Class RoleServiceImpl

  extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.role.service.impl.RoleServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RoleServiceImpl
extends Object
implements RoleService

Kuali Rice Team (

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void requeueDocument(DocumentRouteHeaderValue document)
 void reResolveQualifiedRole(DocumentRouteHeaderValue routeHeader, String roleName, String qualifiedRoleNameLabel)
          route level and then filters in the approriate ones.
 void reResolveQualifiedRole(DocumentType documentType, String roleName, String qualifiedRoleNameLabel)
          Re-resolves the given qualified role for all documents for the given document type (including children).
 void reResolveRole(DocumentRouteHeaderValue routeHeader, String roleName)
          Re-resolves the given role on the given document.
 void reResolveRole(DocumentType documentType, String roleName)
          Re-resolves the given qualified role for all documents for the given document type (including children).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RoleServiceImpl()
Method Detail


public void reResolveRole(DocumentType documentType,
                          String roleName)
Description copied from interface: RoleService
Re-resolves the given qualified role for all documents for the given document type (including children). This methods executes asynchronously.

Specified by:
reResolveRole in interface RoleService


public void reResolveQualifiedRole(DocumentType documentType,
                                   String roleName,
                                   String qualifiedRoleNameLabel)
Description copied from interface: RoleService
Re-resolves the given qualified role for all documents for the given document type (including children). This methods executes asynchronously.

Specified by:
reResolveQualifiedRole in interface RoleService


public void reResolveQualifiedRole(DocumentRouteHeaderValue routeHeader,
                                   String roleName,
                                   String qualifiedRoleNameLabel)
route level and then filters in the approriate ones.

Specified by:
reResolveQualifiedRole in interface RoleService


public void reResolveRole(DocumentRouteHeaderValue routeHeader,
                          String roleName)
Description copied from interface: RoleService
Re-resolves the given role on the given document. This method executes synchronously.

Specified by:
reResolveRole in interface RoleService


protected void requeueDocument(DocumentRouteHeaderValue document)

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