
Interface Summary
FilterValue Provides a common interface for Filter annotation (attributeResolverClass element) on a data object field that you want to customize and want to dynamically generate a value.
JpaMetadataProvider Subclass of the MetadataProvider which contains the additional methods needed.

Class Summary
Filter Takes a filter generator and executes the changes on the class descriptor for a field.
IdClassBase A base class for creating ID class implementations for JPA.
JpaMetadataProviderImpl A superclass which handles most of the JPA metadata extraction.
JpaPersistenceProvider Java Persistence API (JPA) implementation of PersistenceProvider.
KradEntityManagerFactoryBean A KRAD-managed EntityManagerFactory factory bean which can be used to configure a JPA persistence unit using the Spring Framework.

Enum Summary
FilterOperators Operators used in the FilterGenerator annotation.

Annotation Types Summary
DisableVersioning Class level annotation that may be used to disable versioning on optimistic locking policies.
FilterGenerator Defines a filter generator that will alter the query for an annotated field.
FilterGenerators Chains multiple filter generators.
PortableSequenceGenerator Defines a primary key generator that may be referenced by name when a generator element is specified for the GeneratedValue annotation.
RemoveMapping Class level annotation that indicates that a mapping inherited from a superclass should be "unmapped" in the child class.
RemoveMappings Class level annotation that allows for multiple RemoveMapping annotations to be defined.

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