
Class Summary
AuthorizationServiceImplTest This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in.
GroupServiceImplTest This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in.
GroupServiceRemoteTest Test the GroupService via remote calls
GroupServiceTest Test the GroupService
GroupUpdateServiceImplTest Unit test for groupServiceImpl
IdentityArchiveServiceRemoteTest Test the IdentityArchiveService via remote calls
IdentityArchiveServiceTest Unit test for the IdentityArchiveService
IdentityServiceRemoteTest Test the IdentityService via remote calls
PermissionServiceRemoteTest Test the PermissionService via remote calls
PermissionServiceTest Test the PermissionService
PersonServiceImplTest This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in.
RoleServiceRemoteTest Test the RoleService via remote calls
RoleServiceTest Test the RoleService
UiDocumentServiceImplTest This is a description of what this class does - shyu don't forget to fill this in.

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