Package org.kuali.rice.krad.exception

Interface Summary
KualiExceptionIncident This class contains the exception incident information, exception, form and session user.

Class Summary
ExceptionIncident Contains the exception incident information, exception, form and session user.

Exception Summary
AuthenticationException Exception thrown on authentication failure
AuthorizationException Represents an exception that is thrown when a given user is not authorized to take the given action on the given target type
ClassNotPersistableException Represents an exception that is thrown when the persistence layer attempts to manipulate a class which has not been marked as persistable
DocumentAuthorizationException Represents an exception that is thrown when a given user is not authorized to take a given action on the given document type
DocumentTypeAuthorizationException Represents an exception that is thrown when a given user is not authorized to take a given action on the given document type
ExportNotSupportedException Exception thrown when an invalid export is attempted.
GroupNotFoundException Represents an exception that is thrown when a given group can not be retrieved from workflow
InactiveDocumentTypeAuthorizationException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a given user is not authorized to take a given action on the given document type.
IntrospectionException Represents an exception that is thrown during some reflection or introspection-related task
InvalidAddressException Thrown by mail service when an invalid email address is encountered
PessimisticLockingException This class used by Kuali's Pessimistic Locking mechanism
ReferenceAttributeNotAnOjbReferenceException Deprecated.
UnknownDocumentIdException Represents an UnknownDocumentIdException

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