Class LookupView

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
          extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
              extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.ContainerBase
                  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View
                      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.FormView
                          extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.lookup.LookupView
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Copyable, DictionaryBean, UifDictionaryBean, Component, ScriptEventSupport, Container, LifecycleElement, Helpable, org.springframework.core.Ordered

public class LookupView
extends FormView

View type for lookups.

Supports doing a search against a data object class or performing a more advanced query. The view type is primarily made up of two groups, the search (or criteria) group and the results group. Many options are supported on the view to enable/disable certain features, like what actions are available on the search results.

Works in conjunction with Lookupable which customizes the view and carries out the business functionality

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View
applyDirtyCheck, viewIndex
Fields inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
Fields inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
Fields inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Ordered
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addActiveCriteriaIfNecessary()
          Adds the 'active' property criteria to the criteria fields if the BO is inactivatable and their is not already a lookup field for the active property.
 LookupView clone()
          Clones the LookupView with a deep copy.
protected  void convertLookupCriteriaFields(Group lookupGroup)
          Performs conversions of the lookup criteria fields within the given group's items.
protected  FieldGroup createDateRangeFieldGroup(LookupInputField toDate)
          Creates a FieldGroup instance to replace the given lookup input field as a date criteria range.
 List<String> getAdditionalSecurePropertyNames()
          List of secure property names that are in addition to the ComponentSecurity or AttributeSecurity attributes.
 List<Component> getCriteriaFields()
          List of fields that will be rendered for the lookup criteria.
 Group getCriteriaGroup()
          Component Group instance to render as search criteria.
 Class<?> getDataObjectClass()
          Class for the data object the lookup applies to.
 List<String> getDefaultSortAttributeNames()
          List of property names on the configured data object class that will be used to perform the initial sorting of the search results.
 String getMaintenanceUrlMapping()
          String that maps to the maintenance controller for the maintenance document (if any) associated with the lookup data object class.
 Integer getMultipleValuesSelectResultSetLimit()
          Retrieves the maximum number of records that will be listed as a result of the multiple values select lookup search.
 Message getRangedToMessage()
          Component Message instance to render between the range criteria fields within a range field group.
 FieldGroup getRangeFieldGroupPrototype()
          Field group prototype that will be copied to create any date range field groups.
 List<Component> getResultFields()
          List of fields that will be rendered for the result collection group, each field will be a column (assuming table layout is used).
 Integer getResultSetLimit()
          Retrieves the maximum number of records that will be listed as a result of the lookup search.
 CollectionGroup getResultsGroup()
          Component CollectionGroup instance to render for the lookup results.
protected  void initializeGroups()
          Adds the list of criteria and result fields to their group prototypes, then adds the criteria and result groups to the items for the view.
 boolean isAutoAddActiveCriteria()
          Indicates whether the 'active' criteria field must be added automatically for Inactivatable business objects.
 boolean isDefaultSortAscending()
          Indicates whether the initial sort performed using getDefaultSortAttributeNames() is done based on ascending or descending order (default is true, ascending).
 boolean isHideCriteriaOnSearch()
 boolean isMultipleValuesSelect()
          Indicates whether multiple values select should be enabled for the lookup.
 boolean isRenderCriteriaActions()
          Indicates whether the action buttons like search in the criteria group footer should be rendered, defaults to true.
 boolean isRenderLookupCriteria()
          Indicates whether the lookup criteria group should be rendered, default to true.
 Boolean isRenderMaintenanceLinks()
          Indicates whether links for maintenance actions (new, edit, copy, delete) should be rendered.
 boolean isRenderResultActions()
          Indicates whether the actions column for the search results collection group should be rendered (default is true).
 Boolean isRenderReturnLink()
          Indicates whether a return value link should be rendered for each result row.
 void performApplyModel(Object model, LifecycleElement parent)
          Reads the convenience render flags and sets the corresponding component property, processing the criteria fields for any adjustments, and invokes the lookup authorizer to determine whether maintenance links should be shown.
 void performFinalize(Object model, LifecycleElement parent)
          Forces session persistence on the criteria fields so the search criteria can be validated on post.
