Package org.kuali.rice.xml.spring

Class Summary
IngestXmlConfig Sets up a SmartApplicationListener that ingests workflow XML when it receives a ContextRefreshedEvent.
IngestXmlExecConfig Central configuration file for launching the workflow XML ingestion process.
IngestXmlProjectConfig Defines the project identifier for the Rice XML project
IngestXmlPropertyLocationsConfig Defines the property locations for the workflow XML ingestion process.
IngestXmlPSC Holds the property source for all of the different properties needed for the workflow XML ingestion process.
IngestXmlRunOnceConfig Set up an SmartApplicationListener that ingests XML when it receives a ContextRefreshedEvent.
LaunchRiceConfig Central configuration file for launching a local version of Rice for the workflow XML ingestion process.

Enum Summary
RiceXmlProperties Holds the Rice properties for the workflow XML ingestion process.

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