public interface CollectionGroup extends Group, DataBinding
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
completeValidation(ValidationTrace tracer)
Validates different requirements of component compiling a series of reports detailing information on errors
found in the component.
CollectionFilter |
Collection filter instance for filtering the collection data when the
showInactive flag is set to false
Action |
The add blank line
Action field rendered when renderAddBlankLineButton is true |
String |
The css style class that will be added on the add item group or row
String |
Convenience getter for the add line label field text.
List<? extends Component> |
Component fields that should be rendered for the add line.
BindingInfo |
BindingInfo instance for the add line property used to
determine the full binding path. |
DialogGroup |
Dialog group to use for the add line when
isAddWithDialog() is true. |
String |
Get the id of the add line action to invoke when the enter key is pressed.
List<? extends Component> |
List of
Component instances that should be rendered for the
collection add line (if enabled). |
Message |
Message instance for the add line label |
String |
Indicates the add line placement
String |
Name of the property that contains an instance for the add line.
Action |
Action that will be displayed that will open the add line group in a dialog. |
CollectionGroupBuilder |
CollectionGroupBuilder instance that will build the
components dynamically for the collection instance |
CollectionGroupSecurity |
Collection Security object that indicates what authorization (permissions) exist for the collection
QuickFinder |
Instance of the
QuickFinder widget that configures a multi-value lookup for the collection |
Class<?> |
Object class the collection maintains.
int |
The number of records to display for a collection
int |
Gets the displayLength, the number of items to display on the page (assuming useServerPaging is enabled).
int |
Gets the displayStart, the index of the first item to display on the page (assuming useServerPaging is enabled).
List<String> |
List of property names that should be checked for duplicates in the collection.
Action |
Action that will be displayed within the edit line group in a dialog. |
DialogGroup |
Dialog group prototype to use to create the edit line dialog when
is true. |
Action |
Action that will be displayed that will open the edit line group in a dialog. |
int |
Gets the number of un-filtered elements from the model collection.
List<CollectionFilter> |
List of
CollectionFilter instances that should be invoked to filter the collection before
displaying |
List<? extends Component> |
Action fields that should be rendered for each collection line.
List<DialogGroup> |
List of dialog groups that are configured for a line in the collection.
String |
Get the id of the nonAdd line action to invoke when the enter key is pressed.
String |
isIncludeLineSelectionField() is true, gives the name of the property the select field
should bind to |
String |
The css style class that will be added on new items
int |
getPageSize() |
List<CollectionGroup> |
List of
CollectionGroup instances that are sub-collections
of the collection represented by this collection group |
List<BindingInfo> |
List of
BindingInfo instances that represent lines not authorized to be viewed or edited by the user. |
void |
initializeNewCollectionLine(View view,
Object model,
CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
boolean clearExistingLine)
New collection lines are handled in the framework by maintaining a map on
the form.
boolean |
Indicates that a add action should be rendered and that the add group be displayed in a model dialog.
boolean |
Indicates that a custom edit line dialog is provided by the user.
boolean |
isEditLineAuthz() |
boolean |
Indicates that an edit action should be rendered and that the edit group be displayed in a model dialog.
boolean |
Indicates whether the add item group or row should be styled with the #addItemCssClass
boolean |
Indicates whether new items should be styled with the #newItemsCssClass
boolean |
Indicates whether lines of the collection group should be selected by rendering a
field for each line that will allow selection
boolean |
Indicates that a button will be rendered that allows the user to add blank lines to the collection
boolean |
Indicates whether an add line should be rendered for the collection
boolean |
isRenderInactiveToggleButton() |
boolean |
Indicates whether the action column for the collection should be rendered
boolean |
Indicates whether the save line actions should be rendered
boolean |
Indicates whether inactive collections lines should be displayed
boolean |
Gets useServerPaging, the flag that indicates whether server side paging is enabled.
boolean |
isViewLineAuthz() |
void |
Sets a reference in the context map for all nested components in the collection group
instance, and sets selected collection path and id data attributes on nested actions of this group.