 void performInitialization(Object model)
          Initializes Lookupable with data object class and sets the abstractTypeClasses map for the lookup object path.
 void setAdditionalSecurePropertyNames(List<String> additionalSecurePropertyNames)
 void setAutoAddActiveCriteria(boolean autoAddActiveCriteria)
 void setCriteriaFields(List<Component> criteriaFields)
 void setCriteriaGroup(Group criteriaGroup)
 void setDataObjectClass(Class<?> dataObjectClass)
 void setDataObjectClassName(String dataObjectClassName)
          Convenience setter to configure the lookup data object class by class name.
 void setDefaultSortAscending(boolean defaultSortAscending)
 void setDefaultSortAttributeNames(List<String> defaultSortAttributeNames)
 void setHideCriteriaOnSearch(boolean hideCriteriaOnSearch)
 void setMaintenanceUrlMapping(String maintenanceUrlMapping)
 void setMultipleValuesSelect(boolean multipleValuesSelect)
 void setMultipleValuesSelectResultSetLimit(Integer multipleValuesSelectResultSetLimit)
 void setRangedToMessage(Message rangedToMessage)
 void setRangeFieldGroupPrototype(FieldGroup rangeFieldGroupPrototype)
 void setRenderCriteriaActions(boolean renderCriteriaActions)
 void setRenderLookupCriteria(boolean renderLookupCriteria)
 void setRenderMaintenanceLinks(Boolean renderMaintenanceLinks)
 void setRenderResultActions(boolean renderResultActions)
 void setRenderReturnLink(Boolean renderReturnLink)
 void setResultFields(List<Component> resultFields)
 void setResultSetLimit(Integer resultSetLimit)
 void setResultsGroup(CollectionGroup resultsGroup)
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.FormView
getAdditionalHiddenValues, getFormPostUrl, isRenderForm, isValidateClientSide, isValidateServerSide, setAdditionalHiddenValues, setFormPostUrl, setRenderForm, setValidateClientSide, setValidateServerSide
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View
addViewTemplate, clearIndex, completeValidation, getActionFlags, getAdditionalCssFiles, getAdditionalHeadLinks, getAdditionalMetaTags, getAdditionalScriptFiles, getApplicationFooter, getApplicationHeader, getAuthorizer, getBreadcrumbItem, getBreadcrumbItems, getBreadcrumbOptions, getBreadcrumbs, getComponentTypeName, getContentContainerClassesAsString, getContentContainerCssClasses, getCurrentPage, getCurrentPageId, getDefaultBindingObjectPath, getDialogs, getEditModes, getEntryPageId, getExpressionVariables, getFormClass, getGrowls, getItems, getNamespaceCode, getNavigation, getNavigationBlockUI, getObjectPathToConcreteClassMapping, getPage, getPagesForPreprocessing, getParentLocation, getPathBasedBreadcrumbs, getPreLoadScript, getPreModelContext, getPresentationController, getRefreshBlockUI, getSessionPolicy, getStateMapping, getStateObjectBindingPath, getSupportedComponents, getTheme, getTopGroup, getViewHelperService, getViewHelperServiceClass, getViewIndex, getViewMenuGroupName, getViewMenuLink, getViewName, getViewRequestParameters, getViewTemplates, getViewTypeName, initializePendingTasks, isApplyDirtyCheck, isDisableBrowserCache, isDisableNativeAutocomplete, isGrowlMessagingEnabled, isMergeWithPageItems, isPersistFormToSession, isSinglePageView, isStickyApplicationFooter, isStickyApplicationHeader, isStickyBreadcrumbs, isStickyFooter, isStickyHeader, isStickyTopGroup, isSupportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields, isTranslateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay, isUnifiedHeader, isUseLibraryCssClasses, notifyCompleted, setActionFlags, setAdditionalCssFiles, setAdditionalHeadLinks, setAdditionalMetaTags, setAdditionalScriptFiles, setApplicationFooter, setApplicationHeader, setApplyDirtyCheck, setAuthorizer, setAuthorizerClass, setBreadcrumbItem, setBreadcrumbOptions, setBreadcrumbs, setContentContainerCssClasses, setCurrentPageId, setDefaultBindingObjectPath, setDialogs, setDisableBrowserCache, setDisableNativeAutocomplete, setEditModes, setEntryPageId, setExpressionVariables, setFormClass, setGrowlMessagingEnabled, setGrowls, setItems, setMergeWithPageItems, setNamespaceCode, setNavigation, setNavigationBlockUI, setObjectPathToConcreteClassMapping, setPage, setParentLocation, setPathBasedBreadcrumbs, setPersistFormToSession, setPreLoadScript, setPresentationController, setPresentationControllerClass, setRefreshBlockUI, setSessionPolicy, setSinglePageView, setStateMapping, setStateObjectBindingPath, setStickyApplicationFooter, setStickyApplicationHeader, setStickyBreadcrumbs, setStickyFooter, setStickyHeader, setStickyTopGroup, setSupportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields, setTheme, setTopGroup, setTranslateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay, setUnifiedHeader, setUseLibraryCssClasses, setViewHelperService, setViewHelperServiceClass, setViewMenuGroupName, setViewMenuLink, setViewName, setViewRequestParameters, setViewTemplates, setViewTypeName, sortItems
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.ContainerBase
getAdditionalTemplates, getDefaultItemPosition, getFooter, getHeader, getHeaderText, getHelp, getHelpTitle, getInstructionalMessage, getInstructionalText, getLayoutManager, getValidationMessages, isProcessRemoteFieldHolders, setDefaultItemPosition, setFooter, setHeader, setHeaderText, setHelp, setInstructionalMessage, setInstructionalText, setLayoutManager, setRenderFooter, setRenderHeader, setTooltipOfComponent, setValidationMessages
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
