Class EmployeeAttribute

  extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractWorkflowAttribute
      extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.GenericWorkflowAttribute
          extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.GenericRoleAttribute
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, RoleAttribute, WorkflowRuleAttribute

public class EmployeeAttribute
extends GenericRoleAttribute

An attribute implementation that can resolve organizational roles

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.GenericWorkflowAttribute
attributeName, content, log
Fields inherited from class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractWorkflowAttribute
Constructor Summary
EmployeeAttribute(String traveler)
Method Summary
 List getFieldConversions()
          Required to support flex routing report
 Map<String,String> getProperties()
          Template method for subclasses to override to expose attribute state
protected  List<String> getRoleNameQualifiers(String roleName, DocumentContent documentContent)
          Template method responsible for producing qualifiers for a role name
 List<RoleName> getRoleNames()
          List of RoleNames this RoleAttribute supports
 List<Row> getRoutingDataRows()
          RoutingDataRows contain Rows describing the UI-level presentation of the ruleData fields used to determine where a given document would be routed according to the associated rule.
protected  boolean isValidRole(String roleName)
protected  ResolvedQualifiedRole resolveQualifiedRole(RouteContext routeContext, QualifiedRoleName qualifiedRoleName)
          Template method that delegates to GenericRoleAttribute.resolveRecipients(RouteContext, QualifiedRoleName) and {@link #getLabelForQualifiedRoleName(QualifiedRoleName)
protected  List<Id> resolveRecipients(RouteContext routeContext, QualifiedRoleName qualifiedRoleName)
          Template method for subclasses to implement
 void setTraveler(String traveler)
          for edoclite??
 List validateRoutingData(Map paramMap)
          These guys should probably be implemented to set the parameters on an internal member property map this attribute should use to contain all properties set on it, like StandardGenericXmlAttribute.
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.GenericRoleAttribute
generateQualifiedRoleNames, getLabelForQualifiedRoleName, getQualifiedRoleNames, isMatch, resolveQualifiedRole
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.GenericWorkflowAttribute
getDocContent, getRuleExtensionValues, isMatch, isMatch, validateRuleData
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.AbstractWorkflowAttribute
getIdFieldName, getLockFieldName, getRuleRows, isRequired, setRequired
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.WorkflowRuleAttribute
getDocContent, getRuleExtensionValues, getRuleRows, isRequired, setRequired, validateRuleData

Constructor Detail


public EmployeeAttribute()


public EmployeeAttribute(String traveler)
Method Detail


public void setTraveler(String traveler)
for edoclite??


public List<RoleName> getRoleNames()
Description copied from interface: RoleAttribute
List of RoleNames this RoleAttribute supports

list of RoleNames this RoleAttribute supports


protected boolean isValidRole(String roleName)


protected List<String> getRoleNameQualifiers(String roleName,
                                             DocumentContent documentContent)
Description copied from class: GenericRoleAttribute
Template method responsible for producing qualifiers for a role name

getRoleNameQualifiers in class GenericRoleAttribute


protected ResolvedQualifiedRole resolveQualifiedRole(RouteContext routeContext,
                                                     QualifiedRoleName qualifiedRoleName)
Description copied from class: GenericRoleAttribute
Template method that delegates to GenericRoleAttribute.resolveRecipients(RouteContext, QualifiedRoleName) and {@link #getLabelForQualifiedRoleName(QualifiedRoleName)

resolveQualifiedRole in class GenericRoleAttribute


protected List<Id> resolveRecipients(RouteContext routeContext,
                                     QualifiedRoleName qualifiedRoleName)
Description copied from class: GenericRoleAttribute
Template method for subclasses to implement

resolveRecipients in class GenericRoleAttribute


public Map<String,String> getProperties()
Description copied from class: GenericWorkflowAttribute
Template method for subclasses to override to expose attribute state

Specified by:
getProperties in class GenericWorkflowAttribute
map exposing attribute state


public List getFieldConversions()
Required to support flex routing report

See Also:


public List<Row> getRoutingDataRows()
Description copied from interface: WorkflowRuleAttribute
RoutingDataRows contain Rows describing the UI-level presentation of the ruleData fields used to determine where a given document would be routed according to the associated rule.

The getRoutingDataRows method returns a list of rows that contain Fields describing the UI-level presentation of a single RuleExtensionValue for the routing report feature. These rows are used to determine where an eDoc would route if these values were entered. They are constructed the same way rule rows are described above and a lot of times are identical.

Additionally, it is very important that the List of Row objects is reconstructed every time getRoutingDataRows is called. This is because the code which processes these Rows will set the propertyValue directly on the Field objects contained within. Essentially, this means the Rows and Fields should not be constructed once inside of the attribute and cached statically, but instead be recreated each time this method is called.

Specified by:
getRoutingDataRows in interface WorkflowRuleAttribute
getRoutingDataRows in class AbstractWorkflowAttribute


public List validateRoutingData(Map paramMap)
Description copied from class: GenericWorkflowAttribute
These guys should probably be implemented to set the parameters on an internal member property map this attribute should use to contain all properties set on it, like StandardGenericXmlAttribute.

Specified by:
validateRoutingData in interface WorkflowRuleAttribute
validateRoutingData in class GenericWorkflowAttribute
paramMap - Map containing the names and values of the routing data for this Attribute
See Also:
TODO: implement me!

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