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1   /**
2    * Copyright 2005-2016 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package;
18  import;
19  import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
20  import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
21  import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
22  import;
24  import javax.sql.DataSource;
25  import java.sql.ResultSet;
26  import java.sql.SQLException;
27  import java.util.ArrayList;
28  import java.util.List;
29  import java.util.UUID;
31  /**
32   * An implementation of DataIntegrityService which repairs two common data issues with delegations that occurred
33   * because of bad code in KIM.
34   *
35   * The first issue is one where duplicate delegations for a given role, delegation type, and KIM type exist. This can
36   * cause issues with the role document when editing delegations.
37   *
38   * The second issue is one where delegation members point to a role member for a role that doesn't match the role of
39   * their delegation.
40   *
41   * @author Eric Westfall
42   */
43  public class DataIntegrityServiceImpl implements DataIntegrityService, InitializingBean {
45      private static final String DUPLICATE_DELEGATIONS = "select role_id, dlgn_typ_cd, kim_typ_id, count(*) cnt from krim_dlgn_t where actv_ind = 'Y' group by role_id, dlgn_typ_cd, kim_typ_id having cnt > 1";
46      private static final String BAD_DELEGATION_MEMBERS = "select m.dlgn_mbr_id, m.role_mbr_id, rm.role_id, r.kim_typ_id, d.dlgn_id, d.role_id, d.dlgn_typ_cd from krim_dlgn_t d, krim_dlgn_mbr_t m, krim_role_mbr_t rm, krim_role_t r where d.actv_ind = 'Y' and d.dlgn_id=m.dlgn_id and m.role_mbr_id=rm.role_mbr_id and rm.role_id=r.role_id and d.role_id != rm.role_id";
48      private static final String DUPLICATE_DELEGATION_IDS = "select dlgn_id from krim_dlgn_t where role_id = ? and dlgn_typ_cd = ? and kim_typ_id = ? and actv_ind = 'Y'";
49      private static final String FIX_DUPLICATE_DELEGATION_ID = "update krim_dlgn_mbr_t set dlgn_id = ? where dlgn_id = ?";
50      private static final String DELETE_DUPLICATE_DELEGATION = "delete from krim_dlgn_t where dlgn_id = ?";
52      private static final String FIND_TARGET_DELEGATION = "select dlgn_id from krim_dlgn_t where role_id = ? and dlgn_typ_cd = ? and actv_ind = 'Y'";
53      private static final String CREATE_DELEGATION = "insert into krim_dlgn_t (dlgn_id, obj_id, role_id, kim_typ_id, dlgn_typ_cd, ver_nbr, actv_ind) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1, 'Y')";
54      private static final String FIX_BAD_DELEGATION_MEMBER = "update krim_dlgn_mbr_t set dlgn_id = ? where dlgn_mbr_id = ?";
56      private DataSource dataSource;
57      private JdbcTemplate template;
59      @Override
60      public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
61          this.template = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
62      }
64      @Override
65      public List<String> checkIntegrity() {
66          List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
67          messages.addAll(reportDuplicateDelegations(findDuplicateDelegations()));
68          messages.addAll(reportBadDelegationMembers(findBadDelegationMembers()));
69          return messages;
70      }
72      private List<String> reportDuplicateDelegations(List<DuplicateRoleDelegation> duplicateRoleDelegations) {
73          List<String> reports = new ArrayList<>();
74          for (DuplicateRoleDelegation duplicateRoleDelegation : duplicateRoleDelegations) {
75              reports.add(;
76          }
77          return reports;
78      }
80      private List<String> reportBadDelegationMembers(List<BadDelegationMember> badDelegationMembers) {
81          List<String> reports = new ArrayList<>();
82          for (BadDelegationMember badDelegationMember : badDelegationMembers) {
83              reports.add(;
84          }
85          return reports;
86      }
88      @Override
89      public List<String> repair() {
90          List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
91          messages.addAll(repairDuplicateDelegations());
92          messages.addAll(repairBadDelegationMembers());
93          return messages;
94      }
96      private List<String> repairDuplicateDelegations() {
97          List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
98          List<DuplicateRoleDelegation> duplicateRoleDelegations = findDuplicateDelegations();
99          for (DuplicateRoleDelegation duplicateRoleDelegation : duplicateRoleDelegations) {
100             messages.add(repairDuplicateDelegation(duplicateRoleDelegation));
101         }
102         return messages;
103     }
105     private String repairDuplicateDelegation(DuplicateRoleDelegation duplicateRoleDelegation) {
107         // first let's find all of the duplicate delegation ids