addDataAttribute, addScriptDataAttribute, addStyleClass, addWrapperCssClass, appendToStyle, checkMutable, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAdditionalCssClasses, getAlign, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentSecurity, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContainerIdSuffix, getContext, getCssClasses, getDataAttributes, getEventHandlerScript, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getLibraryCssClasses, getMethodToCallOnRefresh, getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnInputScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, getOrder, getPhasePathMapping, getPostRenderContent, getPreRenderContent, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getScriptDataAttributes, getScriptDataAttributesJs, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getStyleClassesAsString, getTemplate, getTemplateName, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getViewPath, getViewStatus, getWidth, getWrapperCssClasses, getWrapperCssClassesAsString, getWrapperStyle, initializeComponentSecurity, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isEditAuthz, isFinal, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isInitialized, isModelApplied, isMutable, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isRendered, isResetDataOnRefresh, isRetrieveViaAjax, isSelfRendered, isSkipInTabOrder, isViewAuthz, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, pushToPropertyReplacerContext, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAdditionalCssClasses, setAlign, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setComponentSecurity, setConditionalRefresh, setContainerIdSuffix, setContext, setCssClasses, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setEditAuthz, setFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, setFinalizeMethodInvoker, setFinalizeMethodToCall, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setId, setLibraryCssClasses, setMethodToCallOnRefresh, setOnBlurScript, setOnChangeScript, setOnClickScript, setOnCloseScript, setOnDblClickScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnFocusScript, setOnInputScript, setOnKeyDownScript, setOnKeyPressScript, setOnKeyUpScript, setOnLoadScript, setOnMouseDownScript, setOnMouseMoveScript, setOnMouseOutScript, setOnMouseOverScript, setOnMouseUpScript, setOnSubmitScript, setOnUnloadScript, setOrder, setPhasePathMapping, setPostRenderContent, setPreRenderContent, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRender, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRetrieveViaAjax, setRowSpan, setScriptDataAttributes, setSelfRendered, setSkipInTabOrder, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateName, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setValign, setViewAuthz, setViewPath, setViewStatus, setWidth, setWrapperCssClasses, setWrapperStyle, skipLifecycle
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
dataDictionaryPostProcessing, getComponentCode, setComponentCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component
addDataAttribute, addScriptDataAttribute, addStyleClass, addWrapperCssClass, appendToStyle, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAdditionalCssClasses, getAlign, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentSecurity, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getCssClasses, getDataAttributes, getEventHandlerScript, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getLibraryCssClasses, getMethodToCallOnRefresh, getOrder, getPostRenderContent, getPreRenderContent, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getScriptDataAttributes, getScriptDataAttributesJs, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getStyleClassesAsString, getTemplate, getTemplateName, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getWidth, getWrapperCssClasses, getWrapperStyle, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefreshedByAction, isRendered, isResetDataOnRefresh, isRetrieveViaAjax, isSelfRendered, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAdditionalCssClasses, setAlign, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setComponentSecurity, setConditionalRefresh, setCssClasses, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setLibraryCssClasses, setOrder, setPostRenderContent, setPreRenderContent, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRetrieveViaAjax, setRowSpan, setScriptDataAttributes, setSelfRendered, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateName, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setValign, setViewStatus, setWidth, setWrapperCssClasses, setWrapperStyle
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBean
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBean
dataDictionaryPostProcessing, getComponentCode
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.LifecycleElement
checkMutable, getContainerIdSuffix, getContext, getId, getPhasePathMapping, getViewPath, getViewStatus, isFinal, isInitialized, isModelApplied, isMutable, isRender, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, setContainerIdSuffix, setContext, setId, setPhasePathMapping, setRender, setViewPath, skipLifecycle
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ScriptEventSupport
getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnInputScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, setOnBlurScript, setOnChangeScript, setOnClickScript, setOnCloseScript, setOnDblClickScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnFocusScript, setOnInputScript, setOnKeyDownScript, setOnKeyPressScript, setOnKeyUpScript, setOnLoadScript, setOnMouseDownScript, setOnMouseMoveScript, setOnMouseOutScript, setOnMouseOverScript, setOnMouseUpScript, setOnSubmitScript, setOnUnloadScript

