("Document was successfully submitted");
100         waitAndClickByName("methodToCall.close");
102         return docId;
103     }
105     private void reattemptPrimaryKey() throws InterruptedException {
106         int attempts = 0;
107         while (hasDocError() && extractErrorText().contains("a record with the same primary key already exists.") &&
108                 ++attempts <= 3) {
109             jGrowl("record with the same primary key already exists trying another, attempt: " + attempts);
110             clearTextByName("document.newMaintainableObject.code"); // primary key
111             jiraAwareTypeByName("document.newMaintainableObject.code", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(2));
112             waitAndClickByName("methodToCall.route");
113             waitForProgress("Submitting...");
114         }
115     }
117     public void testActionListAcknowledgeGroup() throws Exception {
118         assertActionListRequestGroup("fran", "RecipeMasters", "KR-WKFLW", "K", "PROCESSED", "FINAL");
119         passed();
120     }
122     /**
123      * tests the Acknowledge ActionRequest.
124      * Creates an Acknowledge request for a user. Then performs the Acknowledge action.
125      * @throws Exception
126      */
127     public void testActionListAcknowledgePerson() throws Exception {
128         assertActionListRequestPerson("erin", "K", "PROCESSED", "FINAL");
129         passed();
130     }
132     /**
133      * tests the Acknowledge ActionRequest.
134      * Creates an Acknowledge request for a user and an approve request for a different user.
135      * Then performs the Acknowledge action.
136      * @throws Exception
137      */
138     public void testActionListAcknowledgePerson_WithPendingApprove() throws Exception {
139         String[][] adhocRequests = new String [][]{{"fred","A"},{"fran","K"}};
140         String docId = testCreateActionRequestPerson(adhocRequests);
141         impersonateUser("fran");
142         assertActionList(docId, "K", "ENROUTE");
143         assertOutbox(docId, "ENROUTE");
144         selectTopFrame();
145         passed();
146     }
148     /**
149      * tests the Acknowledge ActionRequest.
150      * Creates an Acknowledge request for a user and an approve request for a different user.
151      * Then performs the Acknowledge action.
152      * @throws Exception
153      */
154     public void testActionListAcknowledgePerson_WithPendingAcknowledge() throws Exception {
155         String[][] adhocRequests = new String [][]{{"fred","K"},{"fran","K"}};
156         String docId = testCreateActionRequestPerson(adhocRequests);
157         impersonateUser("fran");
158         assertActionList(docId, "K", "PROCESSED");
159         assertOutbox(docId, "PROCESSED");
160         selectTopFrame();
161         passed();
162     }
164     /**
165      * tests the Approve ActionRequest.
166      * Creates an approve request for a user. Then performs the Approve action.
167      * @throws Exception
168      */
169     public void testActionListApprovePerson() throws Exception {
170         assertActionListRequestPerson("fred", "A", "ENROUTE", "FINAL");
171         passed();
172     }
174     /**
175      * tests the Approve ActionRequest.
176      * Creates an Approve request for a user and a separate approve request for a different user.
177      * Then performs the first users Approve action.
178      * @throws Exception
179      */
180     public void testActionListApprovePerson_WithPendingApprove() throws Exception {
181         String[][] adhocRequests = new String [][]{{"fred","A"},{"fran","A"}};
182         assertActionListRequestPerson(adhocRequests, "ENROUTE", "ENROUTE");
183         passed();
184     }
186     /**
187      * tests the Approve ActionRequest.
188      * Creates an Approve request for a user and a separate approve request for a different user.
189      * Then performs the first users Approve action.
190      * @throws Exception
191      */
192     public void testActionListApprovePerson_WithPendingAcknowledge() throws Exception {
193         String[][] adhocRequests = new String [][]{{"fran","A"},{"fred","K"}};
194         assertActionListRequestPerson(adhocRequests, "ENROUTE", "PROCESSED");
195         passed();
196     }
198     public void testActionListApproveGroup() throws Exception {
199         assertActionListRequestGroup("fred", "RecipeMasters", "KR-WKFLW", "A", "ENROUTE", "FINAL");
200         passed();
201     }
203     public void testActionListCompleteGroup() throws Exception {
204         assertActionListRequestGroup("dev1", "Kuali Developers", "KUALI", "C", "ENROUTE", "FINAL");
205         passed();
206     }
208     /**
209      * tests the complete ActionRequest.
210      * Creates an complete request for a user. Then performs the Complete action.
