Package org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container

Interface Summary
CollectionFilter Provides filtering on collection data within a CollectionGroup
CollectionGroup Interface representing an editable collection within a view.
Container Type of component that contains a collection of other components.
Group Common interface for group components.
PageGroup Interface for top-level page components, to be used as items in a multi-page view.

Class Summary
AccordionGroup Accordion group class used to stack groups by there header titles in an accordion layout.
ActiveCollectionFilter Collection filter that removes inactive lines from a collection whose line types implement the Inactivatable interface
CollectionGroupBase Group that holds a collection of objects and configuration for presenting the collection in the UI.
CollectionGroupBuilder Builds out the Field instances for a collection group with a series of steps that interact with the configured CollectionLayoutManager to assemble the fields as necessary for the layout.
CollectionGroupLineBuilder Process configuration from the collection group to prepare components for a new line and invokes the associated layout manager to add the line.
CollectionGroupSecurity Collection Group security is used to flag that permissions exist for the associated CollectionGroup in KIM and should be checked to determine the associated group, line, and field state.
ContainerBase Base Container implementation which container implementations can extend
DialogGroup Special type of Group that presents a the content for a modal dialog
ELCollectionFilter Collection filter that evaluates a configured el expression against each line
GroupBase Container that holds a list of Field or other Group instances
InitializeContainerFromHelperTask Invoke custom initialization on the container from the view helper.
LightTable LightTable is a light-weight collection table implementation that supports a subset of features, Current known supported features are: DataField InputField with TextControl, CheckboxControl, or single SelectControl MessageField LinkField ActionField ImageField most RichTable options FieldGroup containing only Actions, Image, Messages, or Links SpringEL for String properties on supported components only SpringEL specifically for the render property Other features are not guaranteed to work, but may work at your own risk.
LinkGroup Special Group that presents a grouping on links, which can also include nested groupings of links
MaintenanceActiveCollectionFilter Collection filter for maintenance groups that removes inactive lines if certain conditions are met
NavigationGroup Special Group that renders a navigation section
PageGroupBase A PageGroup represents a page of a View.
ProcessRemoteFieldsHolderTask Process any remote fields holder that might be in the containers items.
SidebarNavigationGroup A navigation group which renders a menu with items, that is shown at the side of the page with collapse functionality
TabGroup A group that presents its child Groups as tabs.
TreeGroup Group component that is backed by a Tree data structure and typically rendered as a tree in the user interface

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