void |
setActiveCollectionFilter(CollectionFilter activeCollectionFilter)
Setter for the collection filter to use for filter inactive records from the
void |
setAddBlankLineAction(Action addBlankLineAction)
Setter for the add blank line
Action field |
void |
setAddItemCssClass(String addItemCssClass)
Setter for the add item css style class
void |
setAddLabel(String addLabelText)
Setter for the add line label text
void |
setAddLineActions(List<? extends Component> addLineActions)
Setter for the add line action components fields
void |
setAddLineBindingInfo(BindingInfo addLineBindingInfo)
Setter for the add line binding info
void |
setAddLineDialog(DialogGroup addLineDialog) |
void |
setAddLineEnterKeyAction(String addLineEnterKeyAction) |
void |
setAddLineItems(List<? extends Component> addLineItems)
Setter for the add line field list
void |
setAddLineLabel(Message addLineLabel)
Setter for the
Message instance for the add line label |
void |
setAddLinePlacement(String addLinePlacement)
Setter for the add line placement
void |
setAddLinePropertyName(String addLinePropertyName)
Setter for the add line property name
void |
setAddWithDialog(boolean addWithDialog) |
void |
setAddWithDialogAction(Action addViaLightBoxAction) |
void |
setCollectionGroupBuilder(CollectionGroupBuilder collectionGroupBuilder)
Setter for the collection group building instance
void |
setCollectionLookup(QuickFinder collectionLookup)
Setter for the collection lookup quickfinder instance
void |
setCollectionObjectClass(Class<?> collectionObjectClass)
Setter for the collection object class
void |
setComponentSecurity(ComponentSecurity componentSecurity)
Override to assert a
CollectionGroupSecurity instance is set |
void |
setCustomEditLineDialog(boolean customEditLineDialog) |
void |
setDisplayCollectionSize(int displayCollectionSize)
Setter for the display collection size
void |
setDisplayLength(int displayLength)
Sets the displayLength, the number of items to display on the page (assuming useServerPaging is enabled).
void |
setDisplayStart(int displayStart)
Sets the displayStart, the index of the first item to display on the page (assuming useServerPaging is enabled).
void |
setDuplicateLinePropertyNames(List<String> duplicateLinePropertyNames) |
void |
setEditInDialogSaveActionPrototype(Action editInDialogSaveActionPrototype) |
void |
setEditLineAuthz(boolean editLineAuthz) |
void |
setEditLineDialogPrototype(DialogGroup editLineDialogPrototype) |
void |
setEditWithDialog(boolean editWithDialog) |
void |
setEditWithDialogActionPrototype(Action editWithDialogActionPrototype) |
void |
setFilteredCollectionSize(int filteredCollectionSize)
Sets the number of un-filtered elements from the model collection.
void |
setFilters(List<CollectionFilter> filters)
Setter for the List of collection filters for which the collection will be filtered against
void |
setHighlightAddItem(boolean highlightAddItem)
Setter for the flag that allows for different styling of the add item group or row
void |
setHighlightNewItems(boolean highlightNewItems)
Setter for the flag that allows for different styling of new items
void |
setIncludeLineSelectionField(boolean includeLineSelectionField)
Setter for the render selected field indicator
void |
setLineActions(List<? extends Component> lineActions)
Setter for the line action fields list
void |
setLineDialogs(List<DialogGroup> dialogGroups) |
void |
setLineEnterKeyAction(String lineEnterKeyAction) |
void |
setLineSelectPropertyName(String lineSelectPropertyName)
Setter for the property name that will bind to the select field
void |
setNewItemsCssClass(String newItemsCssClass)
Setter for the new items css style class
void |
setPageSize(int pageSize) |
void |
setPropertyName(String propertyName)
Setter for the collections property name
void |
setRenderAddBlankLineButton(boolean renderAddBlankLineButton)
Setter for the flag indicating that the add blank line button must be rendered
void |
setRenderAddLine(boolean renderAddLine)
Setter for the render add line indicator
void |
setRenderInactiveToggleButton(boolean renderInactiveToggleButton) |
void |
setRenderLineActions(boolean renderLineActions)
Setter for the render line actions indicator
void |
setRenderSaveLineActions(boolean renderSaveLineActions)
Setter for the flag indicating whether the save actions should be rendered
void |
setShowInactiveLines(boolean showInactiveLines)
Setter for the show inactive indicator
void |
setSubCollections(List<CollectionGroup> subCollections)
Setter for the sub collection list
void |
setUnauthorizedLineBindingInfos(List<BindingInfo> unauthorizedLineBindingInfos) |
void |
setUseServerPaging(boolean useServerPaging)
Sets useServerPaging, the flag indicating whether server side paging is enabled.