211      * @throws Exception
212      */
213     public void testActionListCompletePerson() throws Exception {
214         assertActionListRequestPerson("fran", "C", "ENROUTE", "FINAL");
215         passed();
216     }
218     public void testActionListCompletePerson_WithPendingAcknowledge() throws Exception {
219         String[][] adhocRequests = new String [][]{{"fran","C"},{"fred","K"}};
220         assertActionListRequestPerson(adhocRequests, "ENROUTE", "PROCESSED");
221         passed();
222     }
224     public void testActionListDisapproveGroup() throws Exception {
225         assertActionListRequestGroup("director", "ChickenRecipeMasters", "KR-WKFLW", "D", "ENROUTE", "DISAPPROVED");
226         passed();
227     }
229     /**
230      * tests the  ActionRequest.
231      * Creates an approve request for a user. Then performs the Disapprove action.
232      * @throws Exception
233      */
234     public void testActionListDisapprovePerson() throws Exception {
235         assertActionListRequestPerson("fred", "D", "ENROUTE", "DISAPPROVED");
236         passed();
237     }
239     public void testActionListFyiGroup() throws Exception {
240         assertActionListRequestGroup("dev2", "Kuali Developers", "KUALI", "F", "FINAL", "FINAL");
241         passed();
242     }
244     /**
245      * tests the FYI ActionRequest.
246      * Creates an FYI request for a user. Then performs the FYI action.
247      * @throws Exception
248      */
249     public void testActionListFyiPerson() throws Exception {
250         assertActionListRequestPerson("eric", "F", "FINAL", "FINAL");
251         passed();
252     }
256     public void testActionListCancelPerson() throws Exception {
257         assertActionListRequestGroup("dev2", "Kuali Developers", "KUALI", "F", "FINAL", "FINAL");
258         passed();
259     }
261     public void testCampusActionListRecallAndCancel_WithPendingPersonApprove() throws Exception {
262         String user = "erin";
263         String docId = testCreateNew();
264         addAdHocRecipientsPerson(new String[]{user, "A"});
265         submit();
266         recall(true);
267         impersonateUser(user);
268         assertNotInActionList(docId);
269         passed();
270     }
272     public void testCampusActionListRecallToActionList_WithPendingPersonApprove() throws Exception {
273         String user = "erin";
275         String docId = testCreateNew();
276         addAdHocRecipientsPerson(new String[]{user, "A"});
277         submit();
278         waitForTextPresent("ENROUTE");
279         recall(false);
280         // TODO: new window vs. new tab issue
281         assertActionList(docId, "CR", "SAVED");
283         driver.navigate().to(WebDriverUtils.getBaseUrlString() + BOOKMARK_URL);
284         waitAndClickDocSearch();
285         selectFrameIframePortlet();
286         waitAndTypeByName("documentId",docId);
287         waitAndClickByXpath(SEARCH_XPATH);
288         waitForTextPresent("FINAL");
289         passed();
290     }
292     public void testCampusActionListCancel_WithPendingPersonApprove()throws Exception {
293         String docId = testCreateNew();
294         addAdHocRecipientsPerson(new String[]{"fred", "A"});
295         waitAndClickByName("methodToCall.cancel");
296         assertDocSearchNoResults(docId);
297         passed();
298     }
300     public void testCampusActionListSave_WithPendingPersonApprove() throws Exception {
301         String user = "erin";
302         String docId = testCreateNew();
303         addAdHocRecipientsPerson(new String[]{user, "A"});
304         saveAndReload();
305         waitForTextPresent("SAVED");
306         passed();
307     }
309     public void assertCampusActionListSubmit_WithPersonRequest(String user, String action, String state) throws Exception {
310         String[][] userActions = new String [][]{{user, action}};
311         String docId = testCreateNew();
312         if (!userActions[0][0].isEmpty()){
313             addAdHocRecipientsPerson(userActions);
314         }
316         checkForDocError();
317         waitAndClickByName("methodToCall.route");
318         waitForProgress("Submitting...");
320         reattemptPrimaryKey();
322         waitForTextPresent("Document was successfully submitted");
324         waitForTextPresent("ENROUTE");
325         waitAndClickByName("methodToCall.reload");
326         waitForTextPresent(state);
327         close();
328     }
330     public void testCampusActionListSubmit() throws Exception {
331         assertCampusActionListSubmit_WithPersonRequest("", "", "FINAL");
332         passed();
333     }
335     public void testCampusActionListSubmit_WithPendingPersonApprove() throws Exception {
336         assertCampusActionListSubmit_WithPersonRequest("erin", "A", "ENROUTE");
337         passed();
338     }
340     public void testCampusActionListSubmit_WithPendingPersonAcknowledge() throws Exception {
341         assertCampusActionListSubmit_WithPersonRequest("erin", "K", "PROCESSED");
342         passed();
343     }
345     public void testCampusActionListSubmit_WithPendingPersonFyi() throws Exception {
346         assertCampusActionListSubmit_WithPersonRequest("erin", "F", "FINAL");
347         passed();
348     }
351 }