Constructor Detail


public LookupView()
Method Detail


public void performInitialization(Object model)
Initializes Lookupable with data object class and sets the abstractTypeClasses map for the lookup object path. The following initialization is performed: The following initialization is performed: Initializes the component

Where components can set defaults and setup other necessary state. The initialize method should only be called once per component lifecycle and is invoked within the initialize phase of the view lifecylce.

Specified by:
performInitialization in interface LifecycleElement
performInitialization in class View
model - - object instance containing the view data
See Also:


public void performApplyModel(Object model,
                              LifecycleElement parent)
Reads the convenience render flags and sets the corresponding component property, processing the criteria fields for any adjustments, and invokes the lookup authorizer to determine whether maintenance links should be shown. The following updates are done here:

Specified by:
performApplyModel in interface LifecycleElement
performApplyModel in class View
model - - Top level object containing the data (could be the form or a top level business object, dto)
parent - parent lifecycle element


public void performFinalize(Object model,
                            LifecycleElement parent)
Forces session persistence on the criteria fields so the search criteria can be validated on post. The following is performed: The following is performed: The following finalization is performed: The following finalization is done here: The last phase before the view is rendered

Here final preparations can be made based on the updated view state.

Specified by:
performFinalize in interface LifecycleElement
performFinalize in class FormView
model - - top level object containing the data
parent - - parent component


protected void addActiveCriteriaIfNecessary()
Adds the 'active' property criteria to the criteria fields if the BO is inactivatable and their is not already a lookup field for the active property.


protected void initializeGroups()
Adds the list of criteria and result fields to their group prototypes, then adds the criteria and result groups to the items for the view.


protected void convertLookupCriteriaFields(Group lookupGroup)
Performs conversions of the lookup criteria fields within the given group's items.