void |
setViewLineAuthz(boolean viewLineAuthz) |
getDisclosure, getFieldBindByNamePrefix, getFieldBindingObjectPath, getHeaderText, getScrollpane, getWrapperTag, isRenderLoading, setDisclosure, setFieldBindByNamePrefix, setFieldBindingObjectPath, setHeaderText, setRenderFooter, setScrollpane, setWrapperTag
getEnterKeyAction, getFooter, getHeader, getInstructionalMessage, getItems, getLayoutManager, getSupportedComponents, getValidationMessages, isProcessRemoteFieldHolders, setEnterKeyAction, setFooter, setHeader, setInstructionalMessage, setItems, setLayoutManager, setValidationMessages, sortItems
addAriaAttribute, addDataAttribute, addScriptDataAttribute, addStyleClass, addWrapperCssClass, afterEvaluateExpression, appendToStyle, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAdditionalCssClasses, getAdditionalTemplates, getAlign, getAriaAttributes, getAriaAttributesAsString, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentSecurity, getComponentTypeName, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getCssClasses, getCssGridSizes, getDataAttributes, getEventHandlerScript, getExcludeIf, getExcludeUnless, getFieldsToSendOnRefresh, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getLibraryCssClasses, getMethodToCallOnRefresh, getOrder, getPostRenderContent, getPreRenderContent, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getReadOnly, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRole, getRowSpan, getScriptDataAttributes, getScriptDataAttributesJs, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getStyleClassesAsString, getTemplate, getTemplateName, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getWidth, getWrapperCssClasses, getWrapperStyle, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isRefreshedByAction, isRendered, isResetDataOnRefresh, isRetrieveViaAjax, isSelfRendered, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAdditionalCssClasses, setAlign, setAriaAttributes, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setCssClasses, setCssGridSizes, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setFieldsToSendOnRefresh, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setLibraryCssClasses, setOrder, setPostRenderContent, setPreRenderContent, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRetrieveViaAjax, setRole, setRowSpan, setScriptDataAttributes, setSelfRendered, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateName, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setValign, setViewStatus, setWidth, setWrapperCssClasses, setWrapperStyle
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions
dataDictionaryPostProcessing, getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode
checkMutable, getContainerIdSuffix, getId, getPhasePathMapping, getViewPath, getViewStatus, isFinal, isInitialized, isModelApplied, isMutable, isRender, notifyCompleted, performApplyModel, performFinalize, performInitialization, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, setContainerIdSuffix, setId, setPhasePathMapping, setRender, setViewPath, skipLifecycle
getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnInputScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, setOnBlurScript, setOnChangeScript, setOnClickScript, setOnCloseScript, setOnDblClickScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnFocusScript, setOnInputScript, setOnKeyDownScript, setOnKeyPressScript, setOnKeyUpScript, setOnLoadScript, setOnMouseDownScript, setOnMouseMoveScript, setOnMouseOutScript, setOnMouseOverScript, setOnMouseUpScript, setOnSubmitScript, setOnUnloadScript
getHelp, getHelpTitle, setHelp, setTooltipOfComponent
getBindingInfo, getPropertyName, setBindingInfo
void pushCollectionGroupToReference()
void initializeNewCollectionLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, boolean clearExistingLine)
if an instance
is not available (clearExistingLine will force a new instance). The given
model must be a subclass of UifFormBase
in order to find the
- Model instance that contains the new collection lines MapclearExistingLine
- boolean that indicates whether the line should be set to a
new instance if it already existsClass<?> getCollectionObjectClass()
void setCollectionObjectClass(Class<?> collectionObjectClass)
- void setPropertyName(String propertyName)
- List<? extends Component> getLineActions()
void setLineActions(List<? extends Component> lineActions)
- boolean isRenderLineActions()
void setRenderLineActions(boolean renderLineActions)
- boolean isRenderAddLine()
void setRenderAddLine(boolean renderAddLine)
- String getAddLineEnterKeyAction()
Use '@DEFAULT' if supposed to use first action where 'defaultEnterKeyAction' property is set to true.