108         List<String> delegationIds = template.query(DUPLICATE_DELEGATION_IDS,
109                 new RowMapper<String>() {
110                     @Override
111                     public String mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException {
112                         return resultSet.getString(1);
113                     }
114                 },
115                 duplicateRoleDelegation.roleId,
116                 duplicateRoleDelegation.delegationTypeCode,
117                 duplicateRoleDelegation.kimTypeId);
118         // we'll keep the first delegation and repoint all members to it instead, then delete the remaining
119         // duplicate delegations
120         String delegationIdToKeep = delegationIds.remove(0);
122         for (String delegationId : delegationIds) {
123             template.update(FIX_DUPLICATE_DELEGATION_ID, delegationIdToKeep, delegationId);
124             template.update(DELETE_DUPLICATE_DELEGATION, delegationId);
125         }
127         return reportRepairDuplicateDelegation(duplicateRoleDelegation, delegationIdToKeep, delegationIds);
128     }
130     private String reportRepairDuplicateDelegation(DuplicateRoleDelegation duplicateRoleDelegation,
131                                                    String delegationIdToKeep, List<String> duplicateDelegationIds) {
132         StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
133         message.append("Repaired duplicate delegations with roleId = ").append(duplicateRoleDelegation.roleId)
134                 .append(", delegationTypeCode = ").append(duplicateRoleDelegation.delegationTypeCode)
135                 .append(", and kimTypeId = ").append(duplicateRoleDelegation.kimTypeId)
136                 .append(". Retained delegation with id ").append(delegationIdToKeep)
137                 .append(". Deleted the following delegations and repointed their members to delegation id ")
138                 .append(delegationIdToKeep).append(": [ ");
139         for (String duplicateDelegationId : duplicateDelegationIds) {
140             message.append(duplicateDelegationId).append(", ");
141         }
142         message.delete(message.length() - 2, message.length());
143         message.append(" ]");
144         return message.toString();
145     }
147     private List<String> repairBadDelegationMembers() {
148         List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
149         List<BadDelegationMember> badDelegationMembers = findBadDelegationMembers();
150         for (BadDelegationMember badDelegationMember : badDelegationMembers) {
151             messages.add(repairBadDelegationMember(badDelegationMember));
152         }
153         return messages;
154     }
156     private String repairBadDelegationMember(BadDelegationMember badDelegationMember) {
157         // first attempt to find an existing delegation for the proper role id + delegation type code
158         List<String> delegationIds = template.query(FIND_TARGET_DELEGATION,
159                 new RowMapper<String>() {
160                     @Override
161                     public String mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException {
162                         return resultSet.getString(1);
163                     }
164                 },
165                 badDelegationMember.roleMemberRoleId,
166                 badDelegationMember.delegationTypeCode);
168         // if delegationIds is empty, then we will need to manufacture a delegation, otherwise there should only be one
169         // target delegation id since we just previously ran the repair to get rid of duplicate delegations
170         String targetDelegationId;
171         boolean newDelegationCreated = false;
172         if (delegationIds.isEmpty()) {
173             targetDelegationId = getNextDelegationId();
174             String objectId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
175             template.update(CREATE_DELEGATION, targetDelegationId, objectId, badDelegationMember.roleMemberRoleId,
176                     badDelegationMember.roleMemberRoleKimTypeId, badDelegationMember.delegationTypeCode);
177             newDelegationCreated = true;
178         } else {
179             targetDelegationId = delegationIds.get(0);
180         }
181         // now that we have the target delegation id, let's update our delegation member and point it to the proper delegation
182         template.update(FIX_BAD_DELEGATION_MEMBER, targetDelegationId, badDelegationMember.delegationMemberId);
183         return reportRepairBadDelegationMember(badDelegationMember, targetDelegationId, newDelegationCreated);
184     }
186     private String reportRepairBadDelegationMember(BadDelegationMember badDelegationMember,
187                                                    String targetDelegationId, boolean newDelegationCreated) {
