Class | Description |
IncidentReportController |
Handler for incident reports
ModuleLockedController |
Loads the module locked view when a user accesses a module which has been locked for maintenance
ModuleLockingHandlerInterceptor |
Interceptor which checks whether the module the request was made for is locked and if so forwards the
request to the module locked controller
SessionTimeoutController |
Controller class for the session timeout view.
UifClientListener |
Controller that receives various ajax requests from the client to manager server side state
UifControllerBase |
Base controller class for views within the KRAD User Interface Framework.
UifControllerHandlerInterceptor |
Spring controller intercepter for KRAD controllers.
UifDefaultFormMethodArgumentResolver | |
UifExportController |
Controller that handles table export requests.
UifHandlerExceptionResolver |
Spring Exception intercepter
UifRequestMappingHandlerAdapter |
Override of request mapping handler apapter to create a custom binder factory.
UifRequestMappingHandlerMapping |
Overriding of provided spring handler mapping to allow controllers with the same mapping to exist, and override
if necessary.
Exception | Description |
MethodAccessException |
Runtime exception thrown when a controller method is requested that is not accessible.
Annotation Type | Description |
MethodAccessible |
Annotation to indicate a controller method should allow access regardless of view configuration.
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