void setAddLineEnterKeyAction(String addLineEnterKeyAction)
String getLineEnterKeyAction()
Use '@DEFAULT' if supposed to use first action where 'defaultEnterKeyAction' property is set to true. In a collection may have to use SpringEL to identify line ID values. Here is a sample value: DemoButton@{#lineSuffix}. Notice the use of '@{#lineSuffix}' to help append line suffix information.
void setLineEnterKeyAction(String lineEnterKeyAction)
String getAddLabel()
For the TableLayoutManager
the label appears in the sequence
column to the left of the add line fields. For the
the label is placed into the group
header for the line.
void setAddLabel(String addLabelText)
- Message getAddLineLabel()
instance for the add line labelgetAddLabel()
void setAddLineLabel(Message addLineLabel)
instance for the add line labeladdLineLabel
- getAddLabel()
String getAddLinePropertyName()
void setAddLinePropertyName(String addLinePropertyName)
- BindingInfo getAddLineBindingInfo()
instance for the add line property used to
determine the full binding path. If add line name given
then it is set as the binding name on the
binding info. Add line label and binding info are not required, in which
case the framework will manage the new add line instances through a
generic map (model must extend UifFormBase)void setAddLineBindingInfo(BindingInfo addLineBindingInfo)
- List<? extends Component> getAddLineItems()
instances that should be rendered for the
collection add line (if enabled). If not set, the default group's items
list will be usedLifecycleElement.performInitialization(Object)
void setAddLineItems(List<? extends Component> addLineItems)
- List<? extends Component> getAddLineActions()
This is generally the add action (button) but can be configured to contain additional components
void setAddLineActions(List<? extends Component> addLineActions)
- boolean isIncludeLineSelectionField()
For example, having the select field enabled could allow selecting multiple lines from a search to return (multi-value lookup)
void setIncludeLineSelectionField(boolean includeLineSelectionField)
- String getLineSelectPropertyName()
is true, gives the name of the property the select field
should bind to
Note if no prefix is given in the property name, such as 'form.', it is assumed the property is contained on the collection line. In this case the binding path to the collection line will be appended. In other cases, it is assumed the property is a list or set of String that will hold the selected identifier strings
This property is not required. If not the set the framework will use a property contained on
void setLineSelectPropertyName(String lineSelectPropertyName)
- QuickFinder getCollectionLookup()
widget that configures a multi-value lookup for the collection
If the collection lookup is enabled (by the render property of the quick finder), getCollectionObjectClass()
will be used as the data object class for the lookup (if not set). Field
conversions need to be set as usual and will be applied for each line returned
void setCollectionLookup(QuickFinder collectionLookup)
- boolean isShowInactiveLines()
Setting only applies when the collection line type implements the
interface. If true and showInactive is
set to false, the collection will be filtered to remove any items
whose active status returns false
void setShowInactiveLines(boolean showInactiveLines)
- boolean show inactiveCollectionFilter getActiveCollectionFilter()
void setActiveCollectionFilter(CollectionFilter activeCollectionFilter)
- CollectionFilter instanceList<CollectionFilter> getFilters()
instances that should be invoked to filter the collection before
displayingvoid setFilters(List<CollectionFilter> filters)
- List<String> getDuplicateLinePropertyNames()
void setDuplicateLinePropertyNames(List<String> duplicateLinePropertyNames)
List<BindingInfo> getUnauthorizedLineBindingInfos()
instances that represent lines not authorized to be viewed or edited by the user.void setUnauthorizedLineBindingInfos(List<BindingInfo> unauthorizedLineBindingInfos)
List<CollectionGroup> getSubCollections()
instances that are sub-collections
of the collection represented by this collection groupvoid setSubCollections(List<CollectionGroup> subCollections)
- CollectionGroupSecurity getCollectionGroupSecurity()