188         StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
189         message.append("Repaired bad delegation member ").append(badDelegationMember.toString());
190         if (newDelegationCreated) {
191             message.append(" New delegation created with id ").append(targetDelegationId)
192                     .append(" since there was no existing delegation that matched for the proper role id and delegation type.");
193         } else {
194             message.append(" Reassigned the delegation member to an existing delegation with id ")
195                     .append(targetDelegationId).append(" because it matched the proper role id and delegation type.");
196         }
197         return message.toString();
198     }
200     private String getNextDelegationId() {
201         DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer incrementer = MaxValueIncrementerFactory.getIncrementer(dataSource, "KRIM_DLGN_ID_S");
202         return incrementer.nextStringValue();
203     }
206     private List<DuplicateRoleDelegation> findDuplicateDelegations() {
207         return template.query(DUPLICATE_DELEGATIONS, new RowMapper<DuplicateRoleDelegation>() {
208             @Override
209             public DuplicateRoleDelegation mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException {
210                 return new DuplicateRoleDelegation(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getString(2),
211                         resultSet.getString(3), resultSet.getInt(4));
212             }
213         });
214     }
216     private List<BadDelegationMember> findBadDelegationMembers() {
217         return template.query(BAD_DELEGATION_MEMBERS, new RowMapper<BadDelegationMember>() {
218             @Override
219             public BadDelegationMember mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException {
220                 return new BadDelegationMember(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getString(2), resultSet.getString(3),
221                         resultSet.getString(4), resultSet.getString(5), resultSet.getString(6), resultSet.getString(7));
222             }
223         });
224     }
226     public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
227         this.dataSource = dataSource;
228     }
230     class DuplicateRoleDelegation {
232         final String roleId;
233         final String delegationTypeCode;
234         final String kimTypeId;
235         final int numMatching;
237         DuplicateRoleDelegation(String roleId, String delegationTypeCode, String kimTypeId, int numMatching) {
238             this.roleId = roleId;
239             this.delegationTypeCode = delegationTypeCode;
240             this.kimTypeId = kimTypeId;
241             this.numMatching = numMatching;
242         }
244         String report() {
245             return "Found duplicate role delegation " + toString();
246         }
248         public String toString() {
249             return String.format("[roleId = %s, delegationTypeCode = %s, kimTypeId = %s, num of matching delegations = %d]",
250                     roleId, delegationTypeCode, kimTypeId, numMatching);
251         }
254     }
256     class BadDelegationMember {
258         final String delegationMemberId;
259         final String roleMemberId;
260         final String roleMemberRoleId;
261         final String roleMemberRoleKimTypeId;
262         final String delegationId;
263         final String delegationRoleId;
264         final String delegationTypeCode;
266         BadDelegationMember(String delegationMemberId, String roleMemberId, String roleMemberRoleId,
267                             String roleMemberRoleKimTypeId, String delegationId, String delegationRoleId,
268                             String delegationTypeCode) {
269             this.delegationMemberId = delegationMemberId;
270             this.roleMemberId = roleMemberId;
271             this.roleMemberRoleId = roleMemberRoleId;
272             this.roleMemberRoleKimTypeId = roleMemberRoleKimTypeId;
273             this.delegationId = delegationId;
274             this.delegationRoleId = delegationRoleId;
275             this.delegationTypeCode = delegationTypeCode;
276         }
278         String report() {
279             return "Found bad delegation member " + toString();
280         }
282         public String toString() {
283             return String.format("[delegationMemberId = %s, roleMemberId = %s, " +
284                             "roleMemberRoleId = %s, roleMemberRoleKimTypeId = %s, delegationId = %s, " +
285                             "delegationRoleId = %s, delegationTypeCode = %s]",
286                     delegationMemberId, roleMemberId, roleMemberRoleId, roleMemberRoleKimTypeId, delegationId,
287                     delegationRoleId, delegationTypeCode);
288         }
290     }
291 }