Max lengths are removed on text controls so wildcards can be added. Ranged date fields are converted to field groups with the from/to date fields


protected FieldGroup createDateRangeFieldGroup(LookupInputField toDate)
Creates a FieldGroup instance to replace the given lookup input field as a date criteria range.

The field group is created by copying rangeFieldGroupPrototype. This can be used to configure how the field group will appear. In addition, the two lookup fields are separated with a message that can be configured with rangedToMessage

toDate - lookup input field that field group should be build for
field group that contains a from and to lookup input field for searching a date range
See Also:
rangeFieldGroupPrototype, rangedToMessage


public Class<?> getDataObjectClass()
Class for the data object the lookup applies to.

The object class name is used to pick up a dictionary entry which will feed the attribute field definitions and other configuration. In addition it is to configure the Lookupable which will carry out the search action

lookup data object class


public void setDataObjectClass(Class<?> dataObjectClass)
See Also:


public void setDataObjectClassName(String dataObjectClassName)
Convenience setter to configure the lookup data object class by class name.

dataObjectClassName - full class name for the lookup data object


public Boolean isRenderReturnLink()
Indicates whether a return value link should be rendered for each result row.

When the lookup is called from a view (using a QuickFinder the return link can be returned to allow the user to return a value(s) for a selected row. Note, if this is not manually set the framework will determine when the lookup is called from a quickfinder and turn this flag on

boolean true if the return link should be rendered for each result row, false if not


public void setRenderReturnLink(Boolean renderReturnLink)
See Also:


public boolean isRenderResultActions()
Indicates whether the actions column for the search results collection group should be rendered (default is true).

Note this is a convenience property for setting the render property on the result collection group

boolean true if the result actions column should be rendered, false if not


public void setRenderResultActions(boolean renderResultActions)
See Also:


public Boolean isRenderMaintenanceLinks()
Indicates whether links for maintenance actions (new, edit, copy, delete) should be rendered.

When this property is not manually set it will be enabled by the framework when a lookup is not invoked from a quickfinder (for example a standard link from a menu). Regardless if the flag is manually enabled or enabled by the framework, an additional authorization check will be performed to determine if the user has initiate permission for the maintenance document associated with the lookup data object class. If not, this flag will be disabled

boolean true if maintenance links should be rendered, false if not


public void setRenderMaintenanceLinks(Boolean renderMaintenanceLinks)
See Also:


public boolean isMultipleValuesSelect()
Indicates whether multiple values select should be enabled for the lookup.

When set to true, the select field is enabled for the lookup results group that allows the user to select one or more rows for returning. The framework will also set the isRenderReturnLink() and isRenderMaintenanceLinks() properties to false (unless manually overridden)

true if multiple values select should be enabled, false otherwise


public void setMultipleValuesSelect(boolean multipleValuesSelect)
See Also:


public List<Component> getCriteriaFields()
List of fields that will be rendered for the lookup criteria.

This is a convenience property for setting the items in getCriteriaGroup(), which is the group the criteria for the lookup is rendered in. This property can be bypassed and the items set directly in the criteria group (for more flexibility)

List of components to render as the lookup criteria


public void setCriteriaFields(List<Component> criteriaFields)
See Also:


public Group getCriteriaGroup()
Component Group instance to render as search criteria.

Fields that make up the criteria for the lookup will be rendered in this group. This can be used in a few different ways:

Note the footer for the criteria group can contain actions (such as search, clear, custom actions)

group instance that will hold the search criteria fields


public void setCriteriaGroup(Group criteriaGroup)
See Also:


public boolean isHideCriteriaOnSearch()


public void setHideCriteriaOnSearch(boolean hideCriteriaOnSearch)


public List<Component> getResultFields()
List of fields that will be rendered for the result collection group, each field will be a column (assuming table layout is used).