void setComponentSecurity(ComponentSecurity componentSecurity)
instance is setsetComponentSecurity
in interface Component
- instance of CollectionGroupSecurityboolean isEditLineAuthz()
void setEditLineAuthz(boolean editLineAuthz)
boolean isViewLineAuthz()
void setViewLineAuthz(boolean viewLineAuthz)
CollectionGroupBuilder getCollectionGroupBuilder()
instance that will build the
components dynamically for the collection instancevoid setCollectionGroupBuilder(CollectionGroupBuilder collectionGroupBuilder)
- void setRenderInactiveToggleButton(boolean renderInactiveToggleButton)
- the showHideInactiveButton to setboolean isRenderInactiveToggleButton()
int getDisplayCollectionSize()
void setDisplayCollectionSize(int displayCollectionSize)
- boolean isHighlightNewItems()
void setHighlightNewItems(boolean highlightNewItems)
- String getNewItemsCssClass()
void setNewItemsCssClass(String newItemsCssClass)
- String getAddItemCssClass()
void setAddItemCssClass(String addItemCssClass)
- boolean isHighlightAddItem()
void setHighlightAddItem(boolean highlightAddItem)
- boolean isRenderAddBlankLineButton()
The button will be added separately from the collection items. The default add line wil not be rendered. The action of the button will call the controller, add the blank line to the collection and do a component refresh.
void setRenderAddBlankLineButton(boolean renderAddBlankLineButton)
- Action getAddBlankLineAction()
field rendered when renderAddBlankLineButton is truevoid setAddBlankLineAction(Action addBlankLineAction)
- String getAddLinePlacement()
Valid values are 'TOP' or 'BOTTOM'. The default is 'TOP'. When the value is 'BOTTOM' the blank line will be added to the end of the collection.
void setAddLinePlacement(String addLinePlacement)
- add line placement stringboolean isRenderSaveLineActions()
void setRenderSaveLineActions(boolean renderSaveLineActions)
- boolean isAddWithDialog()
void setAddWithDialog(boolean addWithDialog)
Action getAddWithDialogAction()
that will be displayed that will open the add line group in a dialog.void setAddWithDialogAction(Action addViaLightBoxAction)
DialogGroup getAddLineDialog()
is true.
If dialog group is not set by add with dialog is true, a default dialog group will be created.
The add line items and actions are still used as usual, unless the items and footer items have been explicity set in the dialog group
void setAddLineDialog(DialogGroup addLineDialog)
boolean isUseServerPaging()
void setUseServerPaging(boolean useServerPaging)
- the useServerPaging value to setint getPageSize()
void setPageSize(int pageSize)
int getDisplayStart()
if this field has not been set, the returned value will be -1
void setDisplayStart(int displayStart)
- the displayStart to setint getDisplayLength()
if this field has not been set, the returned value will be -1
void setDisplayLength(int displayLength)
- the displayLength to setint getFilteredCollectionSize()
if this field has not been set, the returned value will be -1
void setFilteredCollectionSize(int filteredCollectionSize)
This value is used for display and rendering purposes, it has no effect on the model collection
- the filtered collection sizevoid completeValidation(ValidationTrace tracer)
in interface Component
- Record of component's locationComponent.completeValidation(org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validator.ValidationTrace)
boolean isEditWithDialog()
void setEditWithDialog(boolean editWithDialog)
boolean isCustomEditLineDialog()
void setCustomEditLineDialog(boolean customEditLineDialog)
DialogGroup getEditLineDialogPrototype()
is true.
If not specified a default prototype edit line dialog will be created with the items from the collection.
void setEditLineDialogPrototype(DialogGroup editLineDialogPrototype)
Action getEditWithDialogActionPrototype()
that will be displayed that will open the edit line group in a dialog.void setEditWithDialogActionPrototype(Action editWithDialogActionPrototype)
Action getEditInDialogSaveActionPrototype()
that will be displayed within the edit line group in a dialog.void setEditInDialogSaveActionPrototype(Action editInDialogSaveActionPrototype)
List<DialogGroup> getLineDialogs()
void setLineDialogs(List<DialogGroup> dialogGroups)
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