Class MaintenanceUtils

  extended by org.kuali.rice.kns.util.MaintenanceUtils

Deprecated. Use MaintenanceUtils.

public final class MaintenanceUtils
extends Object

Method Summary
protected static void addRowsToErrorKeySet(List<Row> listOfRows, Set<String> errorKeys)
          Deprecated. This method recurses through all the fields of the list of rows and adds each field's property name to the set if it starts with Constants.MAINTENANCE_NEW_MAINTAINABLE
static void checkForLockingDocument(Maintainable maintainable, boolean throwExceptionIfLocked)
          Deprecated. This method will throw a ValidationException if there is a valid locking document in existence and throwExceptionIfLocked is true.
static MaintainableCollectionDefinition findMaintainableCollectionDefinition(List<MaintainableSectionDefinition> sections, String collectionName)
          Deprecated. Finds the MaintainableCollectionDefinition corresponding to the given collection name.
static String generateErrorKeyForSection(Section section)
          Deprecated. Given a section, returns a comma delimited string of all fields, representing the error keys that exist for a section
static Map<String,String> generateMultipleValueLookupBOTemplate(List<MaintainableSectionDefinition> sections, String collectionName)
          Deprecated. Returns the field templates defined in the maint dictionary xml files.
static Map<String,AttributeSecurity> retrievePropertyPathToAttributeSecurityMappings(String docTypeName)
static void setFieldDirectInquiry(BusinessObject businessObject, String collectionName, boolean addLine, int index, String attributeName, Field field, List<String> displayedFieldNames, Maintainable maintainable, MaintainableFieldDefinition maintainableFieldDefinition)
static void setFieldDirectInquiry(BusinessObject businessObject, String attributeName, MaintainableFieldDefinition maintainableFieldDefinition, Field field, List<String> displayedFieldNames)
static Field setFieldQuickfinder(BusinessObject businessObject, String collectionName, boolean addLine, int index, String attributeName, Field field, List<String> displayedFieldNames, Maintainable maintainable, MaintainableFieldDefinition maintainableFieldDefinition)
static Field setFieldQuickfinder(BusinessObject businessObject, String attributeName, MaintainableFieldDefinition maintainableFieldDefinition, Field field, List<String> displayedFieldNames, SelectiveReferenceRefresher srr)
          Deprecated. Checks to see if there has been an override lookup declared for the maintenance field.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Map<String,String> generateMultipleValueLookupBOTemplate(List<MaintainableSectionDefinition> sections,
                                                                       String collectionName)
Returns the field templates defined in the maint dictionary xml files. Field templates are used in multiple value lookups. When doing a MV lookup on a collection, the returned BOs are not necessarily of the same type as the elements of the collection. Therefore, a means of mapping between the fields for the 2 BOs are necessary. The template attribute of <maintainableField>s contained within <maintainableCollection>s tells us this mapping. Example: a <maintainableField name="collectionAttrib" template="lookupBOAttrib"> definition means that when a list of BOs are returned, the lookupBOAttrib value of the looked up BO will be placed into the collectionAttrib value of the BO added to the collection

sections - the sections of a document
collectionName - the name of a collection. May be a nested collection with indices (e.g. collA[1].collB)


public static MaintainableCollectionDefinition findMaintainableCollectionDefinition(List<MaintainableSectionDefinition> sections,
                                                                                    String collectionName)
Finds the MaintainableCollectionDefinition corresponding to the given collection name. For example, if the collection name is "A.B.C", it will attempt to find the MaintainableCollectionDefinition for C that is nested in B that is nested under A. This may not work correctly if there are duplicate collection definitions within the sections

sections - the sections of a maint doc
collectionName - the name of a collection, relative to the root of the BO being maintained. This value may have index values (e.g. [1]), but these are ignored.


public static final Field setFieldQuickfinder(BusinessObject businessObject,
                                              String attributeName,
                                              MaintainableFieldDefinition maintainableFieldDefinition,
                                              Field field,
                                              List<String> displayedFieldNames,
                                              SelectiveReferenceRefresher srr)
Checks to see if there has been an override lookup declared for the maintenance field. If so, the override will be used for the quickfinder and lookup utils will not be called. If no override was given, LookupUtils.setFieldQuickfinder will be called to set the system generated quickfinder based on the attributes relationship to the parent business object.

Field with quickfinder set if one was found


public static final Field setFieldQuickfinder(BusinessObject businessObject,
                                              String collectionName,
                                              boolean addLine,
                                              int index,
                                              String attributeName,
                                              Field field,
                                              List<String> displayedFieldNames,
                                              Maintainable maintainable,
                                              MaintainableFieldDefinition maintainableFieldDefinition)


public static final void setFieldDirectInquiry(BusinessObject businessObject,
                                               String attributeName,
                                               MaintainableFieldDefinition maintainableFieldDefinition,
                                               Field field,
                                               List<String> displayedFieldNames)


public static final void setFieldDirectInquiry(BusinessObject businessObject,
                                               String collectionName,
                                               boolean addLine,
                                               int index,
                                               String attributeName,
                                               Field field,
                                               List<String> displayedFieldNames,
                                               Maintainable maintainable,
                                               MaintainableFieldDefinition maintainableFieldDefinition)


public static String generateErrorKeyForSection(Section section)
Given a section, returns a comma delimited string of all fields, representing the error keys that exist for a section

section - a section


protected static void addRowsToErrorKeySet(List<Row> listOfRows,
                                           Set<String> errorKeys)
This method recurses through all the fields of the list of rows and adds each field's property name to the set if it starts with Constants.MAINTENANCE_NEW_MAINTAINABLE

listOfRows -
errorKeys -
See Also:


public static void checkForLockingDocument(Maintainable maintainable,
                                           boolean throwExceptionIfLocked)
This method will throw a ValidationException if there is a valid locking document in existence and throwExceptionIfLocked is true.


public static Map<String,AttributeSecurity> retrievePropertyPathToAttributeSecurityMappings(String docTypeName)

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