This is a convenience property for setting the items in getResultsGroup(), which is the collection group the results for the lookup is rendered in. This property can be bypassed and the items set directly in the results group (for more flexibility)

List of components to render in the results group


public void setResultFields(List<Component> resultFields)
See Also:


public CollectionGroup getResultsGroup()
Component CollectionGroup instance to render for the lookup results.

After a search is performed, the resulting data objects will be rendered in this collection group. This collection group can be used in two ways:

Note actions that are presented for the results can be configured using the CollectionGroup.getLineActions() property

collection group instance to render for the lookup results


public void setResultsGroup(CollectionGroup resultsGroup)
See Also:


public List<String> getDefaultSortAttributeNames()
List of property names on the configured data object class that will be used to perform the initial sorting of the search results.

list of property names valid for the configured data object class
See Also:


public void setDefaultSortAttributeNames(List<String> defaultSortAttributeNames)
See Also:


public boolean isDefaultSortAscending()
Indicates whether the initial sort performed using getDefaultSortAttributeNames() is done based on ascending or descending order (default is true, ascending).

boolean true if ascending sort should be performed, false if descending sort should be performed


public void setDefaultSortAscending(boolean defaultSortAscending)
See Also:


public Integer getResultSetLimit()
Retrieves the maximum number of records that will be listed as a result of the lookup search.

Integer result set limit


public void setResultSetLimit(Integer resultSetLimit)
See Also:


public Integer getMultipleValuesSelectResultSetLimit()
Retrieves the maximum number of records that will be listed as a result of the multiple values select lookup search.

multiple values select result set limit


public void setMultipleValuesSelectResultSetLimit(Integer multipleValuesSelectResultSetLimit)
See Also:


public String getMaintenanceUrlMapping()
String that maps to the maintenance controller for the maintenance document (if any) associated with the lookup data object class.

Mapping will be used to build the maintenance action links (such as edit, copy, and new). If not given, the default maintenance mapping will be used

mapping string


public void setMaintenanceUrlMapping(String maintenanceUrlMapping)
See Also:


public boolean isRenderCriteriaActions()
Indicates whether the action buttons like search in the criteria group footer should be rendered, defaults to true.

boolean true if the criteria actions should be rendered, false if not


public void setRenderCriteriaActions(boolean renderCriteriaActions)
See Also:


public boolean isRenderLookupCriteria()
Indicates whether the lookup criteria group should be rendered, default to true.

Hiding the criteria group can be useful in cases where the criteria is passed in through the request and also the search is executed on the initial request

boolean true if criteria group should be rendered, false if not


public void setRenderLookupCriteria(boolean renderLookupCriteria)
See Also:


public FieldGroup getRangeFieldGroupPrototype()
Field group prototype that will be copied to create any date range field groups.

field group instance to use for creating range field groups


public void setRangeFieldGroupPrototype(FieldGroup rangeFieldGroupPrototype)
See Also:


public Message getRangedToMessage()
Component Message instance to render between the range criteria fields within a range field group.

message instance for range field group


public void setRangedToMessage(Message rangedToMessage)
See Also:


public boolean isAutoAddActiveCriteria()
Indicates whether the 'active' criteria field must be added automatically for Inactivatable business objects.

boolean true if active criteria should be added


public void setAutoAddActiveCriteria(boolean autoAddActiveCriteria)
See Also:


public List<String> getAdditionalSecurePropertyNames()
List of secure property names that are in addition to the ComponentSecurity or AttributeSecurity attributes.

list of secure property names


public void setAdditionalSecurePropertyNames(List<String> additionalSecurePropertyNames)
See Also:


public LookupView clone()
                 throws CloneNotSupportedException
Clones the LookupView with a deep copy.

Specified by:
clone in interface Copyable
clone in class View
a clone of the current LookupView
CloneNotSupportedException - If Cloneable is not implemented. This should not be possible when using this interface.
See Also:

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